


pg_waldump decodes and displays PostgreSQL write-ahead logs for debugging.

  pg_waldump [OPTION]... [STARTSEG [ENDSEG]]

  -b, --bkp-details      output detailed information about backup blocks
  -B, --block=N          with --relation, only show records that modify block N
  -e, --end=RECPTR       stop reading at WAL location RECPTR
  -f, --follow           keep retrying after reaching end of WAL
  -F, --fork=FORK        only show records that modify blocks in fork FORK;
                         valid names are main, fsm, vm, init
  -n, --limit=N          number of records to display
  -p, --path=PATH        directory in which to find WAL segment files or a
                         directory with a ./pg_wal that contains such files
                         (default: current directory, ./pg_wal, $PGDATA/pg_wal)
  -q, --quiet            do not print any output, except for errors
  -r, --rmgr=RMGR        only show records generated by resource manager RMGR;
                         use --rmgr=list to list valid resource manager names
  -R, --relation=T/D/R   only show records that modify blocks in relation T/D/R
  -s, --start=RECPTR     start reading at WAL location RECPTR
  -t, --timeline=TLI     timeline from which to read WAL records
                         (default: 1 or the value used in STARTSEG)
  -V, --version          output version information, then exit
  -w, --fullpage         only show records with a full page write
  -x, --xid=XID          only show records with transaction ID XID
  -z, --stats[=record]   show statistics instead of records
                         (optionally, show per-record statistics)
  --save-fullpage=DIR    save full page images to DIR
  -?, --help             show this help, then exit

Report bugs to .
PostgreSQL home page: 

-b, --bkp-details 输出有关备份块的细节。
-B, --block=N ,带上–relation仅显示修改块N的记录
-e, --end=RECPTR 在指定的日志位置停止读取,而不是一直读取到日志流的末尾。
-f, --follow 在到达可用 WAL 的末尾之后,保持每秒轮询一次是否有新的 WAL 出现。
-F, --fork=FORK 只显示fork fork中修改块的记录;有效名称为main、fsm、vm、init
-n, --limit=N 显示指定数量的记录,然后停止。
-p, --path=PATH 要在哪个目录中寻找日志段文件。默认是在当前目录的pg_xlog 子目录中搜索。
-r, --rmgr=RMGR 只显示由指定资源管理器生成的记录。如果把list作为资源管理器名称 传递给这个选项,则打印出可用资源管理器名称的列表然后退出。
-R, --relation=T/D/R 仅显示修改T/D/R关系中的块的记录
-s, --start=RECPTR 要从哪个日志位置开始读取。默认是从找到的最早的文件的第一个可用日志记录开始。
-t, --timeline=TLI 要从哪个时间线读取日志记录。默认是使用startseg(如果指定) 中的值,否则默认为 1
-V, --version 打印pg_xlogdump版本并且退出。
-w, --fullpage 只显示full page write写入的记录
-x, --xid=XID 只显示用给定事务 ID 标记的记录。
-z, --stats[=record] 显示概括统计信息(记录的数量和尺寸以及全页镜像)而不是显示 每个记录。可以选择针对每个记录生成统计信息,而不是针对每个 资源管理器生成。
–save-fullpage=DIR 将full page image保存到DIR



当每个新记录被写入时,WAL记录被追加到WAL日志中。 插入位置由日志序列号(LSN)描述,该日志序列号是日志中的字节偏移量, 随每个新记录单调递增。而txid表示事物id,一个txid可以对应多个lsn,insert操作会记录一次lsn号,commit操作会记录一次lsn号,即每次操作记录都会生成lsn。

postgres=# select xmin,xmax,ctid,* from text_waldump;
 xmin | xmax | ctid  | id | name |           times
 1016 |    0 | (0,1) |  1 | ysl  | 2023-12-18 10:32:52.054172
 1019 |    0 | (0,4) |  2 | ysl2 | 2023-12-18 10:33:01.112948
(2 rows)

postgres=# select pg_relation_filenode('text_waldump');
(1 row)

