

import java.util._

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs._
import org.apache.zookeeper.common.IOUtils

  *  通过scala操作HDFS
* * @author Sunny
* @taskId:
* @version 1.0
* @createDate 2018/06/11 9:29
* @see com.spark.sunny.hdfs
*/ object HDFSUtil { val hdfsUrl = "hdfs://iotsparkmaster:9000" var realUrl = "" /** * make a new dir in the hdfs * * @param dir the dir may like '/tmp/testdir' * @return boolean true-success, false-failed */ def mkdir(dir : String) : Boolean = { var result = false if (StringUtils.isNoneBlank(dir)) { realUrl = hdfsUrl + dir val config = new Configuration() val fs = FileSystem.get(URI.create(realUrl), config) if (!fs.exists(new Path(realUrl))) { fs.mkdirs(new Path(realUrl)) } fs.close() result = true } result } /** * delete a dir in the hdfs. * if dir not exists, it will throw FileNotFoundException * * @param dir the dir may like '/tmp/testdir' * @return boolean true-success, false-failed * */ def deleteDir(dir : String) : Boolean = { var result = false if (StringUtils.isNoneBlank(dir)) { realUrl = hdfsUrl + dir val config = new Configuration() val fs = FileSystem.get(URI.create(realUrl), config) fs.delete(new Path(realUrl), true) fs.close() result = true } result } /** * list files/directories/links names under a directory, not include embed * objects * * @param dir a folder path may like '/tmp/testdir' * @return List list of file names */ def listAll(dir : String) : List[String] = { val names : List[String] = new ArrayList[String]() if (StringUtils.isNoneBlank(dir)) { realUrl = hdfsUrl + dir val config = new Configuration() val fs = FileSystem.get(URI.create(realUrl), config) val stats = fs.listStatus(new Path(realUrl)) for (i <- 0 to stats.length - 1) { if (stats(i).isFile) { names.add(stats(i).getPath.toString) } else if (stats(i).isDirectory) { names.add(stats(i).getPath.toString) } else if (stats(i).isSymlink) { names.add(stats(i).getPath.toString) } } } names } /** * upload the local file to the hds, * notice that the path is full like /tmp/test.txt * if local file not exists, it will throw a FileNotFoundException * * @param localFile local file path, may like F:/test.txt or /usr/local/test.txt * * @param hdfsFile hdfs file path, may like /tmp/dir * @return boolean true-success, false-failed * **/ def uploadLocalFile2HDFS(localFile : String, hdfsFile : String) : Boolean = { var result = false if (StringUtils.isNoneBlank(localFile) && StringUtils.isNoneBlank(hdfsFile)) { realUrl = hdfsUrl + hdfsFile val config = new Configuration() val hdfs = FileSystem.get(URI.create(hdfsUrl), config) val src = new Path(localFile) val dst = new Path(realUrl) hdfs.copyFromLocalFile(src, dst) hdfs.close() result = true } result } /** * create a new file in the hdfs. notice that the toCreateFilePath is the full path * and write the content to the hdfs file. * create a new file in the hdfs. * if dir not exists, it will create one * * @param newFile new file path, a full path name, may like '/tmp/test.txt' * @param content file content * @return boolean true-success, false-failed **/ def createNewHDFSFile(newFile : String, content : String) : Boolean = { var result = false if (StringUtils.isNoneBlank(newFile) && null != content) { realUrl = hdfsUrl + newFile val config = new Configuration() val hdfs = FileSystem.get(URI.create(realUrl), config) val os = hdfs.create(new Path(realUrl)) os.write(content.getBytes("UTF-8")) os.close() hdfs.close() result = true } result } /** * delete the hdfs file * * @param hdfsFile a full path name, may like '/tmp/test.txt' * @return boolean true-success, false-failed */ def deleteHDFSFile(hdfsFile : String) : Boolean = { var result = false if (StringUtils.isNoneBlank(hdfsFile)) { realUrl = hdfsUrl + hdfsFile val config = new Configuration() val hdfs = FileSystem.get(URI.create(realUrl), config) val path = new Path(realUrl) val isDeleted = hdfs.delete(path, true) hdfs.close() result = isDeleted } result } /** * read the hdfs file content * * @param hdfsFile a full path name, may like '/tmp/test.txt' * @return byte[] file content */ def readHDFSFile(hdfsFile : String) : Array[Byte] = { var result = new Array[Byte](0) if (StringUtils.isNoneBlank(hdfsFile)) { realUrl = hdfsUrl + hdfsFile val config = new Configuration() val hdfs = FileSystem.get(URI.create(realUrl), config) val path = new Path(realUrl) if (hdfs.exists(path)) { val inputStream = val stat = hdfs.getFileStatus(path) val length = stat.getLen.toInt val buffer = new Array[Byte](length) inputStream.readFully(buffer) inputStream.close() hdfs.close() result = buffer } } result } /** * append something to file dst * * @param hdfsFile a full path name, may like '/tmp/test.txt' * @param content string * @return boolean true-success, false-failed */ def append(hdfsFile : String, content : String) : Boolean = { var result = false if (StringUtils.isNoneBlank(hdfsFile) && null != content) { realUrl = hdfsUrl + hdfsFile val config = new Configuration() config.set("dfs.client.block.write.replace-datanode-on-failure.policy", "NEVER") config.set("dfs.client.block.write.replace-datanode-on-failure.enable", "true") val hdfs = FileSystem.get(URI.create(realUrl), config) val path = new Path(realUrl) if (hdfs.exists(path)) { val inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes()) val outputStream = hdfs.append(path) IOUtils.copyBytes(inputStream, outputStream, 4096, true) outputStream.close() inputStream.close() hdfs.close() result = true } } else { HDFSUtil.createNewHDFSFile(hdfsFile, content); result = true } result } }


