
1. 说明

  • 接口注册,使用RequestMappingHandlerMapping来实现
  • mybatis中动态执行sql使用github上的SqlMapper工具类实现

2. 核心代码片段


private RequestMappingHandlerMapping requestMappingHandlerMapping;

public boolean register2Spring(String path) {
        RequestMappingInfo requestMappingInfo = RequestMappingInfo.paths(path)

        Method method = ReflectionUtils.findMethod(getClass(), "handler",
                HttpServletRequest.class, HttpServletResponse.class,
                Map.class, Map.class, Map.class);

        boolean status = true;
        try {
            requestMappingHandlerMapping.registerMapping(requestMappingInfo, this, method);
            LOGGER.info("【接口注册成功】{}", path);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            status = false;
            LOGGER.error("【注册接口异常】动态映射失败", e.getMessage());

        return status;

3. 源码

3.1 核心代码

3.1.1 ApiServiceHandler


  • 注册到数据库中
  • 注册接口到spring容器中
import com.alibaba.fastjson2.JSONObject;
import com.google.common.net.HttpHeaders;
import com.hz.pro.artifact.bean.CommonException;
import com.hz.pro.artifact.bean.Response;
import com.hz.pro.artifact.dynamic.bean.ServiceDto;
import com.hz.pro.artifact.dynamic.mapper.main.ApiServiceMapper;
import com.hz.pro.artifact.utils.SqlMapper;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactory;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier;
import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.util.ReflectionUtils;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.RequestMappingInfo;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerMapping;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * @author pp_lan
 * @date 2024/1/4
public class ApiServiceHandler {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ApiServiceHandler.class);

    private RequestMappingHandlerMapping requestMappingHandlerMapping;

    private SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory;

    private ApiServiceMapper apiServiceMapper;

    public void initialRegister() {
        List apis = findApis();
        for (ServiceDto api : apis) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOGGER.error("[接口注册失败]{}", api.getPath(), e.getMessage());

     * 注册到spring,并添加到数据库中
     * @param path
     * @param sql
     * @return
    public boolean register(String path, String sql) {
        boolean status = this.registerApiOfSql(path, sql);
        if (status) {
            status = register2Spring(path);
        return status;

     * 注册到容器
     * @param path
     * @return
    public boolean register2Spring(String path) {
        RequestMappingInfo requestMappingInfo = RequestMappingInfo.paths(path)

        Method method = ReflectionUtils.findMethod(getClass(), "handler",
                HttpServletRequest.class, HttpServletResponse.class,
                Map.class, Map.class, Map.class);

        boolean status = true;
        try {
            requestMappingHandlerMapping.registerMapping(requestMappingInfo, this, method);
            LOGGER.info("【接口注册成功】{}", path);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            status = false;
            LOGGER.error("【注册接口异常】动态映射失败", e.getMessage());

        return status;

    public Response handler(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
                            @PathVariable(required = false) Map pathVariable,
                            @RequestParam(required = false) Map requestParam,
                            @RequestBody(required = false) Map requestBody) {
        String header = request.getHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE);

        // 参数处理
        JSONObject params;
        if (header != null && header.contains(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)) {
            params = new JSONObject(requestBody);
        } else {
            params = new JSONObject(requestParam);

        // 执行查询
        try (SqlMapper sqlMapper = new SqlMapper(sqlSessionFactory)) {

            String path = request.getRequestURI();
            String sql = apiServiceMapper.findSqlByPath(path);

            List> result = sqlMapper.selectList(sql, params);
            return Response.ok(result);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new CommonException("【公共查询异常】", e);


     * 查询所有在用接口
     * @return
    public List findApis() {
        return apiServiceMapper.findApis();

     * 注册接口
     * @param path
     * @param sql
     * @return
    public boolean registerApiOfSql(String path, String sql) {

        try {
            return apiServiceMapper.insertApiSql(path, sql) > 0;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new CommonException("【注册接口异常】插入sql配置失败", e);


