可能有小伙伴一脸懵,上面这一段乱七八糟的是什么,它是本文构建的决策树模型,通过包括 “温度,气压…” 等十几个参数预测在指定条件下,会不会下雪。
在决策树模型中,对于连续性数据,通常的做法是使用二分法(binary split)来处理。具体来说,对于每一个特征,算法会尝试所有可能的二分点,选择信息增益(或者其他评价指标,如基尼指数)最大的那个点作为分割点。
计算所有可能的分割点:然后,计算相邻特征值的中点作为可能的分割点。例如,如果特征值为[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],那么可能的分割点为[1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5]。
import numpy as np
import csv
kunming_weather = "J:\\MachineLearning\\数据集\\kunming_weather_continus_data.txt"
def create_dataset(is_test = False):
dataset = []
# 打开CSV文件
with open(kunming_weather, 'r') as file:
reader = csv.reader(file)
# 初始化一个空数组来存储数据
dataset = []
# 遍历每一行数据
for row in reader:
# 将每一行数据转换为数组,并添加到data数组中
np.random.shuffle(dataset) #将数据按行充分打乱
labels = ["MeanAirPressure",
features = ["MAP",
train_count = int(len(dataset) * 0.8)
train_dataset = dataset[1 : train_count]
if (is_test):
test_dataset = dataset[train_count:]
test_source = []
for data in test_dataset:
row_data = {}
for feature_index in range(len(features)):
row_data[features[feature_index]] = data[feature_index]
row_data["result"] = data[-1]
return test_source
return train_dataset, features
我们首先找到最佳的特征和对应的分割点,然后根据这个分割点将数据集分为两部分。然后,我们递归地对每一部分数据集调用 create_tree
注意,我们使用了字符串 f'<={best_split_point}'
和 f'>{best_split_point}'
def create_tree(dataset, feature_labels):
# 提取数据集中所有样本的类别标签
class_list = [example[-1] for example in dataset]
# 如果所有样本的类别标签都相同,那么返回这个类别标签
if class_list.count(class_list[0]) == len(class_list):
return class_list[0]
# 如果数据集中只剩下类别标签,那么返回出现次数最多的类别标签
if len(dataset[0]) == 1:
return majority_cnt(class_list)
# 选择最佳的特征和对应的分割点
best_feature, best_split_point = choose_best_feature_to_split(dataset)
# 获取最佳特征的标签
best_feature_label = feature_labels[best_feature]
# 创建一个字典来表示决策树
my_tree = {best_feature_label: {}}
# 从标签列表中删除已经使用的特征标签
# 根据最佳特征的分割点将数据集分为两部分,并从数据集中删除已经使用的特征
sub_dataset1 = [example[:best_feature] + example[best_feature+1:] for example in dataset if example[best_feature] <= best_split_point]
sub_dataset2 = [example[:best_feature] + example[best_feature+1:] for example in dataset if example[best_feature] > best_split_point]
# 递归地对每一部分数据集调用 create_tree 函数
my_tree[best_feature_label][f'<={best_split_point}'] = create_tree(sub_dataset1, feature_labels[:])
my_tree[best_feature_label][f'>{best_split_point}'] = create_tree(sub_dataset2, feature_labels[:])
# 返回决策树
return my_tree
import operator
def majority_cnt(class_list):
class_count = {}
for vote in class_list:
if vote not in class_count.keys():
class_count[vote] = 0 #创建节点,值置为0
class_count[vote] += 1
sorted_class_count = sorted(class_count.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
return sorted_class_count[0][0]
信息增益比 (Gain Ratio):
Gain Ratio = Information Gain Split Information \text{Gain Ratio} = \frac{\text{Information Gain}}{\text{Split Information}} Gain Ratio=Split InformationInformation Gain
信息增益 (Information Gain):
Information Gain = Entropy(Parent) − ∑ ( Number of samples in child Number of samples in parent ∗ Entropy(Child) ) \text{Information Gain} = \text{Entropy(Parent)} - \sum \left(\frac{\text{Number of samples in child}}{\text{Number of samples in parent}} * \text{Entropy(Child)}\right) Information Gain=Entropy(Parent)−∑(Number of samples in parentNumber of samples in child∗Entropy(Child))
