

$ dns-sd --help

dns-sd: illegal option -- -
dns-sd -E                          (Enumerate recommended registration domains)
dns-sd -F                          (Enumerate recommended browsing     domains)
dns-sd -R     [...]         (Register a service)
dns-sd -P       [...] (Register Proxy)
dns-sd -B                          (Browse for service instances)
dns-sd -Z                    (Output results in Zone File format)
dns-sd -L           (Resolve (‘lookup’) a service instance)
dns-sd -Q            (Generic query for any record type)
dns-sd -q        (Generic query, using SuppressUnusable)
dns-sd -G v4/v6/v4v6           (Get address information for hostname)
dns-sd -X udp/tcp/udptcp              (NAT Port Mapping)
dns-sd -H                               (Print usage for complete command list)
dns-sd -V            (Get version of currently running daemon / system service)
dns-sd -O [-compress|-stdout](Dump the state of mDNSResponder to file / STDOUT)
dns-sd -Z _airplay._tcp
dns-sd -Z _raop._tcp
