CPU 时钟频率,时钟周期,机器周期,指令周期,附:程序耗时测试

时钟频率 1GHz CPU为1000,000,000次每秒。10亿次/秒

时钟周期(振荡周期,Clock Cycle)为(1/10亿)秒,1纳秒.





指令周期(Instruction Cycle):是指计算机从取指到指令执行完毕的时间,1-4个机器周期

对于一个指令周期来说,我们取出一条指令,然后执行它,至少需要两个 CPU 周期。取出指令至少需要一个 CPU 周期,执行至少也需要一个 CPU 周期,复杂的指令则需要更多的 CPU 周期。而一个CPU周期是若干时钟周期之和。

Generally for most processors , it takes twelve clock cycles for one machine cycle to complete . And one instruction cycle might take one or maximum four machine cycles to execute the one instruction



  To execute the SAL instruction:

  add A, B, C

      Fetch instruction (add) from memory address PC.
      Increment PC to address of next instruction.
      Decode the instruction and operands.
      Load the operands B and C from memory.
      Execute the add operation.
      Store the result into memory location A.

  Execution Time

  Suppose each memory access (fetch, load, store) requires 10 clock cycles
  and that the PC update, instruction decode, and execution each require 1 clock cycle.
  The total number of cycles to execute the add instruction is:

  10+1+1+10+10+1+10 = 43 cycles/instruction.


测试机器:Macbook: 2.3 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9
执行Add 10亿次,平均耗时2500ms.

2.3GHz CPU每秒23亿个时钟周期,2.5秒约57亿个时钟周期;
执行10亿次+1和 说明循环中(fetch,load,store)没有每次都执行。

package com.eric.time;

import java.util.Date;

public class TimeCalc {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        double i = 0;
        long start = new Date().getTime();
        while (i < 1000000000) {
            i = i + 1;
        long end = new Date().getTime();
        System.out.println(end - start);

你可能感兴趣的:(CPU 时钟频率,时钟周期,机器周期,指令周期,附:程序耗时测试)