更多 istio 文章:Istio 专栏目录
proxy-wasm sdk 有支持多语言开发(点击前往),本实例以 go 语言为例(github 地址)
kubernetes 安装省略
示例使用的 kubernetes 版本为 1.23.4
istio 安装省略
示例使用的 istio 版本为 1.16.3
docker 安装省略
go 安装省略
此 SDK 由 TinyGo 提供支持,不支持官方的 Go 编译器。因此需要安装 tinygo(tinygo 安装指南)
以 windows 安装为例,官网提供了四种安装方式
将 bin 路径添加到环境变量 Path 中
此时运行 tinygo version
示例代码 github 地址(点击前往)
如果对您有帮助,请点个免费的 star,谢谢!
创建好文件夹后执行 go mod init go-wasm
// 读取 wasmplugin crd 中的 pluginConfig 内容
var customData string
func (p *pluginContext) OnPluginStart(pluginConfigurationSize int) types.OnPluginStartStatus {
proxywasm.LogDebug("loading plugin config")
data, err := proxywasm.GetPluginConfiguration()
if data == nil {
return types.OnPluginStartStatusOK
if err != nil {
proxywasm.LogCriticalf("error reading plugin configuration: %v", err)
return types.OnPluginStartStatusFailed
// 插件启动的时候读取配置
customData = string(data)
return types.OnPluginStartStatusOK
// Additional headers supposed to be injected to response headers.
var additionalResponseHeaders = map[string]string{
"who-am-i": "go-wasm-extension",
"injected-by": "istio-api!",
"devloper-name": "mm",
"which-header": "response",
// 定义自定义的header,每个返回中都添加以上header
// 修改 respense headers
func (ctx *httpHeaders) OnHttpResponseHeaders(numHeaders int, endOfStream bool) types.Action {
//添加 headr
for key, value := range additionalResponseHeaders {
proxywasm.AddHttpResponseHeader(key, value)
proxywasm.AddHttpResponseHeader("customData", customData)
return types.ActionContinue
// Additional headers supposed to be injected to request headers.
var additionalRequestHeaders = map[string]string{
"devloper-name": "mm",
"which-header": "request",
// 修改 request headers
func (ctx *httpHeaders) OnHttpRequestHeaders(int, bool) types.Action {
//添加 headr
for key, value := range additionalRequestHeaders {
proxywasm.ReplaceHttpRequestHeader(key, value)
return types.ActionContinue
FROM scratch
COPY main.wasm ./plugin.wasm
tinygo build -o main.wasm -scheduler=none -target=wasi main.go
# 注意最后面的点号 .
docker build -t registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/ydkmm/wasm:4 .
docker push registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/ydkmm/wasm:4
参考 httpbin 程序(点击前往)
执行 kubectl apply -f go-wasm.yaml
注意和之前的 httpbin 程序在同一命名空间
apiVersion: extensions.istio.io/v1alpha1
kind: WasmPlugin
name: my-wasm
namespace: mm-wasm
app: httpbin
## 编译好的镜像
url: oci://registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/ydkmm/wasm:3
#插件的配置信息,在代码中可以获取到json string
testConfig: abcddeeeee
- abc
- def
浏览器访问 httpbin 服务
f12 查看具体的 header
示例代码 github 地址(点击前往)
如果对您有帮助,请点个免费的 star,谢谢!
主要是通过当前请求的时间戳和记录的令牌桶填充时间 lastRefillNanoSec
对比,超过 1s 则重新填充令牌桶并刷新 lastRefillNanoSec
// 令牌桶限流
current := time.Now().UnixNano()
// We use nanoseconds() rather than time.Second() because the proxy-wasm has the known limitation.
// TODO(incfly): change to time.Second() once https://github.com/proxy-wasm/proxy-wasm-cpp-host/issues/199
// is resolved and released.
if current > ctx.pluginContext.lastRefillNanoSec+1e9 {
ctx.pluginContext.remainToken = 5
ctx.pluginContext.lastRefillNanoSec = current
proxywasm.LogCriticalf("Current time %v, last refill time %v, the remain token %v",
current, ctx.pluginContext.lastRefillNanoSec, ctx.pluginContext.remainToken)
if ctx.pluginContext.remainToken == 0 {
if err := proxywasm.SendHttpResponse(403, [][2]string{
{"powered-by", "proxy-wasm-go-sdk!!"},
}, []byte("rate limited, wait and retry."), -1); err != nil {
proxywasm.LogErrorf("failed to send local response: %v", err)
return types.ActionPause
ctx.pluginContext.remainToken -= 1