postgres@ubuntu-linux-22-04-desktop:~/data-16beta1/pg_wal$ pg_waldump  000000010000000000000004 -x 1019
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     71/    71, tx:       1019, lsn: 0/04FD80D8, prev 0/04FD80A0, desc: HOT_UPDATE old_xmax: 1019, old_off: 2, old_infobits: [], flags: 0x60, new_xmax: 0, new_off: 4, blkref #0: rel 1663/5/57978 blk 0
rmgr: Transaction len (rec/tot):     34/    34, tx:       1019, lsn: 0/04FD8120, prev 0/04FD80D8, desc: COMMIT 2023-12-18 10:33:37.837373 CST
pg_waldump: error: error in WAL record at 0/4FD83D8: invalid record length at 0/4FD8410: expected at least 24, got 0


rmgr : Heap
内部将WAL日志归类到20多种不同的资源管理器,使用pg_waldump --rmgr=list可以查看支持的类型:XLOG, Transaction, Storage, CLOG, Database, Tablespace, MultiXact, RelMap, Standby, Heap2, Heap, Btree, Hash, Gin, Gist, Sequence, SPGist, BRIN, CommitTs, ReplicationOrigin, Generic, LogicalMessage

len (rec/tot): 71/ 71 :
WAL记录的总长度是71字节,其中main data部分是71字节

tx: 1019

lsn: 0/04FD80D8

prev 0/04FD80D8

这条记录的类型:HOT更新 (HOT update) 一个UPDATE,其中新的元组成为仅堆元组,并且不创建新的索引条目。


old_off: 2

old_infobits: []

flags: 0x60

new_xmax: 0

new_off: 4

blkref #0: rel 1663/5/57978 blk 0


命令加 -z

postgres@ubuntu-linux-22-04-desktop:~/data-16beta1/pg_wal$ pg_waldump  000000010000000000000004 -z
WAL statistics between 0/4000028 and 0/4FD8410:
Type                                           N      (%)          Record size      (%)             FPI size      (%)        Combined size      (%)
----                                           -      ---          -----------      ---             --------      ---        -------------      ---
XLOG                                        1953 (  2.86)               100233 (  2.02)              8546456 ( 74.66)              8646689 ( 52.66)
Transaction                                  133 (  0.19)                74913 (  1.51)                    0 (  0.00)                74913 (  0.46)
Storage                                      631 (  0.92)                26502 (  0.53)                    0 (  0.00)                26502 (  0.16)
CLOG                                           0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)
Database                                       3 (  0.00)                  106 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                  106 (  0.00)
Tablespace                                     6 (  0.01)                  208 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                  208 (  0.00)
MultiXact                                      0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)
RelMap                                         2 (  0.00)                 1130 (  0.02)                    0 (  0.00)                 1130 (  0.01)
Standby                                      321 (  0.47)                15638 (  0.31)                    0 (  0.00)                15638 (  0.10)
Heap2                                        730 (  1.07)               131215 (  2.64)               313228 (  2.74)               444443 (  2.71)
Heap                                       61623 ( 90.14)              4413499 ( 88.76)              1102820 (  9.63)              5516319 ( 33.60)
Btree                                       2964 (  4.34)               208841 (  4.20)              1484564 ( 12.97)              1693405 ( 10.31)
Hash                                           0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)
Gin                                            0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)
Gist                                           0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)
Sequence                                       0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)
SPGist                                         0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)
BRIN                                           0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)
CommitTs                                       0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)
ReplicationOrigin                              0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)
Generic                                        0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)
LogicalMessage                                 0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)
                                        --------                      --------                      --------                      --------
Total                                      68366                       4972285 [30.28%]             11447068 [69.72%]             16419353 [100%]
pg_waldump: error: error in WAL record at 0/4FD83D8: invalid record length at 0/4FD8410: expected at least 24, got 0


