

In a box and whisker plot:

  • The left and right sides of the box are the lower and upper quartiles. The box covers the interquartile interval, where 50% of the data is found.
  • The vertical line that split the box in two is the median. Sometimes, the mean is also indicated by a dot or a cross on the box plot.
  • The whiskers are the two lines outside the box, that go from the minimum to the lower quartile (the start of the box) and then from the upper quartile (the end of the box) to the maximum.
  • The graph is usually presented with an axis that indicates the values (not shown on figure
  • The box and whisker plot can be presented horizontally, like in figure, or vertically.

A variation of the box and whisker plot restricts the length of the whiskers to a maximum of 1.5 times the interquartile range. That is, the whisker reaches the value that is the furthest from the centre while still being inside a distance of 1.5 times the interquartile range from the lower or upper quartile. Data points that are outside this interval are represented as points on the graph and considered potential outliers.


4.5.2 Visualizing the box and whisker plotStatistics: Power from Data! is a web resource that was created in 2001 to assist secondary students and teachers of Mathematics and Information Studies in getting the most from statistics. Over the past 20 years, this product has become one of Statistics Canada most popular references for students, teachers, and many other members of the general population. This product was last updated in 2021.icon-default.png?t=N7T8

matplotlib.pyplot.boxplot — Matplotlib 3.1.2 documentationicon-default.png?t=N7T8
