

1.then the priest's face turned purple and he shouted.

所以,当我们形容一个人生气的时候,我们可以说someone's face turned purple


2.The dark-eyed boy stared at the priest with lurking hatred, and in a flat voice said

所以当我们想要表达仇恨时,除了一个单薄的动词hate和名词hatred,我们还可以用somebody stared at somebody(仇恨对象) with lurking hatred.

3.The bad blood between Paul and Father Basil dated a long way back.

The bad blood between A and B dated a long way back. (A和B都是人)


4.Paul detested him.

5.The next morning Artem, grim, downcast, made Paul tell him everything.


6. the little boy burst into tears of mortification and turned and ran back swearing helplessly as he went, while Paul ran home very satisfied.

这里我们可以提取出一个公式: somebody burst into tears of + 可以表达情绪的名词


造句: He burst into tears of delight/sorrow

想到悲伤 我们通常会想到depressed, sorrow

还有那种悲喜参半的sweet sorrow


1.Tear chocked him.

当我们悲伤得想哭时,我们可以用这个表达,也可以用tears come into my eyes

2.Then with sad eyes she followed him till he vanished and made for the exit.

送别总是悲伤的,“日出乡关无故人”,当我们送别时,我们可以用这个表达with sad eyes I followed my friend till she vanished out of my sight.

3. It was only with difficulty that Paul stopped staring at the tongues of flame. Two huge glittering eyes then looked straight at Klimka, and in them Klimka saw inexpressible sorrow.

眼神可以传达情绪,在这句话中我们要学会在表达情绪的名词前加恰当的副词,使其程度更深,就比如“inexpressible sorrow”,翻译为无法言传的悲愁

4.His mother, a fat, white-faced woman, looked sourly at Paul and said.


眼神可以传递情绪,我们可以根据这句话提取出一个公式: 动词+表达情绪的形容词

造句: He looked depressedly at me.

1. Zalivanov was holding the bank and was purple with excitement.

当某人兴奋时,我们可以用sb is purple with excitement

2.He whooped with delight, and was over the fence and off down the road in the twinkling of an eye.



用动作来表示人物情绪的方式如下:动词+with delight

再补充一个句子: Boulgakov looked at him with disapproval.



造句:He leapt with delight.

Bogakov nodded his assent.


nod one's assent



1. He simply went on sitting on the stool with his elbow on the table, and watched Paul with a fixed glance which might have been either mocking or contemptuous.


造句: He watched me with a fixed glance which might have been either admiring or teasing.

2.Thus Paul glanced into the very depths of life, the bottom, the dregs, and he scented the odour of decay which came from it, and he was full of thirst for anything new, anything fresh.

这句话表达了保尔对新生活的向往以及对现实的失望,就像王尔德"we are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars"的感觉一样。现实与理想的冲突是人活于世的永恒命题。

3.The fire in the stove was flickering, and the little tongues of flame died down and then quivered up again and combined into a long bluish spiral, and it seemed to Pual like something which was mocking him, challengingly putting out his tongue at him.


