Windows安装MySQL时报错“One or more product requirements have not been satisified”的解决办法

前言:今天给才装好系统的windows 10安装MySQL,突然跳出下图报错,一通研究后轻松解决,特写下该篇博文以帮助更多人。
Windows安装MySQL时报错“One or more product requirements have not been satisified”的解决办法_第1张图片

该报错仅是当前系统依赖有问题,本文系统问题是未安装Microsoft Visual C++插件,有一定基础的兄弟可以自行安装,不用浪费时间翻阅整篇博文哦~

(1)当我们安装到第第三步“Check Requirements.”时跳出该报错
Windows安装MySQL时报错“One or more product requirements have not been satisified”的解决办法_第2张图片
Windows安装MySQL时报错“One or more product requirements have not been satisified”的解决办法_第3张图片
Windows安装MySQL时报错“One or more product requirements have not been satisified”的解决办法_第4张图片
Windows安装MySQL时报错“One or more product requirements have not been satisified”的解决办法_第5张图片
Windows安装MySQL时报错“One or more product requirements have not been satisified”的解决办法_第6张图片
(4)安装Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64完成
Windows安装MySQL时报错“One or more product requirements have not been satisified”的解决办法_第7张图片
Windows安装MySQL时报错“One or more product requirements have not been satisified”的解决办法_第8张图片
