






--select * from classes
--select * from student
--select * from scores
--字段名	字段描述	数据类型	主键	外键	非空	唯一	自增
--ID	      编号	    int	        是√	否	     是	      是√	是√
--TeacherID 教师号	   char(8)	    否	    是√	 是√	  否	否
--CourseID  课程号	    char(8)	    否	    是	     是	      否	否
--ClassID	  班级号	char(8)	    否	    是	     是	      否	否
--Semester  开课学期	int    	    否	    否	     是	      否	否
--SchoolYear	学年	int        	否	    否	     否	      否	否

--use student
--create table schedule
--ID int identity primary key,
--TeacherID char(8) not null references Teacher(TeacherID),
--CourseID char(8) not null references Course(CourseID),
--ClassID char(8) not null references Class(ClassID),
--Semester int not null,
--SchoolYear int

--select teachername 姓名,year(getdate())-year(birth) 年龄
--from teacher

--select sname 姓名,ssex 性别 from student

--select * from classes

--select sno from scores
--where grade>60

--select * from student
--where ssex='女'
--and classno='软件06101'

--select * from student
--where sname like '_丽%'

--select sname 姓名,ssex 性别 from student

--select top 5 * from student

--select sno 学号,grade 成绩 from scores
--where course='大学英语'
--order by grade desc,sno asc--成绩降序,学号升序

----//(10)查询course表中的最大学分的课程名。(用order by子句)。
--select top 1 with ties coursename
--from course
--order by credit desc//降序

--select count(classno)
--from classes
--group by dept

--select classno,count(sno)
--from student
--group by classno

--select max(grade) 最高分,min(grade) 最低分,avg(grade) 平均分
--from scores
--where course='体育'

--select studentid
--from grade
--group by studentid
--having count(courseid)>3

--select classno,ssex,count(sno) from student
--group by classno,ssex


--select course 课程名,grade 得分 from scores 

--select sname 姓名,course 课程名 from student join scores on student.sno=scores.sno

--select * from student
--where classno=(select classno from student where sname='程玲')

--(4)查询比6320210615 同学成绩高的信息。
--select s1.grade from scores s1 
--join scores s2 on s1.grade>s2.grade
--and s2.sno='6320210615 '

--select dept,student.classno,sno,sname,ssex from student join classes on student.classno=classes.classno

--select student.sno 学号,sname 姓名 from student join scores on student.sno=scores.sno
--where course='大学英语' and course='体育'

--(7) “大学英语(一)”成绩不及格的学生人数是多少?
--select count(student.sno) from student join scores on student.sno=scores.sno
--where course='大学英语' and grade<60

--select avg(grade) from student 
--join classes on student.classno=classes.classno
--join scores on student.sno=scores.sno
--where dept='计算机系'


--select top 3 with ties 
--student.sno,sname,grade from student join scores on student.sno=scores.sno
--where grade='大学英语'
--order by grade desc--降序


----(1)嵌套查询 “计算机系”的学生信息。
--select * from student
--where classno in(select classno from classes where dept='计算机系')

--select * from student
--where classno in(select classno from classes where dept='计算机系')

--FROM grade
--WHERE CourseID = 'Dp010001'
--AND grade <
--	(SELECT AVG(grade)
--	FROM grade
--	WHERE CourseID='Dp010001')
--select * from student 
--where sno in(select sno from scores where course='大学英语' and
--grade <(select avg(grade) from scores where course='大学英语'

--select * from student where sno in
--(select sno from scores where course='大学英语'
--and grade=(select min(grade) from scores where course='大学英语'))

--FROM student
--WHERE StudentID IN
--	(SELECT StudentID
--	FROM grade
--	WHERE CourseID = 'Dp010001'
--		AND grade =
--			(SELECT MIN(grade)
--			FROM grade
--			WHERE CourseID = 'Dp010001'))

--FROM student
--WHERE ClassID='Cs010901'
--AND Birth < ALL
--	(SELECT Birth
--	FROM student
--	WHERE ClassID='Cs010902')

--SELECT StudentID,StudentName
--FROM student
--	(SELECT *
--	FROM grade 
--	WHERE CourseID='Dp010001'
--	AND student.StudentID=grade.StudentID)

--SELECT StudentID
--FROM 	grade 
--WHERE CourseID='Dp010001' 
--AND StudentID NOT IN
--	(SELECT StudentID
--	FROM grade
--	WHERE CourseID='Dp010002')
--FROM Teacher
--WHERE Sex='男'
--FROM Teacher
--WHERE Profession='教授'

--SELECT StudentID,StudentName,
--		WHEN StudentID LIKE 'St01%' THEN '大一'
--		WHEN StudentID LIKE 'St02%' THEN '大二'
--		ELSE '不清楚'
--	END as 年级
--FROM Student
--WHERE Sex='女'