分裂信息 (Split Information):
Split Information = − ∑ ( Number of samples in child Number of samples in parent ∗ log 2 ( Number of samples in child Number of samples in parent ) ) \text{Split Information} = - \sum \left(\frac{\text{Number of samples in child}}{\text{Number of samples in parent}} * \log_2 \left(\frac{\text{Number of samples in child}}{\text{Number of samples in parent}}\right)\right) Split Information=−∑(Number of samples in parentNumber of samples in child∗log2(Number of samples in parentNumber of samples in child))
熵 (Entropy):
Entropy = − ∑ ( P i ∗ log 2 ( P i ) ) \text{Entropy} = - \sum (P_i * \log_2(P_i)) Entropy=−∑(Pi∗log2(Pi))
其中, P i P_i Pi 是第 i i i 类样本在总样本中的比例。
from math import log
def calcEnt(dataset):
num_examples = len(dataset) # 计算数据集中的样本数量
label_counts = {} # 创建一个字典,用来存储每个标签的数量
# 遍历数据集中的每个样本
for feature in dataset:
current_label = feature[-1] # 获取样本的标签,假设标签是样本的最后一个特征
# 如果当前标签不在字典中,就在字典中添加这个标签,并设置数量为0
if (current_label not in label_counts.keys()):
label_counts[current_label] = 0
# 将当前标签的数量加1
label_counts[current_label] += 1
ret_ent = 0 # 初始化熵为0
# 遍历每个标签
for key in label_counts:
prop = float(label_counts[key] / num_examples) # 计算当前标签的概率
# 根据熵的公式,计算并累加每个标签的熵
ret_ent += - (prop * log(prop, 2))
return ret_ent # 返回数据集的熵
def remove_feature_from_dataset(dataset, axis, val):
ret_dataset = []
for feature in dataset:
if (feature[axis] == val):
reduced_feature = feature[:axis] #取当前列前面的列
#np.concatenate((reduced_feature, feature[axis+1:]), axis=0)
reduced_feature.extend(feature[axis+1:]) #连接当前列后面的列
return ret_dataset
def choose_best_feature_to_split(dataset):
num_features = len(dataset[0]) - 1 #特征数量(减去标签列)
base_entropy = calcEnt(dataset) #数据集的初始熵
best_info_gain = 0 #初始信息增益比为0
best_feature = -1
best_split_point = None
for i in range(num_features):
feature_list = [example[i] for example in dataset] #取当前特征对应的所有的样本值
unique_vals = set(feature_list) #取当前特征对应的所有可能样本
for split_point in unique_vals:
new_entropy = 0
sub_dataset1 = [example for example in dataset if example[i] <= split_point]
sub_dataset2 = [example for example in dataset if example[i] > split_point]
prob1 = len(sub_dataset1) / float(len(dataset))
new_entropy += prob1 * calcEnt(sub_dataset1)
prob2 = len(sub_dataset2) / float(len(dataset))
new_entropy += prob2 * calcEnt(sub_dataset2)
info_gain = base_entropy - new_entropy #信息增益
if (info_gain > best_info_gain): # base_entropy - new_entropy > base_entropy
best_info_gain = info_gain
best_feature = i
best_split_point = split_point
return best_feature, best_split_point
from graphviz import Digraph
def visualize_decision_tree(tree, name="DecisionTree"):
def add_edges(graph, subtree, parent_node):
for key, value in subtree.items():
if isinstance(value, dict):
sub_node = f"{parent_node}_{str(key)}" # 将key转换为字符串
graph.edge(parent_node, sub_node, label=str(key)) # 将label转换为字符串
add_edges(graph, value, sub_node)
