纲举目张 vs. 舍本逐末
The assertion of a right or demand to a right to property or to a remedy, a cause of action, the grounds in pleadings upon which relief is claimed.
从这个简明定义,可以看出,claim最核心最基本的含义,其实就是assertion of a right,用比较通用的中文说,就是“权利主张/要求、请求权”,香港叫“申索”,claim的其他所有含义都是从这个核心含义引申或衍生出来的。来看个例子:
§1.Adverse Claim. Pledgor covenants and agrees to promptly notify Secured Party of any claim, action or proceeding affecting title to the Collateral, or any part thereof, or the security interest created hereunder and, at Pledgor's expense, defend Secured Party's security interest in the Collateral against the claims of any third party.
这里的adverse claim,含义是a lien, security interest, charge or encumbrance, or other right or claim in, of or on any Person’s assets or properties in favor of any other Person.即“对抗的权利主张/要求”,指任何人提出或宣称拥有的一项与他人的权益相对抗的权利,例如对他人的土地主张所有权或占有权。
● 债权
● 索赔/索偿
● 诉因,诉讼请求→诉讼
● 产权主张
当claim涉及债上请求权时,就是指我们通常所说的“债权”。A right to payment or to an equitable remedy for breach of performance if the breach gives rise to a right to payment.偿付权,或对不履行清偿义务进行的衡平救济(只要该种不履行清偿义务产生了偿付权)• It does not matter whether the right has been reduced to judgment or whether it is liquidated or unliquidated, fixed or contingent, matured or unmatured, disputed or undisputed, or secured or unsecured.该偿付权是否得到法院判决的支持,或该偿付权金额是否确定,是确定债权还是或有债权,是到期债权还是未到期债权,是有争议的债权还是无争议的债权,是有担保债权还是无担保债权,均在所不论。
比如,proof of claim,就是指“债权申报”,即破产程序或遗嘱检验程序中,债权人经宣誓向法院申报其债权数额及相关情况。
来看下面这个来自于一份典型的《债权转让协议》(Assignment of Claim Agreement)中关于债权定义的例子:
§2. "Transferred Rights" means all of Seller's right, title and interest in, to and under:
(i) theClaims, including, without limitation, "claims" as defined in Section 101(5) of the Bankruptcy Code, any and all right to receive principal, interest, fees, damages, penalties and other amounts in respect of the Claims (in each case whether accruing prior to, on or after the date of this Agreement), and, to the extent relating to the Claims, accounts, accounts receivable and other rights and interest of Seller against the Debtors, including, without limitation, all of Seller's right, title and interest in, to and under (A) theProofs of Claim; and (B) all rights to receive any cash (other than Unsecured Pool Cash (as defined in the Plan)), interest, penalties, fees, damages and/or other amounts received in respect of or in connection with the Claims;
liquidated claim和unliquidated claim,这是一对相对的概念,前者指“额定索赔”,即A claim for an amount previously agreed on by the parties or that can be precisely determined by operation of law or by the terms of the parties' agreement.赔偿金额已由当事人提前商定的索赔,或赔偿金额已由法律或当事人签署的协议条款确切认定的索赔。后者指“金额未定的索赔”,即A claim in which the amount owed has not been determined.如:
§3. If the only claim that you are making is for payment of money, a Form 16 (for aliquidated claim, e.g. a debt) or Form 16C (for anunliquidated claim, e.g. damages for breach of contract or personal injuries) for admission of your claim should accompany your Writ.
§5. Each Party hereby indemnifies the other Party and undertakes to hold harmless and defend the other Party against any and all claims, suits, losses, damages, disbursements (including legal and management costs) arising out of any alleged or actual breach or failure to comply with the terms and conditions hereof including but not limited to any infringement of the other Party's intellectual property or other rights occurring as a result of the offending Party's fault, omission or activities in connection with the Project.