3.1.2 DynamicController


import com.hz.pro.artifact.bean.Response;
import com.hz.pro.artifact.dynamic.bean.ApiReq;
import com.hz.pro.artifact.dynamic.service.ApiServiceHandler;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

 * @author pp_lan
 * @date 2024/1/2
public class DynamicController {

    private ApiServiceHandler apiServiceHandler;

     * 注册接口
     * @param apiReq
     * @return
    public Response register(@RequestBody @Validated ApiReq apiReq) {
        boolean registerStatus = apiServiceHandler.register(apiReq.getPath(), apiReq.getSql());
        return registerStatus ? Response.ok("接口注册成功") : Response.error("接口注册失败");

3.2 依赖类

3.2.1 SqlMapper


import org.apache.ibatis.builder.StaticSqlSource;
import org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.TooManyResultsException;
import org.apache.ibatis.mapping.*;
import org.apache.ibatis.scripting.LanguageDriver;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.Configuration;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactory;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * MyBatis执行sql工具,在写SQL的时候建议使用参数形式的可以是${}或#{}
 * 不建议将参数直接拼到字符串中,当大量这么使用的时候由于缓存MappedStatement而占用更多的内存
 * @author liuzh
 * @since 2015-03-10
public class SqlMapper implements AutoCloseable {
    private final MSUtils msUtils;
    private final SqlSession sqlSession;

     * 构造方法,默认缓存MappedStatement
     * @param sqlSession
    public SqlMapper(SqlSession sqlSession) {
        this.sqlSession = sqlSession;
        this.msUtils = new MSUtils(sqlSession.getConfiguration());

    public SqlMapper(SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory) {
        this.sqlSession = sqlSessionFactory.openSession();
        this.msUtils = new MSUtils(sqlSession.getConfiguration());

     * 获取List中最多只有一个的数据
     * @param list List结果
     * @param   泛型类型
     * @return
    private  T getOne(List list) {
        if (list.size() == 1) {
            return list.get(0);
        } else if (list.size() > 1) {
            throw new TooManyResultsException("Expected one result (or null) to be returned by selectOne(), but found: " + list.size());
        } else {
            return null;

     * 查询返回一个结果,多个结果时抛出异常
     * @param sql 执行的sql
     * @return
    public Map selectOne(String sql) {
        List> list = selectList(sql);
        return getOne(list);

     * 查询返回一个结果,多个结果时抛出异常
     * @param sql   执行的sql
     * @param value 参数
     * @return
    public Map selectOne(String sql, Object value) {
        List> list = selectList(sql, value);
        return getOne(list);

     * 查询返回一个结果,多个结果时抛出异常
     * @param sql        执行的sql
     * @param resultType 返回的结果类型
     * @param         泛型类型
     * @return
    public  T selectOne(String sql, Class resultType) {
        List list = selectList(sql, resultType);
        return getOne(list);

     * 查询返回一个结果,多个结果时抛出异常
     * @param sql        执行的sql
     * @param value      参数
     * @param resultType 返回的结果类型
     * @param         泛型类型
     * @return
    public  T selectOne(String sql, Object value, Class resultType) {
        List list = selectList(sql, value, resultType);
        return getOne(list);

     * 查询返回List>
     * @param sql 执行的sql
     * @return
    public List> selectList(String sql) {
        String msId = msUtils.select(sql);
        return sqlSession.selectList(msId);

     * 查询返回List>
     * @param sql   执行的sql
     * @param value 参数
     * @return
    public List> selectList(String sql, Object value) {
        Class parameterType = value != null ? value.getClass() : null;
        String msId = msUtils.selectDynamic(sql, parameterType);
        return sqlSession.selectList(msId, value);

     * 查询返回指定的结果类型
     * @param sql        执行的sql
     * @param resultType 返回的结果类型
     * @param         泛型类型
     * @return
    public  List selectList(String sql, Class resultType) {
        String msId;
        if (resultType == null) {
            msId = msUtils.select(sql);
        } else {
            msId = msUtils.select(sql, resultType);
        return sqlSession.selectList(msId);