graph.edge(parent_node, str(value), label=str(key)) # 将value和label转换为字符串
graph = Digraph(name=name, format="png")
graph.attr('node', shape='Mrecord')
add_edges(graph, tree, "root")
return graph
def predict(input_tree, test_vec, feature_labels):
# 获取决策树的第一个节点
first_str = list(input_tree.keys())[0]
# 获取第一个节点的子树
second_dict = input_tree[first_str]
# 获取第一个节点对应的特征在特征标签列表中的索引
feature_index = feature_labels.index(first_str)
# 遍历第一个节点的所有子节点
for key in second_dict.keys():
# 如果子节点的标签表示的是一个“<=”的条件
if key[0] == '<':
# 获取条件中的值
value = float(key[2:])
# 如果测试向量中对应的特征值满足这个条件
if test_vec[feature_index] <= value:
# 如果子节点是一个字典,那么递归地调用 predict 函数
if type(second_dict[key]).__name__ == 'dict':
class_label = predict(second_dict[key], test_vec, feature_labels)
# 否则,子节点就是一个类别标签,直接返回这个标签
class_label = second_dict[key]
# 如果子节点的标签表示的是一个“>”的条件
if key[0] == '>':
# 获取条件中的值
value = float(key[1:])
# 如果测试向量中对应的特征值满足这个条件
if test_vec[feature_index] > value:
# 如果子节点是一个字典,那么递归地调用 predict 函数
if type(second_dict[key]).__name__ == 'dict':
class_label = predict(second_dict[key], test_vec, feature_labels)
# 否则,子节点就是一个类别标签,直接返回这个标签
class_label = second_dict[key]
# 返回预测的类别标签
return class_label
import json
if (__name__ == "__main__"):
dataset, label = create_dataset()
test_source = create_dataset(True)
feature_labels = label.copy()
my_tree = create_tree(dataset, label)
test_tree = my_tree
predict_true_count = 0
predict_count = 0
fail_info_array = []
for test_item in test_source:
predict_count += 1
predict_result = predict(test_tree, test_item, feature_labels)
if (predict_result == test_item["result"]):
predict_true_count += 1
if (predict_true_count % 100 == 0):
print("Test {} / {} pcs of data is true".format(predict_true_count, predict_count))
fail_info = ""
for key, value in test_item.items():
fail_info += "{} : {} , ".format(key, value)
fail_info = "Predict result is {} actual is {} ".format(predict_result, test_item["result"]) + fail_info
print("Accuracy is {}".format(predict_true_count / len(test_source)))
with open('data.json', 'w') as file:
json.dump(my_tree, file)
# 可视化决策树
graph = visualize_decision_tree(my_tree)
graph.view() # 这将在默认的图片查看器中显示决策树图像
import numpy as np
import csv
import time
kunming_weather = "J:\\MachineLearning\\数据集\\kunming_weather_continus_data.txt"
def create_dataset(is_test = False):
dataset = []
# 打开CSV文件
with open(kunming_weather, 'r') as file:
reader = csv.reader(file)
# 初始化一个空数组来存储数据
dataset = []
# 遍历每一行数据
for row in reader:
# 将每一行数据转换为数组,并添加到data数组中
np.random.shuffle(dataset) #将数据按行充分打乱
labels = ["MeanAirPressure",
features = ["MAP",
train_count = int(len(dataset) * 0.8)
train_dataset = dataset[1 : train_count]
if (is_test):
test_dataset = dataset[train_count:]
test_source = []
for data in test_dataset:
row_data = {}
for feature_index in range(len(features)):
row_data[features[feature_index]] = data[feature_index]
row_data["result"] = data[-1]
return test_source
return train_dataset, features
import operator
def majority_cnt(class_list):
class_count = {}
for vote in class_list:
if vote not in class_count.keys():
class_count[vote] = 0 #创建节点,值置为0
