1.CGAL(Computational Geometry Algorithms Library,计算几何算法库)




The goal of the Cgal Open Source Project is to provide easy access to efficient and reliable geometric algorithms in the form of a C++library.

The Computational Geometry Algorithms Library offers data structures and algorithms like triangulations, Voronoi diagrams, Boolean operations on polygons and on polyhedra, arrangements of curves, mesh generation, geometry processing, convex hull algorithms, to name just a few.

All these data structures and algorithms operate on geometric objects like points and segments, and perform geometric tests on them. These objects and predicates are regrouped in Cgal Kernels.

Finally, the Cgal Support Library offers geometric object generators and spatial sorting functions, as well as a matrix search framework and a solver for linear and quadratic programs. It further offers interfaces to third party software such as the Gui libraries Qt, Geomview, and the Boost Graph Library.



  In order to configure, build, and install the Cgal libraries, examples and demos, you need CMake, a cross-platform ``makefile generator''. If CMake is not installed already you can obtain it from http://www.cmake.org/. CMake version 2.6.2 or higher is required. On Windows, CMake version 2.8.6 or higher is required, for a proper support of DLLs generation.

  CMake是一个跨平台的安装(编译)工具,可以用简单的语句来描述所有平台的安装(编译过程)。他能够输出各种各样的makefile或者project文件,能测试编译器所支持的C++特性,类似UNIX下的automake。只是 CMake 的组态档取名为 CmakeLists.txt。Cmake 并不直接建构出最终的软件,而是产生标准的建构档(如 Unix 的 Makefile 或 Windows Visual C++ 的 projects/workspaces),然后再依一般的建构方式使用。这使得熟悉某个集成开发环境(IDE)的开发者可以用标准的方式建构他的软件,这种可以使用各平台的原生建构系统的能力是 CMake 和 SCons 等其他类似系统的区别之处。

   CMake 可以编译源代码、制作程式库、产生适配器(wrapper)、还可以用任意的顺序建构执行档。CMake 支援 in-place 建构(二进档和源代码在同一个目录树中)和 out-of-place 建构(二进档在别的目录里),因此可以很容易从同一个源代码目录树中建构出多个二进档。CMake 也支援静态与动态程式库的建构。

  “CMake”这个名字是“cross platform make”的缩写。虽然名字中含有“make”,但是CMake和Unix上常见的“make”系统是分开的,而且更为高阶。


  The Boost libraries are a set of portable C++ source libraries. Most of Boostlibraries are header-only, but a few of them need to be compiled or installed as binaries.Cgal requires the Boost libraries. In particular the header files and the threading library (Boost.Threadbinaries. Version 1.39 (or higher) are needed.

  On Windows, as auto-linking is used, you also need the binaries of Boost.Serialization and Boost.DateTime, but the dependency is artificial and used only at link-time: the CGAL libraries do not depend on the DLLs of those two libraries.

  In Cgal some demos also depend on Boost.Program_options.

  In case the Boost libraries are not installed on your system already, you can obtain them from http://www.boost.org/. For Windows you can download an installer from http://www.boostpro.com/download/. Since Boost.Thread is required, make sure to either install the precompiled libraries for your compiler or build libboost-thread.

  As on Windows there is no canonical directory for where to find Boost, we recommend that you define the environment variable BOOST_ROOT and set it to where you have installed Boost, e.g., C:\boost\boost_1_41_0.

  Boost库是一个可移植、提供源代码的C++库,作为标准库的后备,是C++标准化进程的发动机之一。 Boost库由C++标准委员会库工作组成员发起,其中有些内容有望成为下一代C++标准库内容。在C++社区中影响甚大,是不折不扣的“准”标准库。Boost由于其对跨平台的强调,对标准C++的强调,与编写平台无关。大部分boost库功能的使用只需包括相应头文件即可,少数(如正则表达式库,文件系统库等)需要链接库。但Boost中也有很多是实验性质的东西,在实际的开发中实用需要谨慎。


  Qt is a cross-platform application and UI framework.Most Cgaldemos use Qt3 or Qt4. Having Qt4 version 4.3.0 or higher is recommended.

In case Qt is not yet installed on your system, you can download it from http://qt.nokia.com/.