     * 查询返回指定的结果类型
     * @param sql        执行的sql
     * @param value      参数
     * @param resultType 返回的结果类型
     * @param         泛型类型
     * @return
    public  List selectList(String sql, Object value, Class resultType) {
        String msId;
        Class parameterType = value != null ? value.getClass() : null;
        if (resultType == null) {
            msId = msUtils.selectDynamic(sql, parameterType);
        } else {
            msId = msUtils.selectDynamic(sql, parameterType, resultType);
        return sqlSession.selectList(msId, value);

     * 插入数据
     * @param sql 执行的sql
     * @return
    public int insert(String sql) {
        String msId = msUtils.insert(sql);
        return sqlSession.insert(msId);

     * 插入数据
     * @param sql   执行的sql
     * @param value 参数
     * @return
    public int insert(String sql, Object value) {
        Class parameterType = value != null ? value.getClass() : null;
        String msId = msUtils.insertDynamic(sql, parameterType);
        return sqlSession.insert(msId, value);

     * 更新数据
     * @param sql 执行的sql
     * @return
    public int update(String sql) {
        String msId = msUtils.update(sql);
        return sqlSession.update(msId);

     * 更新数据
     * @param sql   执行的sql
     * @param value 参数
     * @return
    public int update(String sql, Object value) {
        Class parameterType = value != null ? value.getClass() : null;
        String msId = msUtils.updateDynamic(sql, parameterType);
        return sqlSession.update(msId, value);

     * 删除数据
     * @param sql 执行的sql
     * @return
    public int delete(String sql) {
        String msId = msUtils.delete(sql);
        return sqlSession.delete(msId);

     * 删除数据
     * @param sql   执行的sql
     * @param value 参数
     * @return
    public int delete(String sql, Object value) {
        Class parameterType = value != null ? value.getClass() : null;
        String msId = msUtils.deleteDynamic(sql, parameterType);
        return sqlSession.delete(msId, value);

    public void close() throws Exception {

    private class MSUtils {
        private Configuration configuration;
        private LanguageDriver languageDriver;

        private MSUtils(Configuration configuration) {
            this.configuration = configuration;
            languageDriver = configuration.getDefaultScriptingLanuageInstance();

         * 创建MSID
         * @param sql 执行的sql
         * @param sql 执行的sqlCommandType
         * @return
        private String newMsId(String sql, SqlCommandType sqlCommandType) {
            StringBuilder msIdBuilder = new StringBuilder(sqlCommandType.toString());
            return msIdBuilder.toString();

         * 是否已经存在该ID
         * @param msId
         * @return
        private boolean hasMappedStatement(String msId) {
            return configuration.hasStatement(msId, false);

         * 创建一个查询的MS
         * @param msId
         * @param sqlSource  执行的sqlSource
         * @param resultType 返回的结果类型
        private void newSelectMappedStatement(String msId, SqlSource sqlSource, final Class resultType) {
            MappedStatement ms = new MappedStatement.Builder(configuration, msId, sqlSource, SqlCommandType.SELECT)
                    .resultMaps(new ArrayList() {
                            add(new ResultMap.Builder(configuration, "defaultResultMap", resultType, new ArrayList(0)).build());

         * 创建一个简单的MS
         * @param msId
         * @param sqlSource      执行的sqlSource
         * @param sqlCommandType 执行的sqlCommandType
        private void newUpdateMappedStatement(String msId, SqlSource sqlSource, SqlCommandType sqlCommandType) {
            MappedStatement ms = new MappedStatement.Builder(configuration, msId, sqlSource, sqlCommandType)
                    .resultMaps(new ArrayList() {
                            add(new ResultMap.Builder(configuration, "defaultResultMap", int.class, new ArrayList(0)).build());

        private String select(String sql) {
            String msId = newMsId(sql, SqlCommandType.SELECT);
            if (hasMappedStatement(msId)) {
                return msId;
            StaticSqlSource sqlSource = new StaticSqlSource(configuration, sql);
            newSelectMappedStatement(msId, sqlSource, Map.class);
            return msId;