class_count[vote] += 1
sorted_class_count = sorted(class_count.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
return sorted_class_count[0][0]
from math import log
def calcEnt(dataset):
num_examples = len(dataset) # 计算数据集中的样本数量
label_counts = {} # 创建一个字典,用来存储每个标签的数量
# 遍历数据集中的每个样本
for feature in dataset:
current_label = feature[-1] # 获取样本的标签,假设标签是样本的最后一个特征
# 如果当前标签不在字典中,就在字典中添加这个标签,并设置数量为0
if (current_label not in label_counts.keys()):
label_counts[current_label] = 0
# 将当前标签的数量加1
label_counts[current_label] += 1
ret_ent = 0 # 初始化熵为0
# 遍历每个标签
for key in label_counts:
prop = float(label_counts[key] / num_examples) # 计算当前标签的概率
# 根据熵的公式,计算并累加每个标签的熵
ret_ent += - (prop * log(prop, 2))
return ret_ent # 返回数据集的熵
def remove_feature_from_dataset(dataset, axis, val):
ret_dataset = []
for feature in dataset:
if (feature[axis] == val):
reduced_feature = feature[:axis] #取当前列前面的列
#np.concatenate((reduced_feature, feature[axis+1:]), axis=0)
reduced_feature.extend(feature[axis+1:]) #连接当前列后面的列
return ret_dataset
def choose_best_feature_to_split(dataset):
num_features = len(dataset[0]) - 1 #特征数量(减去标签列)
base_entropy = calcEnt(dataset) #数据集的初始熵
best_info_gain = 0 #初始信息增益比为0
best_feature = -1
best_split_point = None
for i in range(num_features):
feature_list = [example[i] for example in dataset] #取当前特征对应的所有的样本值
#feature_list = np.array([float(example[i]) for example in dataset]) #取当前特征对应的所有的样本值
unique_vals = set(feature_list) #取当前特征对应的所有可能样本
#unique_vals = np.quantile(feature_list, [0.25, 0.5, 0.75])
for split_point in unique_vals:
new_entropy = 0
sub_dataset1 = [example for example in dataset if example[i] <= split_point]
sub_dataset2 = [example for example in dataset if example[i] > split_point]
prob1 = len(sub_dataset1) / float(len(dataset))
new_entropy += prob1 * calcEnt(sub_dataset1)
prob2 = len(sub_dataset2) / float(len(dataset))
new_entropy += prob2 * calcEnt(sub_dataset2)
info_gain = base_entropy - new_entropy #信息增益
if (info_gain > best_info_gain): # base_entropy - new_entropy > base_entropy
best_info_gain = info_gain
best_feature = i
best_split_point = split_point
return best_feature, best_split_point
def create_tree(dataset, feature_labels):
# 提取数据集中所有样本的类别标签
class_list = [example[-1] for example in dataset]
# 如果所有样本的类别标签都相同,那么返回这个类别标签
if class_list.count(class_list[0]) == len(class_list):
return class_list[0]
# 如果数据集中只剩下类别标签,那么返回出现次数最多的类别标签
if len(dataset[0]) == 1:
return majority_cnt(class_list)
# 选择最佳的特征和对应的分割点
best_feature, best_split_point = choose_best_feature_to_split(dataset)
# 获取最佳特征的标签
best_feature_label = feature_labels[best_feature]
# 创建一个字典来表示决策树
my_tree = {best_feature_label: {}}
# 从标签列表中删除已经使用的特征标签
# 根据最佳特征的分割点将数据集分为两部分,并从数据集中删除已经使用的特征
sub_dataset1 = [example[:best_feature] + example[best_feature+1:] for example in dataset if example[best_feature] <= best_split_point]
sub_dataset2 = [example[:best_feature] + example[best_feature+1:] for example in dataset if example[best_feature] > best_split_point]
# 递归地对每一部分数据集调用 create_tree 函数
my_tree[best_feature_label][f'<={best_split_point}'] = create_tree(sub_dataset1, feature_labels[:])
