Using Indexed Tables

rootviewcontroller outlet



and it will embed that MVC's view inside its own view


顶部的标题栏,还是视图的一部分,,由 navigationview 控制着


struct and springs   因为当边界被缩小




设计好struct and spring 这样可以有不同的尺







UIImagePickerController media types 


Mobile Core Services framework into your project.

UIVideoEditorController your recorded videos to be edited.


Managing Files

NSUserDefaults class is especial useful for doing quick persistence of light data

it is not nearly s efficient for dealing with large objects, such as video music images

ios file management.

display a table of Hotspots

edit and add to , 

which these objects will be fairly lightweight and thus able to be stord in NSUserDefaults

the file management system for demonstration purposes.

single view application template,following the exact smae process as the previous recipe.

go tyrough and create your Hotspot class 

create another view controller to manage the creating and editing of any Hotspot objects by the user.


Declare the Hotspot property

@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutletHotspot *hotspot;

a classs to be iboutlet

a delegate property to handle the completion of this calss's use 

Defined the protocol HotspotInfoDelegate by adding the following code

above the main interface section to the header file

in your HotspotInfoViewontroller's implementation file ,you will add a method

populate the view with a give Hotspot's information.

this object will then be passed back to your deleate property through the 


modify your application delegate's implementation file to put your view controller

in a UINavigationController.

Adjust your application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions  

Working with NSCalendar and NSDate

time- and date-based calculations

to - do lists to telling the user how much time remians before an alarm will 

go off.

event-based user interface, 


NSDate, NSCalendar,NSDateComponents classes by converting dates

from the popular Gregorian calendar to the Hebrew Calendar



is fundamentally the same as a plain style table ,but with

an index running down the right hand edge,

this index displays letters or numbers, which the user can tap to automatically 

scroll the table to the relevant section ,

without having to scroll manually.

rely on two elements  an array of strings to act as index entries that will 

be displaed down the right hand edge, and data that is organized into sections corres

ponding to the index entries.

Using Sectioned and Grouped Tables

Sections take the organized presentation  of data one stage funther

and introduce the concept of grouping the rows together, as you

learned in chapter 2.These can be presented either b dividing the 

table view by section headers or by splitting the table p into groups.

Spliting the row into distinct groups helps break up the information,

and makes it easy to see the separate groups when scrolling through a long table 

The data for each section or group is stored in an inner array.

which in turn is stored in an outer array that organizes all the sections 

and groups together.


Creating a Simple Indexed Table

consists of a list of names , one for each letter of the alphabet.

The names are sorted into sections, and there's an index list for navigation.

have only one name,so there's no need to sort the data for each section.

You'll look at sorting the rows in the next section of this chapter.
