

英文 中文
I expect it's perfectly normal to be slightly nervous 我想有一点点紧张是很正常的
on your first day, but I'm sure everything will be fine. 在你第一天去上学 但是我确信一切都会顺利的
I don't have much experience with school, 我没有多少上学的经历
but why wouldn't it be fine? Better than fine. 但是应该会不错的是吗? 应该更好
I have no doubt that it will be. 我确信是这样的
None at all. 确信会的
I'm a few years behind, 我落下了几年学习
but that's no reason not to be optimistic. 但是没有理由不乐观的
The only place I can go from here, 唯一从这里我可去的地方
academically speaking, is up. 按学术语言说 是“向上”
If a person puts their best foot forward, things can go well. 如果一个人能够尽自己最大努力迈步前向 那事情就会进展顺利
Slow those feet down, please. 那就请你慢点走
It will be nice to have a lot of new friends, 将会有很多新的朋友 这感觉很棒
although I expect it will be difficult to find a toehold, 虽然我想一开始会比较困难
since they've probably all known each other forever. 而他们早就互相熟悉了
Going to school is my lifelong dream. 去上学是我一直的梦想
What could possibly go wr... 要是出了什么差错

Please let that not be portentous. 保佑我别出那样的差错
For heaven's sake, Anne, I told you to slow down. 天呐 Anne 我告诉过你要慢点的
- I'll fetch the broom. - I'm sorry, Marilla. 我去哪扫把抱歉 Marilla
You'll do just fine today. 你今天会顺利的
You're smart as the dickens. 你和狄更斯一样聪明
I'm not so worried about my brain. 我倒是不担心自己的脑袋瓜子
I believe it to be in fairly good working order. 我相信它工作非常正常
- Hmm. - And with any luck, 嗯 如果幸运的话
I'll catch up with the rest of the class quite quickly. 我会很快赶上落下的进度
That's not really my concern. 这不是我担心的事情
Do you want to know what my big concern is? 你想知道我担心的是什么吗?
My overriding concern? 我最主要的担心是什么吗?
I'm sure you'll tell us soon enough. 我确信你马上会告诉我们的
It's this awful red hair! 是这糟糕的红头发!
This horrible, hideous, horrible red hair. 这可怕 丑陋的红头发
It's the bane of my existence. 这是我的祸根
Anne Shirley-Cuthbert,
I suggest you find a worthier overriding concern. 我建议你找个别的更值得担心的事情
And my freckles. I hate my freckles. 还有我的雀斑 我讨厌自己的雀斑
And I can't help but think 我禁不住地想
that the other children would like me better if I was pretty. 如果我漂亮点别的孩子们也许会更喜欢我
Fiddlesticks. 胡扯
You're a vain one and no mistake. 你是个爱慕虚荣的人,而这也没有错
If a rose wasn't beautiful, 如果玫瑰不漂亮
nobody would want to stop and smell it. 没人会驻足欣赏它
And besides, how can I be vain if I'm ugly? 而且 如果我很丑又怎会爱慕虚荣呢?
Enough of this foolishness. 说够了这些蠢话了
You'll do just fine at school 在学校你会做得很好的
if you'd stop your yammering and fortify yourself. 如果你停止这些抱怨和让你自己强大
Why, hello there. 嗯 你好
I'm ever so pleased to make your acquaintances. 很高兴认识你
Greetings. No. 问候 不
Salutations! 你好!
Oh, your dress is splendid! Puff sleeves are divine! 哦 你的衣服很漂亮 泡泡袖很漂亮
Have you always lived in Avonlea? 你一直住在Avonlea吗?
Oh, I agree. I believe it to be the most beautiful place 哦 我同意 我想那是最漂亮的地方
on earth, and I've travelled a fair deal. 我想这是很客观的说法
It gives one a worldly perspective. 这让人觉得很老套
Oh, this old thing? 哦 你说的是这个吗?
I adore wild flowers, don't you? 我很喜欢野花 你呢?

