English Oral Practice Notes::Restaurant

1. 预定讨论

  • 询问是否有预定:

    • Have you made a reservation?
    • Have you booked a table?
  • 查看菜单:

    • I’d like to see the menu.

2. 点菜流程

  • 询问顾客是否准备好点菜:

    • Are you ready to order now?
    • May I order, please?
  • 询问特色菜品:

    • What’s today’s special?
  • 征询建议:

    • What do you recommend/suggest?

3. 根据口味挑选菜品

  • 表达想吃特定口味的菜:

    • I’d like to have/try something sour/sweet/spicy.
  • 挑选餐厅的条件:

    • I’d like a restaurant with reasonable prices/a cheerful atmosphere/background music.

4. 询问具体菜品选择

  • 询问开胃菜/主菜/甜点:

    • What’s for a starter/main course/dessert?
  • 选择堂食或外带:

    • For here or to go?
  • 请求外带:

    • Take out, please.

5. 结账请求

  • 请求账单:

    • Bring me the check, please.
  • 询问是否应立即支付:

    • Shall I pay/foot the bill now?
  • 指出账单错误:

    • I think there’s a mistake in the bill.
  • 请求重新检查账单:

    • Could you check it again?

6. 处理账单方式

  • 主动请客:

    • It’s my treat today.
    • It’s on me this time.
  • 提出AA制:

    • Let’s go Dutch.
    • Let’s split the check/bill.

7. 对菜品的不满

  • 表达菜品不适口:

    • This dish doesn’t agree with me.
  • 提议吃得清淡一些:

    • Let’s just have a light meal.

对话实例1: 点菜环节

A: Have you had time to look over the menu?
B: Er, yes. I’d like the beef steak, please.
A: How would you like your steak cooked?
B: Well-done, please.
A: Would you like a side salad with that?
B: No, thanks.
A: Very good. I’ll bring you your appetizer immediately.

  • 更多点餐对话选项:
    • May I take your order, sir?
    • How would you like your steak cooked?
    • How would you like it?
    • Would you like it rare, medium, or well-done?
    • Please send up two beers.
    • I’ll bring them right away.

对话实例2: 到达餐厅

A: Good evening! Do you have a reservation?
B: Yes. The reservation is under Lin.
A: Very good, Mr. Lin. Would you prefer smoking or non-smoking seating?
B: Non-smoking, please.
A: If you follow me, I’ll show you to your table.
B: Thank you.
A: You are welcome. The waiter will be with you right away to take your drink order.

  • 关于吸烟的其他表达方式:
    • Smoke really bothers me.
    • There is no smoke without fire.
    • Where there is smoke, there is fire.
    • Her father is a heavy smoker. He always smokes like a chimney.
    • Do not follow in your father’s footsteps.