postgres@ubuntu-linux-22-04-desktop:~/data-16beta1/pg_wal$ pg_waldump  000000010000000000000004 --stats=record
WAL statistics between 0/4000028 and 0/4FD8410:
Type                                           N      (%)          Record size      (%)             FPI size      (%)        Combined size      (%)
----                                           -      ---          -----------      ---             --------      ---        -------------      ---
XLOG/CHECKPOINT_SHUTDOWN                      26 (  0.04)                 2964 (  0.06)                    0 (  0.00)                 2964 (  0.02)
XLOG/CHECKPOINT_ONLINE                        47 (  0.07)                 5358 (  0.11)                    0 (  0.00)                 5358 (  0.03)
XLOG/NEXTOID                                  11 (  0.02)                  330 (  0.01)                    0 (  0.00)                  330 (  0.00)
XLOG/FPI                                    1869 (  2.73)                91581 (  1.84)              8546456 ( 74.66)              8638037 ( 52.61)
Transaction/COMMIT                           103 (  0.15)                73889 (  1.49)                    0 (  0.00)                73889 (  0.45)
Transaction/ABORT                             30 (  0.04)                 1024 (  0.02)                    0 (  0.00)                 1024 (  0.01)
Storage/CREATE                               631 (  0.92)                26502 (  0.53)                    0 (  0.00)                26502 (  0.16)
Database/CREATE_WAL_LOG                        2 (  0.00)                   68 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                   68 (  0.00)
Database/DROP                                  1 (  0.00)                   38 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                   38 (  0.00)
Tablespace/CREATE                              4 (  0.01)                  148 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                  148 (  0.00)
Tablespace/DROP                                2 (  0.00)                   60 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                   60 (  0.00)
RelMap/UPDATE                                  2 (  0.00)                 1130 (  0.02)                    0 (  0.00)                 1130 (  0.01)
Standby/LOCK                                  85 (  0.12)                 3582 (  0.07)                    0 (  0.00)                 3582 (  0.02)
Standby/RUNNING_XACTS                        231 (  0.34)                11606 (  0.23)                    0 (  0.00)                11606 (  0.07)
Standby/INVALIDATIONS                          5 (  0.01)                  450 (  0.01)                    0 (  0.00)                  450 (  0.00)
Heap2/PRUNE                                   84 (  0.12)                 5960 (  0.12)               101844 (  0.89)               107804 (  0.66)
Heap2/VISIBLE                                275 (  0.40)                16250 (  0.33)                40960 (  0.36)                57210 (  0.35)
Heap2/MULTI_INSERT                           355 (  0.52)                86376 (  1.74)               170424 (  1.49)               256800 (  1.56)
Heap2/MULTI_INSERT+INIT                       16 (  0.02)                22629 (  0.46)                    0 (  0.00)                22629 (  0.14)
Heap/INSERT                                60029 ( 87.81)              4280871 ( 86.09)               455304 (  3.98)              4736175 ( 28.85)
Heap/DELETE                                  957 (  1.40)                51993 (  1.05)               322344 (  2.82)               374337 (  2.28)
Heap/UPDATE                                   51 (  0.07)                12277 (  0.25)                95116 (  0.83)               107393 (  0.65)
Heap/HOT_UPDATE                              145 (  0.21)                15107 (  0.30)                67440 (  0.59)                82547 (  0.50)
Heap/LOCK                                     47 (  0.07)                 2573 (  0.05)                56736 (  0.50)                59309 (  0.36)
Heap/INPLACE                                  39 (  0.06)                 5442 (  0.11)               105880 (  0.92)               111322 (  0.68)
Heap/INSERT+INIT                             353 (  0.52)                43734 (  0.88)                    0 (  0.00)                43734 (  0.27)
Heap/UPDATE+INIT                               2 (  0.00)                 1502 (  0.03)                    0 (  0.00)                 1502 (  0.01)
Btree/INSERT_LEAF                           2927 (  4.28)               201356 (  4.05)              1481200 ( 12.94)              1682556 ( 10.25)
Btree/INSERT_UPPER                             6 (  0.01)                  366 (  0.01)                 2212 (  0.02)                 2578 (  0.02)
Btree/SPLIT_R                                  6 (  0.01)                 4648 (  0.09)                    0 (  0.00)                 4648 (  0.03)
Btree/INSERT_POST                              3 (  0.00)                  185 (  0.00)                 1152 (  0.01)                 1337 (  0.01)
Btree/DEDUP                                    1 (  0.00)                  208 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                  208 (  0.00)
Btree/DELETE                                   8 (  0.01)                  908 (  0.02)                    0 (  0.00)                  908 (  0.01)
Btree/NEWROOT                                 13 (  0.02)                 1170 (  0.02)                    0 (  0.00)                 1170 (  0.01)
                                        --------                      --------                      --------                      --------
Total                                      68366                       4972285 [30.28%]             11447068 [69.72%]             16419353 [100%]
pg_waldump: error: error in WAL record at 0/4FD83D8: invalid record length at 0/4FD8410: expected at least 24, got 0


