项目github地址 https://github.com/websmallrabbit/github-top100/tree/master
语言 | star | 项目名称 | 描述 | |||
PHP | 213 | mochat-cloud/mochat | 基于企业微信的开源应用开发框架&引擎,也是一套通用的企业私域流量管理系统! | |||
JavaScript | 65 | bradtraversy/react-crash-2021 | Task tracking application from the React crash course | |||
Python | 25 | YanStar/FixVmpDump | use python script to fix vmp dump api in ida | |||
Emacs Lisp | 22 | Boruch-Baum/emacs-crossword | Play/Download crossword puzzles in Emacs | |||
Go | 21 | chris124567/zoomer | Chat bots (& more) for Zoom by figuring out their websocket protocol | |||
Vue | 20 | jbrooksuk/artisan.page | A bookmarkable, searchable cheatsheet for all of Laravel's default Artisan commands. | |||
Python | 19 | lucidrains/big-sleep | A simple command line tool for text to image generation, using OpenAI's CLIP and a BigGAN | |||
17 | panacloud/bootcamp-2021 | Panacloud Bootcamp 2021 will fuse AI, IoT, and AWS Serverless Cloud Technologies. The Bootcamp will use Python and Rust as its development languages, TensorFlow as ML framework, AWS as its Serverless Cloud platform, AWS CDK for Infrastructure as Code. | ||||
JavaScript | 16 | katungi/terminex | A simple cross-platform terminal made using HTML/CSS/JS and Electron | |||
Swift | 15 | jordansinger/swiftui-ios-finder-sample | ||||
Dart | 14 | iNeedHelpX/foodorderapp | customer app | 14 | Airboi/bypass-av-note | 免杀技术大杂烩---乱拳打死老师傅 |
Python | 13 | yihong0618/duolingo_remember | Automatically send new words from duolingo to telegram | |||
PHP | 12 | jmarchewka/apcupsd-pfsense-widget | A pfsense widget for the apcupsd daemon | |||
C | 12 | pixelomer/BadApple | pongoOS module for playing monochrome videos | |||
Less | 12 | JUHEAPI/sftr | 2021年春运出行防疫政策查询 | |||
HTML | 12 | WAELKASSEM/DragDropBlazor | A feature rich Drag and Drop List , that supports nesting, dropping from multiple sources and much more. | |||
C# | 11 | Kengxxiao/Chika | ||||
Python | 10 | viktor-gorinskiy/avito | ||||
Dart | 10 | iamuzi/WorkoutApp | A Flutter Workout app UI design | |||
Lua | 10 | nvim-telescope/telescope-media-files.nvim | Telescope extension to preview media files using Ueberzug. | |||
JavaScript | 9 | itaditya/tw-universal-tokens | Use Tailwind tokens as CSS variables, SASS map, SASS variables, ES module, JSON & Common JS module. | |||
Python | 9 | google-research/ott | ||||
Python | 9 | tencent-ailab/grover | This is a Pytorch implementation of the paper: Self-Supervised Graph Transformer on Large-Scale Molecular Data | |||
Go | 9 | SeanTolstoyevski/paket | Packaging and encrypting/decrypting your files for Golang | |||
Python | 9 | HeyImJ0hn/RudeBot | Rude Twitter Bot | |||
Python | 9 | dclemon/jdtry | ||||
JavaScript | 8 | gadenbuie/sprinkles | Utility CSS and JavaScript for R Markdown | |||
8 | h4ckdepy/xianzhi_articles | 先知文章爬虫-2020及之前 | ||||
Rust | 8 | umgefahren/image-comp-lib-rust | Image Compression Algorithm | |||
Lua | 8 | rafcamlet/simple-wiki.nvim | Simple note system via linking markdown files in wiki style | |||
8 | CoderOpen/waimai | 外卖优惠券小程序—吃喝优惠券前后端完整代码开源,真正的6个点消费额推广美团优惠券和饿了么优惠券,支持H5,可视化后台支持任意添加带有活动页面的CPS项目,花小猪,各种社区团购等 | ||||
8 | markdrrr/interview_questions_python_junior | Вопросы из собеседования на python junior | ||||
Go | 8 | dubbogo/timer | linux timer wheel | |||
Swift | 7 | SlaunchaMan/RomanNumeralFormatter | A Formatter that formats numbers as Roman numerals. | |||
HTML | 7 | barnabywalters/Schraeg | An 8HP eurorack multimode filter module based on the Bastl Cinnamon | |||
7 | r0eXpeR/VulnerabilityIntelligence | 一些漏洞情报的网站. | ||||
HTML | 7 | innoq/hotwire-demo | Showcasing the integration of the different hotwire.dev parts into a typical Spring Boot Webapp | |||
Elixir | 7 | seancribbs/datalog-elixir | Naively-evaluated Datalog, implemented in Elixir | |||
C# | 7 | JimmyCushnie/FancyTextRendering | Render markdown & clickable links with TextMeshPro in Unity. | |||
TypeScript | 7 | Bert0324/react-routers | React Router Component | |||
JavaScript | 6 | tchayen/baked-room | ||||
C++ | 6 | wicast/CreviceEngine | ||||
Shell | 6 | grahamc/pass-vault | pass, but backed by vault | |||
6 | EliteDaMyth/Tinier-JS | A collection of tricks to help you code golfing with JavaScript / Helping you make your code shorter. | ||||
