
Sure! Here's an example of how to develop a subscription system using ThinkPHP and Redis.

First, make sure you have ThinkPHP and Redis installed and configured in your project.

  1. Configure Redis connection in config/database.php:
'redis' => [
    'type'     => 'redis',
    'hostname' => '',
    'port'     => 6379,
    'password' => '',
    'database' => 0,

  1. Create a new controller, e.g., SubscriptionController.php:
namespace app\controller;

use think\facade\Redis;

class SubscriptionController
    public function subscribe()
        $redis = Redis::connection('redis');
        // Subscribe to a channel
        $redis->psubscribe(['channel:*'], function ($redis, $pattern, $channel, $message) {
            // Handle the received message
            echo "Received message: $message\n";
    public function publish()
        $redis = Redis::connection('redis');
        // Publish a message to a channel
        $redis->publish('channel:1', 'Hello, world!');

  1. Create a route in route/route.php to access the subscription controller:
use think\facade\Route;

Route::get('subscription/subscribe', 'SubscriptionController@subscribe');
Route::get('subscription/publish', 'SubscriptionController@publish');

Now you can access the subscribe action to start listening for messages and the publish action to send messages to the subscribed channels.

To test it, open two terminal windows and run the following commands:

Terminal 1:

php think run subscription/subscribe

Terminal 2:

php think run subscription/publish

You should see the message "Received message: Hello, world!" in Terminal 1.

That's it! You now have a basic subscription system using ThinkPHP and Redis. You can modify and expand upon this example to suit your specific needs.
