daily life English----点餐


  • How many people are in your party? / A party of two?
  • I’d like to book a table for two. / I’d like to make a reservation for two.
  • I have a table booked under + name. / I have a reservation under + name.
  • Are you ready to order?
  • I need a couple more minutes. / I’ll just take a look at the menu for a little bit.
  • What are today’s specials? / What would you recommend?
  • What’s in the + dish? / Can I get + dish + without … ?
  • Can I get you anything to drink? / Can I get you started with a drink? an appetizer?
  • I’ll have a glass of water. / I’ll have a coke.
  • A diet coke? A regular coke?
  • I’ll start with + dish. (前菜)
  • steak, fried chicken, roast lamb, baked salmon, grilled prawns (主菜)
  • How would you like that done? / How should that be cooked?
  • rare, medium rare, medium, medium well, well done
  • I’d like my steak well done.
  • I’d like the / I’ll have a(the) / Can I have the / I’ll go with the + dish + with sth on the side. / with a side of sth. (配菜)
  • mashed potatoes, broccoli, onion rings, French fries, mushrooms
  • I’d like the steak with mashed potatoes on the side. / I’ll have a burger with side of fries.
  • What dressing do you want with that?
  • What do you have? / What have you got?
  • Could I have it remade?
  • Could I substitute vegetables for the fries?
  • Could I take the rest home? Could I get the rest to go? Could I box up the leftovers?
  • Could we have the bill? Could we get the check?
  • I’ll pay the tip. Let me get the tip.