* * @author Sunny
* @taskId:
* @version 1.0
* @createDate 2018/06/11 13:16
* @see com.spark.sunny.hdfs
*/ object TestHDFSUtil { val dir = "/iotcmp/cdr" val parentDir = "/iotcmp" val hdfsUrl = "hdfs://iotsparkmaster:9000" def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { //testDeletedirNormal //testUploadLocalFile2HDFS //testCreateNewHDFSFileNormal testDeleteHDFSFile //testReadHDFSFile //testAppend } @Test def testMkdirNull(): Unit = { try{ assertEquals(false, HDFSUtil.mkdir(null)); assertEquals(false, HDFSUtil.mkdir(" ")); assertEquals(false, HDFSUtil.mkdir("")); } catch { case ex : Exception => assertEquals(true, false); } } def testMkdirNormal(): Unit = { HDFSUtil.deleteDir(dir) var result : Boolean = HDFSUtil.mkdir(dir) val listFile: List[String] = HDFSUtil.listAll(parentDir) var existFile = false for (i <- 0 to listFile.size() - 1) { val elem = listFile.get(i) if(elem.equals(hdfsUrl + dir)) { existFile = true } } println(existFile) } @Test def testDeletedirNull(): Unit = { try{ assertEquals(false, HDFSUtil.deleteDir(null)); assertEquals(false, HDFSUtil.deleteDir(" ")); assertEquals(false, HDFSUtil.deleteDir("")); } catch { case ex : Exception => assertEquals(true, false); } } def testDeletedirNormal(): Unit = { HDFSUtil.deleteDir(dir) val listFile: List[String] = HDFSUtil.listAll(parentDir) var existFile = false for (i <- 0 to listFile.size() - 1) { val elem = listFile.get(i) if(elem.equals(hdfsUrl + dir)) { existFile = true } } println(existFile) } def testUploadLocalFile2HDFS(): Unit = { val localFile = "C:\\Users\\yaj\\Desktop\\CDR\\USAGE_CDR_53_888_0.cdr" val remoteFile = dir + "/USAGE_CDR_53_888_0.cdr" HDFSUtil.mkdir(dir) HDFSUtil.deleteHDFSFile(remoteFile) HDFSUtil.uploadLocalFile2HDFS(localFile, remoteFile) } def testCreateNewHDFSFileNormal(): Unit = { val newFile = dir + "/iot.txt" val content = "iot file1" HDFSUtil.deleteHDFSFile(newFile) HDFSUtil.createNewHDFSFile(newFile, content) val result = new String(HDFSUtil.readHDFSFile(newFile)) println(result) } def testDeleteHDFSFile(): Unit = { this.testCreateNewHDFSFileNormal() val remoteFile = dir + "/iot.txt" val isDeleted : Boolean = HDFSUtil.deleteHDFSFile(remoteFile) println(isDeleted) } def testReadHDFSFile(): Unit = { //this.testUploadLocalFile2HDFS() val remoteFile = dir + "/USAGE_CDR_53_888_0.cdr" val result = new String(HDFSUtil.readHDFSFile(remoteFile)) println("USAGE_CDR_53_888_0.cdr: " + result) } def testAppend(): Unit = { val newFile = dir + "/iot.txt" val content1 = "hello iot append1 \r\n" val content2 = "hello iot append2 \r\n" HDFSUtil.deleteHDFSFile(newFile) HDFSUtil.createNewHDFSFile(newFile, content1) HDFSUtil.append(newFile, content2) val result = new String(HDFSUtil.readHDFSFile(newFile)) println(result) } }
