



sqluldr2是oracle数据导出工具,它可以将数据以csv、txt等格式导出,适用于大批量数据的导出,导出速度非常快。导出后可以使用oracle loader工具将数据导入。





SQL*UnLoader: Fast Oracle Text Unloader (GZIP, Parallel), Release 4.0.1
(@) Copyright Lou Fangxin (AnySQL.net) 2004 - 2010, all rights reserved.

License: Free for non-commercial useage, else 100 USD per server.

Usage: SQLULDR2 keyword=value [,keyword=value,...]

Valid Keywords:
   user    = username/password@tnsname #用户名/密码@数据库IP/实例名
   sql     = SQL file name  #查询数据的sql文件路径
   query   = select statement #查询语句
   field   = separator string between fields #查询结果的字段分割符默认是空格
   record  = separator string between records #两行记录之间的分割符默认换行
   rows    = print progress for every given rows (default, 1000000) #每隔多少行打一条日志
   file    = output file name(default: uldrdata.txt) #导出数据文件的路径
   log     = log file name, prefix with + to append mode #日志文件路径
   fast    = auto tuning the session level parameters(YES)
   text    = output type (MYSQL, CSV, MYSQLINS, ORACLEINS, FORM, SEARCH). 
   charset = character set name of the target database. #目标数据库的编码UTF8
   ncharset= national character set name of the target database.
   parfile = read command option from parameter file

  for field and record, you can use '0x' to specify hex character code,   #分隔符的编码
  \r=0x0d \n=0x0a |=0x7c ,=0x2c, \t=0x09, :=0x3a, #=0x23, "=0x22 '=0x27


  1. 根据查询语句导出
sqluldr2_linux64_10204.bin user="username/pwd" 
query="select * from table" field="0x09" 
record=0x0a file="/opt/data/table.txt" charset=UTF8  
  1. 查询语句过长可以将语句写入sql文件中
  • sql=使用queryMerPSql.sql里面的sql语句来执行查询操作
  • field=结果字段使用逗号分割,
  • record=0x0a 行间使用\n分割
  • file= 导出文件名为6.csv
  • head=yes 带表头
  • rows=10000 每隔10000行输出日志
  • log=+ 输出日志位置
C:\Users\pengyunlong>sqluldr2.exe user="username/[email protected].**.**/hdb" 
sql="C:\Users\pengyunlong\Desktop\导出数据\queryMerPSql.sql" field="0x2c" record=0x0a 
file="C:\Users\pengyunlong\Desktop\导出数据\queryMerPSql\6.csv"  head=yes  rows=10000 
  • 查看日志导出日志
           0 rows exported at 2018-06-19 16:37:49, size 0 MB.
       10000 rows exported at 2018-06-19 16:37:49, size 0 MB.
       20000 rows exported at 2018-06-19 16:37:49, size 0 MB.
       30000 rows exported at 2018-06-19 16:37:50, size 0 MB.
       40000 rows exported at 2018-06-19 16:37:50, size 0 MB.
       50000 rows exported at 2018-06-19 16:37:50, size 0 MB.
       60000 rows exported at 2018-06-19 16:37:50, size 0 MB.
       70000 rows exported at 2018-06-19 16:37:51, size 0 MB.
       80000 rows exported at 2018-06-19 16:37:51, size 0 MB.
       90000 rows exported at 2018-06-19 16:37:51, size 0 MB.
      100000 rows exported at 2018-06-19 16:37:51, size 0 MB.
      110000 rows exported at 2018-06-19 16:37:51, size 0 MB.
      120000 rows exported at 2018-06-19 16:37:52, size 4 MB.
      130000 rows exported at 2018-06-19 16:37:52, size 4 MB.
      140000 rows exported at 2018-06-19 16:37:52, size 4 MB.
      150000 rows exported at 2018-06-19 16:37:52, size 4 MB.
      160000 rows exported at 2018-06-19 16:37:53, size 4 MB.
      170000 rows exported at 2018-06-19 16:37:53, size 4 MB.
      180000 rows exported at 2018-06-19 16:37:53, size 4 MB.
      190000 rows exported at 2018-06-19 16:37:53, size 4 MB.
      200000 rows exported at 2018-06-19 16:37:53, size 4 MB.
      210000 rows exported at 2018-06-19 16:37:54, size 4 MB.
      220000 rows exported at 2018-06-19 16:37:54, size 4 MB.
      226482 rows exported at 2018-06-19 16:37:54, size 8 MB.
output file C:\Users\pengyunlong\Desktop\导出数据\queryMerPSql\6.csv 
closed at 42295 rows, size 5 MB.