claims adjuster是指“索赔理算人”;claims assessor是指“估损人”;claims cooperation clause是指“理赔协作条款”(再保险合同中约定分入公司有权对一定损失金额以上的赔案与分出公司一起理赔并协商处理最后赔款的条款);claim for general average是指“共同海损索赔”。
claim最开始是作“诉因”解的,与cause of action同义,是指a set of facts sufficient to justify a right to sue to obtain money, property, or the enforcement of a right against another party.即足以证明一方有权起诉以获取金钱、财产或针对另一方强制执行某项权利的一系列事实。A cause of action generally encompasses both the legal theory (the legal wrong the plaintiff claims to have suffered) and the remedy (the relief a court is asked to grant). 一项诉因通常同时包含法理(原告诉称所遭受的不法侵害)和救济方法(诉请法院授予的司法救济)。There are a number of specific causes of action, including: 有多种特定诉因,包括:contract-based actions; 基于合同的诉因;statutory causes of action; 法定诉因;torts such as assault, battery, invasion of privacy, fraud, slander, negligence, intentional infliction of emotional distress; 袭击、殴打、侵犯隐私、欺诈、诽谤、过失行为、故意精神伤害等侵权行为;and suits in equity such as unjust enrichment and quantum meruit.以及不当得利与按服务计酬等衡平诉讼。后来,民事起诉状里所列的claim(s)诉因就逐步用来指代“诉讼请求”了。(有时,诉讼请求也称为claim for relief。)例如:
原告在起草起诉状时,首先要确立诉讼请求,即establish a claim,被告既可以承认原告提出的诉讼请求,即admit a claim,也可以反对原告提出的诉讼请求,即dispute/rebut a claim, 胜诉方在其获胜诉判决支持的诉讼请求没有得到执行时,可以申请由法院强制执行,即enforce a claim。
如上所述,由于一项诉因通常同时包括法理(legal theory)和救济方法(remedy),所以,后来也习惯于以诉因来指代与该诉因对应的某一类“诉讼(诉权)”了。如:
original/principal claim是指“本诉”,一般是和counterclaim(“反诉”)对称的,反诉是在已经开始的诉讼中的被告通过法院向本案原告提出的一项独立的请求,以代替就该请求对原告另外提起一项单独的诉讼。personal civil claim,是指“对人民事诉讼”,如以人身伤害赔偿为诉因的民事诉讼。class claim,与class action同义,指“集体诉讼”。
claim for restitution,是指“恢复原状之诉”。claim for contribution,是指“分担款项之诉”。
在专利法(Patents)领域,claim即指patent claim,称为“(专利)权利要求”或“专利授予请求”。In a patent or patent application, the claims define, in technical terms, the extent, i.e. the scope, of the protection conferred by a patent, or the protection sought in a patent application. 在专利或专利申请中,权利要求以技术性术语界定专利所提供的保护范围或专利申请寻求的保护范围。In other words, the purpose of the claims is to define which subject-matter is protected by the patent (or sought to be protected by the patent application). 换言之,权利要求旨在界定何种标的应受专利保护(或由专利申请为其寻求保护)。This is termed as the "notice function" of a patent claim—to warn others of what they must not do if they are to avoid infringement liability. 这称为专利权利要求的“公示功能”——旨在警示他人,若其希望规避侵权责任,则不得从事何种行为。In most modern patent laws, patent applications must have at least one claim, which are critical defining elements of the patent and the primary subject of examination. 在大多数专利法律中,专利申请至少须包含一项权利要求,该项权利要求为该专利的经严格定义的诸项要素以及主要的审查标的。
当claim涉及财产产权时,指“产权主张”(a demand of ownership made for something),尤指(定居者、林木采伐者、探矿者等以立桩或法律要求的其他标记方式对一块公共土地等)提出的“土地产权主张”(a demand of ownership for previously unowned land)。
claim and delivery,是指“动产回复之诉”或“索还动产之诉”;claim property bond为“索还动产保证金”。
claim check,是指“寄托财物的收据/凭证”(在原物主从寄托财物处取回财物时,需要用此凭证claim“主张”其对寄托财物的“产权”)。
当claim指对土地产权的主张时,也称为land claim,即“土地产权主张”。其中,mining claim是指“采矿请求权”。staking a claim是指”矿地立界确权(程序)”;claim jumping称为“非法矿地确权”,而claim jumper称为“非法标定矿地者”,这几个术语,如果你不了解land claim和mining claim,可以说保准一头雾水。
claim of ownership/title,这个术语可千万不要简单地望文生义,它实际上是指(在他人的时效占有(adverse possession,又称“逆权管有”)中,原所有人对被逆占有土地的)所有权的请求权,脱离具体法律制度对这个术语的理解就是不准确的。
§6. Where a writ is indorsed with aclaim for an accountor a claim which necessarily involves taking an account, the plaintiff may, at any time after the defendant has acknowledged service of the writ or after the time limited for acknowledging service, apply for an order under this rule.【Cap 4A《高等法院規則》第43條第1(1)條規則】
大家能从这个“申索”中领会到claim具体的含义吗?似乎很难对吧!其实,这句话里的“申索”相当于“诉讼请求”,是传讯令状(writ of summons)附注的一部分。
1、priority claim在破产法里是何含义?根据《美国破产法典》,priority claim具体包括哪些claim?
2、claim preclusion指的是一项怎样的司法原则?其中的claim用的是哪一项具体含义?
3、试译:This protection may be particularly relevant where the value of the secured claim is greater than the value of the secured asset or even where the value of the secured asset exceeds the value of the secured claim, but the value of the secured asset is diminishing and ultimately may be insufficient to satisfy the secured claim.