        private String selectDynamic(String sql, Class parameterType) {
            String msId = newMsId(sql + parameterType, SqlCommandType.SELECT);
            if (hasMappedStatement(msId)) {
                return msId;
            SqlSource sqlSource = languageDriver.createSqlSource(configuration, sql, parameterType);
            newSelectMappedStatement(msId, sqlSource, Map.class);
            return msId;

        private String select(String sql, Class resultType) {
            String msId = newMsId(resultType + sql, SqlCommandType.SELECT);
            if (hasMappedStatement(msId)) {
                return msId;
            StaticSqlSource sqlSource = new StaticSqlSource(configuration, sql);
            newSelectMappedStatement(msId, sqlSource, resultType);
            return msId;

        private String selectDynamic(String sql, Class parameterType, Class resultType) {
            String msId = newMsId(resultType + sql + parameterType, SqlCommandType.SELECT);
            if (hasMappedStatement(msId)) {
                return msId;
            SqlSource sqlSource = languageDriver.createSqlSource(configuration, sql, parameterType);
            newSelectMappedStatement(msId, sqlSource, resultType);
            return msId;

        private String insert(String sql) {
            String msId = newMsId(sql, SqlCommandType.INSERT);
            if (hasMappedStatement(msId)) {
                return msId;
            StaticSqlSource sqlSource = new StaticSqlSource(configuration, sql);
            newUpdateMappedStatement(msId, sqlSource, SqlCommandType.INSERT);
            return msId;

        private String insertDynamic(String sql, Class parameterType) {
            String msId = newMsId(sql + parameterType, SqlCommandType.INSERT);
            if (hasMappedStatement(msId)) {
                return msId;
            SqlSource sqlSource = languageDriver.createSqlSource(configuration, sql, parameterType);
            newUpdateMappedStatement(msId, sqlSource, SqlCommandType.INSERT);
            return msId;

        private String update(String sql) {
            String msId = newMsId(sql, SqlCommandType.UPDATE);
            if (hasMappedStatement(msId)) {
                return msId;
            StaticSqlSource sqlSource = new StaticSqlSource(configuration, sql);
            newUpdateMappedStatement(msId, sqlSource, SqlCommandType.UPDATE);
            return msId;

        private String updateDynamic(String sql, Class parameterType) {
            String msId = newMsId(sql + parameterType, SqlCommandType.UPDATE);
            if (hasMappedStatement(msId)) {
                return msId;
            SqlSource sqlSource = languageDriver.createSqlSource(configuration, sql, parameterType);
            newUpdateMappedStatement(msId, sqlSource, SqlCommandType.UPDATE);
            return msId;

        private String delete(String sql) {
            String msId = newMsId(sql, SqlCommandType.DELETE);
            if (hasMappedStatement(msId)) {
                return msId;
            StaticSqlSource sqlSource = new StaticSqlSource(configuration, sql);
            newUpdateMappedStatement(msId, sqlSource, SqlCommandType.DELETE);
            return msId;

        private String deleteDynamic(String sql, Class parameterType) {
            String msId = newMsId(sql + parameterType, SqlCommandType.DELETE);
            if (hasMappedStatement(msId)) {
                return msId;
            SqlSource sqlSource = languageDriver.createSqlSource(configuration, sql, parameterType);
            newUpdateMappedStatement(msId, sqlSource, SqlCommandType.DELETE);
            return msId;

3.2.2 ApiServiceMapper

import com.hz.pro.artifact.dynamic.bean.ServiceDto;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;

import java.util.List;

 * @author pp_lan
 * @date 2024/1/5
public interface ApiServiceMapper {

    List findApis();

    String findSqlByPath(@Param("path") String path);

    int insertApiSql(@Param("path") String path, @Param("sqlContent") String sqlContent);

3.2.3 ApiServiceMapper.xml



        INSERT INTO t_api_sql VALUES(#{path}, #{sqlContent}, 1)

4 效果

4.1 注册SpringBoot中动态注册接口_第1张图片

4.2 查询


5. 其他

