What you didn’t know about the cats

I have a cat. I spend hours with him every day. He’s adorable, cuddly, soft and funny. At times he is infuriating, but I love it anyway. There are some things you might not know about the cats.

1. A cat reaches the approximate human age of 15 during its first year, then 24 at age 2. Each year thereafter, it ages approximately four “cat years” for every calendar year. Thus, a 5-year-old feline would be approximately 36 in cat years.

2. The average cat spends roughly 2/3 of its life sleeping. It’s natural for them to spend a lot of time napping.

3. Cats don’t have collarbones, which allows them the flexibility to fit through openings the size of their heads.

4. Cats are clean – probably cleaner than you. They spend 1/3 of their “awake time” grooming.

5. The lifespan of the average cat is between 15 and 20 years.

6. Grown cats rarely, if ever, meow at one another.  As kittens, cats meow to ask things of their mothers – so if your grown cat talks to you, it may be an indication that he or she sees you as a maternal figure. I have a sticky cat and he often meows at me.

7. The primary use of a cat’s whiskers is to determine if he or she can fit through an opening.

8. Kittens lose their “baby” teeth at around 6 months old. I was scared when my mimi lost his first tooth. Luckily I searched for this information.

我有一只猫咪,我每天和他一起呆好几个小时。他很可爱,爱让人抱,软软的,很有意思。有时候也会让我很恼火。不管怎样,I love him. 关于猫咪有一些冷知识你可能不知道。

1. 猫第一年大概是人类的15岁,然后2岁是人类24岁。此后的每一年,它每年历时约四个“猫年”。因此,一只5岁猫科动物在猫年约为36岁。

2. 猫平均大概有2/3的生命在睡觉。他们花费很多时间打盹是很自然的。

3. 猫没有锁骨,这使得它们可以灵活地穿过头部大小的缝隙。

4. 猫很干净 — 可能比人还干净。他们花费1/3的“清醒时间”舔毛。

5. 猫的平均寿命在15到20年之间。

6. 成年猫很少互相喵喵叫。小猫会喵喵问他们的妈妈 — 所以如果你的成年猫跟你说话,可能表示他把你当妈妈了。我有一只经常向我喵喵叫的小黏猫。

7. 猫胡须的主要用途是确定他是否可以穿过一个缝隙。

8. 小猫在6个月大时换牙。我家咪咪换他第一颗牙齿的时候我还有点担心。幸运的是我搜到了这条换牙信息。

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