

字段解析 字段名 字段类型
雇员编号 id int
雇员姓名 name varchar(30)
雇员性别 sex enum
雇用时期 hire_date date
雇员职位 post varchar(50)
职位描述 job_description varchar(100)
雇员薪水 salary double(15,2)
办公室 office int
部门编号 dep_id int
CREATE TABLE company.employee5(
id int primary key AUTO_INCREMENT not null,
name varchar(30) not null,
sex enum('male','female') default 'male' not null,
hire_date date not null,
post varchar(50) not null,
job_description varchar(100),
salary double(15,2) not null,
office int,
dep_id int
insert into company.employee5 (name,sex,hire_date,post,job_description,salary,office,dep_id) values 

SELECT   字段名称,字段名称2    from  表名   条件
SELECT   column_name,column_2  from  table  WHERE   ...

SELECT name, salary, dep_id from employee5;

#避免重复DISTINCT	#去重
SELECT post FROM employee5;
SELECT DISTINCT post  FROM employee5;

# 拼接两个字段
select name,post from employee5;
select concat(name,'_is_',post) from company.employee5;

SELECT 437.4384/5;
SELECT name, salary, salary*14 FROM employee5;
SELECT name, salary, salary*14 AS Annual_salary FROM employee5;#查询并改名
SELECT name, salary, salary*14 Annual_salary FROM employee5;

CONCAT() #函数用于连接字符串
SELECT CONCAT(name, ' annual salary: ', salary*14)  AS Annual_salary FROM employee5;

SELECT name from employee5 WHERE salary=5000;
> < >=  <= !=
SELECT name from employee5 WHERE salary>5000 and salary<6000;

SELECT name,salary FROM employee5 WHERE salary BETWEEN 5000 AND 15000;
SELECT name,salary FROM employee5 WHERE salary NOT BETWEEN 5000 AND 15000;

SELECT name,job_description FROM employee5 WHERE job_description IS NULL;
SELECT name,job_description FROM employee5 WHERE job_description IS NOT NULL;
SELECT name,job_description FROM employee5 WHERE job_description='';

4、比较时使用关键字用“is null”和“is not null”。

SELECT name, salary FROM employee5 WHERE salary=4000 OR salary=5000 OR salary=6000 OR salary=9000;
SELECT name, salary FROM employee5 WHERE salary IN (4000,5000,6000,9000) ;
SELECT name, salary FROM employee5 WHERE salary NOT IN (4000,5000,6000,9000) ;

#排序查询 DESC降序 ASC升序(默认)
SELECT name from employee5 order by name;
SELECT name from employee5 order by name desc;
SELECT name from employee5 order by name desc limit 3;
#限制次数limit 分页显示(行号,行数)
SELECT name from employee5 order by name desc limit 1,3;
SELECT name from employee5 order by name desc limit 2,3;

SELECT * FROM employee5 ORDER BY hire_date DESC,salary ASC;
SELECT * from employee5 ORDER BY hire_date DESC;   

SELECT * from employee5 ORDER BY hire_date DESC,salary DESC;

SELECT * from employee5 ORDER BY post,salary DESC;

SELECT * from employee5 limit 0,2;	#两行一页
SELECT * FROM employee5 ORDER BY salary DESC LIMIT 100;	#默认初始位置为0 
SELECT * FROM employee5 ORDER BY salary DESC LIMIT 3,200;	#从第4条开始,共显示5条

SELECT dep_id,GROUP_CONCAT(name) FROM employee5 GROUP BY dep_id;
SELECT dep_id,GROUP_CONCAT(name) as emp_members FROM employee5   GROUP BY dep_id;

%  所有字符
SELECT * from employee5 WHERE salary like '%20%';
SELECT * FROM employee5 WHERE hire_date like "2017%"; -- 模糊查询
SELECT * FROM employee5 WHERE LEFT(hire_date,4)=2017; -- right 
SELECT * FROM employee5 WHERE hire_date >"2016-12-31" and hire_date < "2018-01-01";
SELECT * FROM employee5 WHERE hire_date BETWEEN "2016-12-31" and "2018-01-01";
SELECT * FROM employee5 WHERE hire_date REGEXP "2017" -- 正则表达式

SELECT * FROM employee5 WHERE salary REGEXP '72+'; 722222 7222222222
SELECT * FROM employee5 WHERE name REGEXP '^ali';
SELECT * FROM employee5 WHERE name REGEXP 'yun$';
SELECT * FROM employee5 WHERE name REGEXP 'm{1,8}';#M最多出现9次

count()	#统计数量
max()	#最大值
min()	#最小值
avg()	#平均值
database()	#
user()	#
now()	#
sum()	#总和
password()	#
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM employee5;
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM employee5 WHERE dep_id=101;
SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employee5;
SELECT MIN(salary) FROM employee5;
SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employee5;
SELECT SUM(salary) FROM employee5;
SELECT SUM(salary) FROM employee5 WHERE dep_id=101; 