my_tree[best_feature_label][f'>{best_split_point}'] = create_tree(sub_dataset2, feature_labels[:])
# 返回决策树
return my_tree
from graphviz import Digraph
def visualize_decision_tree(tree, name="DecisionTree"):
def add_edges(graph, subtree, parent_node):
for key, value in subtree.items():
if isinstance(value, dict):
sub_node = f"{parent_node}_{str(key)}" # 将key转换为字符串
graph.edge(parent_node, sub_node, label=str(key)) # 将label转换为字符串
add_edges(graph, value, sub_node)
graph.edge(parent_node, str(value), label=str(key)) # 将value和label转换为字符串
graph = Digraph(name=name, format="png")
graph.attr('node', shape='Mrecord')
add_edges(graph, tree, "root")
return graph
def predict(input_tree, test_vec, feature_labels):
# 获取决策树的第一个节点
first_str = list(input_tree.keys())[0]
# 获取第一个节点的子树
second_dict = input_tree[first_str]
# 获取第一个节点对应的特征在特征标签列表中的索引
#feature_index = feature_labels.index(first_str)
feature_index = first_str
# 遍历第一个节点的所有子节点
for key in second_dict.keys():
# 如果子节点的标签表示的是一个“<=”的条件
if key[0] == '<':
# 获取条件中的值
value = float(key[2:])
# 如果测试向量中对应的特征值满足这个条件
if float(test_vec[feature_index]) <= value:
# 如果子节点是一个字典,那么递归地调用 predict 函数
if type(second_dict[key]).__name__ == 'dict':
class_label = predict(second_dict[key], test_vec, feature_labels)
# 否则,子节点就是一个类别标签,直接返回这个标签
class_label = second_dict[key]
# 如果子节点的标签表示的是一个“>”的条件
if key[0] == '>':
# 获取条件中的值
value = float(key[1:])
# 如果测试向量中对应的特征值满足这个条件
if float(test_vec[feature_index]) > value:
# 如果子节点是一个字典,那么递归地调用 predict 函数
if type(second_dict[key]).__name__ == 'dict':
class_label = predict(second_dict[key], test_vec, feature_labels)
# 否则,子节点就是一个类别标签,直接返回这个标签
class_label = second_dict[key]
# 返回预测的类别标签
return class_label
import json
if (__name__ == "__main__"):
dataset, label = create_dataset()
test_source = create_dataset(True)
feature_labels = label.copy()
train_start_time = time.time()
my_tree = create_tree(dataset, label)
train_end_time = time.time()
elapsed_time = train_end_time - train_start_time
print ("train takes {} seconds".format(elapsed_time))
test_tree = my_tree
predict_true_count = 0
predict_count = 0
fail_info_array = []
test_start_time = time.time()
for test_item in test_source:
predict_count += 1
predict_result = predict(test_tree, test_item, feature_labels)
fail_info = ''
if (predict_result == test_item["result"]):
predict_true_count += 1
if (predict_true_count % 100 == 0):
print("Test {} / {} pcs of data is true".format(predict_true_count, predict_count))
for key, value in test_item.items():
fail_info += "{}-{} , ".format(key, value)
fail_info_array.append( "Predict result is {} actual is {} ".format(predict_result, test_item["result"]) + fail_info)
test_end_time = time.time()
elapsed_test_time = test_end_time - test_start_time
print ("test takes {} seconds".format(elapsed_test_time))
for info in fail_info_array:
print("Accuracy is {}".format(predict_true_count / len(test_source)))
with open('data.json', 'w') as file:
json.dump(my_tree, file)
# 可视化决策树
graph = visualize_decision_tree(my_tree)
graph.view() # 这将在默认的图片查看器中显示决策树图像