JavaScript | 6 | langmansh/AKStreamWebUI | 基于AKStream流媒体管理控制接口的前端界面 | |||
Kotlin | 6 | limbowangqi/DragDemo | 图片随意拖拽的自定义控件 | |||
Java | 6 | rpeleias/dio-serverless-barbershop | API Serverless Barbershop - DIO Live Coding Project | |||
Swift | 6 | philipcdavis/swiftui-vibrancy-example | ||||
6 | lijigang/config-orgmode-within-doom | for doom user / non-programmer / orgmode user | ||||
Go | 5 | observatorium/thanos-rule-syncer | A small binary that can be run as sidecar to synchronize Prometheus rules from multi tenant APIs to the Thanos Ruler | |||
Assembly | 5 | eholk/PrimitiveComputing | ||||
JavaScript | 5 | soydalto/Twitch-juego | ||||
5 | durgeshsamariya/data-science-roadmap | Roadmap to learn Data Science and related areas. | ||||
JavaScript | 5 | andrecronje/crv.finance | ||||
JavaScript | 5 | Simran-Chaudhary/leetcode_solutions | ||||
5 | jakearchibald/easing-worklet | |||||
Go | 5 | flowchartsman/swaggerui | Embedded, self-hosted swagger-ui for go servers | |||
5 | stevimeister/combat-plugin | Prosta wtyczka na serwery Minecraft mająca za zadanie karać graczy za wyjście z gry podczas walki. | ||||
5 | kr-computer-study/algorithm | 알고리즘 | ||||
5 | ku-nlp/AnnotatedFKCCorpus | Annotated Fuman Kaitori Center Corpus | ||||
PowerShell | 5 | bwya77/User-Editor | End User PowerShell UI User Editor | |||
5 | Kekule-OXC/Jafar | Aladdin chip reimagination | ||||
TypeScript | 5 | tokyapp/toky-phone-js-sdk | The Toky Phone JS SDK is a WebRTC Javascript library providing an abstraction to the Toky phone system, including its main features | |||
4 | rishabhk108/AdvancedML | CS 7301: Spring 2021 Course on Advanced Topics in Optimization in Machine Learning | ||||
4 | sngxpro/proxies | 可用节点 | ||||
TypeScript | 4 | Developerkushagra/AngularDragDropTemplate | ||||
JavaScript | 4 | rjOwl/automate-ratings | This is just to help the tedious rating process. Don't misuse or abuse | |||
Dart | 4 | AymanYassinn/Flutter_Voice_Recording_App | ||||
4 | panacloud/defi-bootcamp | |||||
Python | 4 | linhhnbkdn/CRABI | ||||
Python | 4 | startedwithpython/easy_delete | Deleting multiple files based on extension and file name in a given folder ( or within subfolders of the given folder as well). | |||
Shell | 4 | leonstafford/check-for-dirty-local-repos | Script to check for any uncommitted/unpushed changes in repos before wiping system | |||
C++ | 4 | mnesarco/HyperController | 8DOF Space Controller Device for FreeCAD | |||
Kotlin | 4 | paulosalvatore/Ocean_Android_Introducao_18_01_2021 | ||||
C++ | 4 | QQBoxy/rolling-door-relay | ||||
Jupyter Notebook | 4 | martinnyakimov/Kaggle-survey-EDA | 2020 Kaggle ML & DS Survey - Exploratory data analysis | |||
4 | inherd/inherd.github.io | Homepage | ||||
PHP | 4 | TheSunNanbei/laravel-response | ||||
Vue | 4 | mehmetsagir/v-svg-icons | Svg icons for VueJS. | |||
Swift | 4 | MaxDesiatov/swift-dhall | A very early stage Swift implementation of the Dhall configuration language | |||
JavaScript | 4 | johnjackson/sign | 自动签到 | |||
4 | ggm1207/boostcamp11 | hi, there. | ||||
4 | antoinet/amazing-open-ch-zone | Amazing List of ressources related to the opendata .ch zonefile | ||||
4 | matteo4diani/noteatyet | Gestionale per l'azienda NotEatYet | ||||
C++ | 4 | avakar/small_function | Allocation-free move-only alternative to std::function for C++17 | |||
4 | TheColdVoid/MIAO | Miao Is A web demO generator | ||||
JavaScript | 3 | shakurocom/eslint-config-react | ||||
JavaScript | 3 | ShivamJoker/Arduino-JS-Robot | Control your system with Arduino & JavaScript | |||
PHP | 3 | NathaRC/LanguageAPI | ||||
JavaScript | 3 | gamekingv/bilibili-oversea-search | bilibili海外区域搜索 | |||
Java | 3 | xiaonuobase/xiaonuo-layui | ||||
Shell | 3 | DeividWillyan/Flutter-Auto-Flavors | ||||
Nim | 3 | liquidev/cflang | Minimalist functional esoteric programming language | |||
JavaScript | 3 | HollowMan6/canvas-explosion-click.js | Canvas that explode after a click. (点击后粒子爆炸喷墨) | |||
C++ | 3 | mattjliu/BlastZone | 2D Game Written in C++ | |||
C | 3 | Pavendhan-PAV/Embedded-Systems | Software simulation of embedded systems using IAR | |||
Python | 3 | sandders/MediaTelegramControl | ||||
HTML | 3 | TylerPottsDev/css-only-popup | ||||
JavaScript | 3 | phentoss/phentos-discord-emojili-kayit |