Hi, Tim here with another 925 English lesson!
Last time, we had a look at how to start a conversation. In this lesson, we’re going to learn how to keep a conversation going.
After all, there is no point in striking up conversation with someone if you can’t keep it going.
But what does that involve? I mean, it’s more than just asking and answering questions, right? So, what kinds of things can we say or do to make the conversation flow naturally?
Well, one important way that we keep a conversation going is by showing interest in what someone says.
If a person makes a comment about something, like the weather, or work, you need to respond with interest.
So what can we say to show we’re interested? Well, there’re a few ways we can do this. First, you can give an expression of interest, like “really?” or “is that right?” Then you can make a comment or question about it.
You might also just pick out one idea that the person mentioned and make a little question about it.
Let’s practice some examples of showing interest in this way. Listen to each example, then repeat it yourself. Ready? Let’s get started.
Okay, so showing interest is important, but how does it sound in real life?
Let’s listen to a short dialog between two travelers. They’re talking about where they are headed, or traveling to.
Scott: And where you headed?
Joe: Home to Seoul, if we ever get out of here.
Scott: South Korea, hey? Never been, but I’ve heard great things. You like it there?
Joe: Yeah, for sure. You know, it’s a big crazy city with lots happening.
Now, a conversation doesn’t just continue on one topic forever, right? At some point, the speakers changed the subject.
But you can’t just suddenly start talking about something different. That would be strange, because natural conversation flows; it doesn’t jump around.
So exactly how do we change the subject? Well, you need a little transition. Just a little word or expression that means “hey, let’s talk about something different now.” That might be just like a word, like “now” or it might be a phrase, like “by the way”.
Let’s practice changing the subject with a few examples. Remember to repeat what you hear. Ready? Let’s give it a try.
So, as we’ve seen, conversations flow from topic to topic and back and forth between people. But what about ending a conversation? What do you say when you want to draw it to a close?
Well, all you need is some kind of excuse or reason for leaving. Maybe you need to use the restroom or make a phone call.
Let’s practice some examples of ending a conversation. Once again, repeat the examples after you hear them. Ready?
All right! Now that we’ve looked at how to end a conversation, it’s time for us to end this lesson. Besides, learning how to end a conversation, we’ve looked at some ways of keeping it going by showing interest or changing the subject.
We’ll be back soon with another 925English lesson. Until then, so long, and happy learning!
Hi,Tim 于此与大家分享另一节925英语课程!
那么我们如何表明我们感兴趣呢?有几个方法。首先,你可以表示兴趣,比如使用"really?“或"is that right?”,然后就此发表评论或提问。
Scott: 你要去哪里?
Joe: 要是我们能离开这里,我就回首尔去。
Scott: 韩国首尔啊?我没去过,但我听说那儿很不错。你喜欢那儿吗?
Joe: 嗯,当然了。你知道,那是个繁忙的大城市,有很多事情发生。
那么我们该如何改变话题呢?嗯,你需要一个小过渡。就是一个意味着“嘿,现在让我们谈论点不同的东西吧”的小词或表达方式。可能就是像"now"这样的词,或者是像"by the way"这样的短语。
当你提供借口时,你可以用像"I should"或"I need to"这样的词引入。
Amber: …那么,你住在这个城市是吗?
Shelly: 是的,在Delgado。
Amber: 是吗?我有个表亲也住在那个区。很不错。
Shelly: 又好又方便。
Amber: 确实。可爱的地方。嗯Shelly, 很高兴和你聊天,但我得去梳洗一下,找个座位。也许待会儿能碰到你。