Turn Scanned Documents Crack

Turn Scanned Documents Crack

  PEERNET Image Printer products gain OCR functionality, facilitating easy conversion of scanned PDFs and images into searchable and editable files.

  PEERNET offers a trio of powerful virtual printer drivers for Windows: Raster Image Printer, PDF Image Printer, and TIFF Image Printer. These drivers bypass physical printing, seamlessly converting virtually any file format into high-fidelity images or PDFs. All three integrate seamlessly into existing workflows, accessible via standard printing routines. Simply select the desired driver during your usual printing process, and your files will be transformed into the chosen format.

Turn Scanned Documents Crack_第1张图片

  The recent v12.0.020 release of all three virtual printers has added OCR (Optical Character Recognition) functionality. This is a major advancement and allows you to effortlessly transform your printed and scanned document images into searchable and editable files. When you print a scanned PDF file to the PDF Image Printer, OCR will add the text on the pages as an invisible layer you can search and copy. When creating TIFF, PNG, JPEG, and other images using the TIFF Image Printer and Raster Image Printer, you use the optical character recognition feature to extract the text to digital hOCR, text, and ALTO files.
