
Vim 的全局配置一般在/etc/vimrc,对所有用户生效。用户个人的配置在~/.vimrc。下面我在使用时常用的一些配置。

" General
set history=1000

filetype on

filetype indent on

filetype plugin on

filetype plugin indent on

set nocompatible

set autoread

set nobackup
set nowb
set noswapfile

set paste

set mouse=a

set noerrorbells
set novisualbell

" show and format
set number

set nowrap

nnoremap :set nonumber!:set foldcolumn=0

set showmatch

"How many tenths of a second to blink when matching brackets
set mat=2

set hlsearch

set ignorecase

set incsearch

set smartcase

" status
set ruler

set showcmd

"Set 7 lines to the cursor - when moving vertically using j/k
set so=7

"set cursorline

" colors and fonts
syntax enable
syntax on

colorscheme desert

set background=dark

set t_Co=256

set ts=4

set expandtab

set shiftwidth=4

set softtabstop=4

set autoindent