N: 次数及占比
Record size:记录的大小及占比
FPI size: full page image大小及占比
combined size: 记录和FPI的大小总和




postgres@ubuntu-linux-22-04-desktop:~/data-16beta1/pg_wal$ pg_waldump  -s 0/4000028 -e 0/4000185
rmgr: Standby     len (rec/tot):     50/    50, tx:          0, lsn: 0/04000028, prev 0/03000100, desc: RUNNING_XACTS nextXid 887 latestCompletedXid 886 oldestRunningXid 887
rmgr: Standby     len (rec/tot):     50/    50, tx:          0, lsn: 0/04000060, prev 0/04000028, desc: RUNNING_XACTS nextXid 887 latestCompletedXid 886 oldestRunningXid 887
rmgr: XLOG        len (rec/tot):    114/   114, tx:          0, lsn: 0/04000098, prev 0/04000060, desc: CHECKPOINT_ONLINE redo 0/4000060; tli 1; prev tli 1; fpw true; xid 0:887; oid 41399; multi 1; offset 0; oldest xid 722 in DB 24587; oldest multi 1 in DB 5; oldest/newest commit timestamp xid: 0/0; oldest running xid 887; online
rmgr: Standby     len (rec/tot):     50/    50, tx:          0, lsn: 0/04000110, prev 0/04000098, desc: RUNNING_XACTS nextXid 887 latestCompletedXid 886 oldestRunningXid 887


使用 --relation=关键字或者-R,后边跟的格式应该是"tablespace OID/database OID/relation filenode",否则会报错。

postgres=# select oid from pg_tablespace where spcname='pg_default';
(1 row)

postgres=# select oid from pg_database where datname='postgres';
(1 row)

postgres=# select pg_relation_filenode('text_waldump');
(1 row)

postgres@ubuntu-linux-22-04-desktop:~/data-16beta1/pg_wal$ pg_waldump  000000010000000000000004  -R 1663/5/57978
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     71/    71, tx:       1016, lsn: 0/04FD7EB8, prev 0/04FD7E80, desc: INSERT+INIT off: 1, flags: 0x00, blkref #0: rel 1663/5/57978 blk 0
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     79/    79, tx:       1017, lsn: 0/04FD7F60, prev 0/04FD7F28, desc: INSERT off: 2, flags: 0x00, blkref #0: rel 1663/5/57978 blk 0
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     79/    79, tx:       1018, lsn: 0/04FD8028, prev 0/04FD7FD8, desc: INSERT off: 3, flags: 0x00, blkref #0: rel 1663/5/57978 blk 0
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     71/    71, tx:       1019, lsn: 0/04FD80D8, prev 0/04FD80A0, desc: HOT_UPDATE old_xmax: 1019, old_off: 2, old_infobits: [], flags: 0x60, new_xmax: 0, new_off: 4, blkref #0: rel 1663/5/57978 blk 0
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     54/    54, tx:       1020, lsn: 0/04FD8148, prev 0/04FD8120, desc: DELETE xmax: 1020, off: 3, infobits: [KEYS_UPDATED], flags: 0x00, blkref #0: rel 1663/5/57978 blk 0
pg_waldump: error: error in WAL record at 0/4FD83D8: invalid record length at 0/4FD8410: expected at least 24, got 0