Sometimes I like to imagine that my room 有时候我喜欢想象自己房间
is a flowery bower. 是个满是花的亭子
Did you know that a bower is a lady's private apartment 你知道亭子是女士的私人空间
in a medieval hall or castle? 在一个中世纪的城堡里吗?
Wouldn't it be wonderful to be a princess? 如果可以作为一位公主 那是否很棒?
Words cannot express how thrilling it is 语言是无法形容那种
to make your acquaintance. 让我认识你们的感觉
Hello, Diana! 你好 Diana
My, what have you done to your hat? 天呐 你的帽子怎么这样子了?
Well, I wanted to make a good first impression 嗯 我想这样一见面就会有个好印象
and it was so plain. 它原来实在太普通了
You're making an impression all right. 你确实开了一个好头
I'm glad you found your way. 很高兴你没有迷路来这地方
I expect we should be able to walk together soon. 我想我们不久就可以一起上学了
We can't? 难道我们不能吗?
I'm sure it won't be long until my parents accept you, 我想不会很久 我父母亲就会接受你的
now that you're a Cuthbert and all. 既然现在你已经是Cuthbert家的人了
Welcome to the first day of school. 欢迎第一天来学校
Come on, I'll show you everything you need to know. 来啊 我带你熟悉一下你该知道的事情
Leave your hat and sweater here. 把帽子和外套放在这里
You can sit with me. Ruby won't mind. 你可以和我坐一起 Ruby不会介意的
I think Jane and Ruby may sit together 我想Jane和Ruby也许可以坐一起
now that Prissy's studying 那是Prissy正在学习
for her Queen's Academy entrance exams 应付“女王学院”入学考试
and needs to sit with the older students. 得和年长的学生坐在一起
Who? 谁?
Go on and set your things down. 去把东西放下
Hello there. I'm Moody. 你好 我叫Moody
- I'm sorry. - Moody Spurgeon. 抱歉 我叫Moody Spurgeon
Oh. I'm Anne. 哦 我叫Anne
I'm Charlie. 我是Charlie
- Charlie Sloane. - Happy to meet you. Charlie Sloane认识你很开心
Don't talk to the boys. They're ridiculous. 别和男孩聊天 他们很愚蠢可笑的
Nice to see you, too, Diana. 我也很高兴认识你 Diana
All except Gilbert Blythe. 但是Gilbert Blythe除外
He's dreamy, but he won't be here today. 他爱幻想 但是今天他没来
This is Jane Andrews and Josie Pye and Ruby Gillis 这是Jane Andrews,Josie Pye以及Ruby Gillis
and Tillie Boulter. 还有Tillie Boulter
Everybody, this is Anne. 各位 这是Anne
- Hello, Anne. - Hello. 你好 Anne你好
Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你
It is a scrumptious pleasure to make your acquaintances. 认识你们非常的快乐
And I shall do my utmost 我会尽最大努力
to prove myself worthy of your friendship. 证明自己是值得你们交往的
Uh, Anne loves to read. 哦 Anne很喜欢阅读
And she knows ever so many big words. 而且她知道很多的美妙词汇
Does she use them all in every sentence? 那她在每句话里都使用这些词汇吗?
I like to read, too. 我也喜欢阅读
No, you don't. 不 你不喜欢的
No, I don't. 是的 我不喜欢
I saw you at the church picnic. 我在教堂野餐时看到了你
I'm sorry, I should've said hello. 抱歉 我没去问候你
There were an awful lot of people there. 那里的人们真可怕
Mother wouldn't let me. 是妈妈不让我去的
Why do they make you wear that old-lady dress? 为何他们让你穿这样的老女人衣服?
It's just nice to have something new. 只要是新的就好了
If you're an orphan, I suppose. 我想是否因为你是孤儿的原因
I wouldn't be caught dead in it. 我穿成这样的话我会死去的
Anne isn't an orphan anymore. She's been adopted. Anne不再是孤儿了 她已经被领养了
I'm still an orphan, Diana. 我还是个孤儿 Diana
I'll always be an orphan. 我一直是孤儿
Goodness, I'd hate to be an orphan. 上帝 我讨厌成为孤儿
I feel real sorry for you, Anne. 我非常抱歉 Anne
You're ridiculous. 你太愚蠢了
Hey, look, it's a talking dog! 嗨 看 一天会说话的狗!
Can you fetch, too? 你也会接球 是吗?
- Billy, leave her be. - [Billy]: Sit. Stay. Billy 别骚扰她 坐下 别动
Roll over. [chuckling] 翻身
Don't mind my brother. He's ridiculous! 别注意我兄弟 他很蠢的!
Never let the boys know when they've upset you. 永远别让男孩们知道你的感受当他们伤你心的时候
Never let them know when you like them, either. 也医院别让他们知道你喜欢他们
School... 学校里
is a lot to contend with. 还有许多要应付的
Have you ever been to a real school, 你上过真正的学校
or did they just send you to special orphan school? 还是他们只是送你去特殊的孤儿学校?
Come on, Anne, let's finish the tour. 来吧 Anne 我们接着去转转
Bring your milk. I'll show you the stream outside. 带上你的牛奶 我会带你去外面的小溪
- Good morning, Miss Cuthbert. - Good morning. 早上好 Cuthbert小姐 早上好
I don't think we've ever been formally introduced, 我想我们还没有正式见过面
but of course I know you from town and church. 但是当然 我从城里和教堂了解到你
It's Mrs. Bell, isn't it? 是Bell夫人 对吗?
Yes. And this is Mrs. Andrews. 是的 这是Andrews夫人
- Nice to know you. - How do you do? 很高兴认识你 你好
How may I help you? 有什么事情吗?
We're here on behalf of the PMSC. 我们是代表PMSC来这里的
The Progressive Mothers' Sewing Circle. 开明妈妈的缝纫圈
You might have heard of us. 你也许听说过我们的
We've been meeting twice a month for over two years. 我们这两年一直有每月两次的会议
Of course. 当然
I'd be happy to make a small donation. 我很乐意捐点小钱的
Oh, no. [laughing] 哦 不
Thank you kindly, but we're not a charity. 谢谢你的热心 但是我们不是搞慈善的
- We're an organization. - An informal organization. 我们是一个组织 一个非正式组织
But an organization nonetheless. 但是还算是个组织
Mothers who gather to discuss the education 妈妈们聚集在一起讨论教育
of our young girls. 关于我们的女儿们的教育
- We also do needlepoint. - And tea is served, of course. 我们也做针绣 当然还有茶点
That sounds stimulating. 听起来很不错
Now that you're mother to a young girl, 现在你也是一位小姑娘的母亲了

