论文网址:[2210.06681] Brain Network Transformer (arxiv.org)
论文代码:GitHub - Wayfear/BrainNetworkTransformer: The open-source implementation of the NeurIPS 2022 paper Brain Network Transformer.
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1. 省流版
1.1. 心得
1.2. 论文框架图
2. 论文逐段精读
2.1. Abstract
2.2. Introduction
2.3. Background and Related Work
2.3.1. GNNs for Brain Network Analysis
2.3.2. Graph Transformer
2.4. Brain Network Transformer
2.4.1. Problem Definition
2.4.2. Multi-Head Self-Attention Module (MHSA)
2.4.4. Generalizing OCREAD to Other Graph Tasks and Domains
2.5. Experiments
2.5.1. Experimental Settings
2.5.2. Performance Analysis (RQ1)
2.5.3. Ablation Studies on the OCREAD Module (RQ2)
2.5.4. In-depth Analysis of Attention Scores and Cluster Assignments (RQ3)
2.6. Discussion and Conclusion
2.7. Appendix
2.7.1. Training Curves of Different Models with or without StratifiedSampling
2.7.2. Transformer Performance with Different Node Features
2.7.3. Statistical Proof of the Goodness with Orthonormal Cluster Centers
2.7.4. Running Time
2.7.5. Number of Parameters
2.7.6. Parameter Tuning
2.7.7. Software Version
2.7.8. The Difference between Various Initialization Methods
3. 知识补充
3.1. Positional embedding
3.2. Centrality
3.3. Weisfeiler-Lehman Test
3.4. Xavier uniform initialization
3.5. Gram-Schmidt process
3.6. Variance inflation factor
3.7. Eigendecomposition
4. Reference List
(2)⭐作者认为功能连接矩阵阻碍①中心性(其实可以算啊...我忘了叫啥了反正我最开始写的那篇a gentle introduction of graph neural network([论文精读]A Gentle Introduction to Graph Neural Networks_a gentle introduction to graph neural networks pdf-CSDN博客)吗啥玩意儿的里面有计算的方式。不过感觉算的是连接强度的中心性而不是位置中心性。emm...位置中心性应该也本不重要吧?),②空间性(我更认为功能>结构性,在脑子里面...),③边缘编码(我不是太熟悉这玩意儿不过能大概或许get到。这...的确是个问题,但是我还没有想过它是否真的影响很大)
①They intend to obtain positional information and strength of connections
②⭐They propose an ORTHONORMAL CLUSTERING READOUT operation, which is based on self-supervised soft clustering and orthonormal projection
①⭐Research in the medical field findings some regions might work together when activate or deactivate. Then the brain can be divided into different ROIs to better analyse diseases. Unfortunately, they may not be absolutely reliable.
②Transformer based models on fMRI analysis have been prevalent these years. Such as GAT with local aggregation, Graph Transformer with edge information injection, SAN with eigenvalues and eigenvectors embedding and Graphomer with unique centrality and spatial/edge encodin
③⭐It may lose centrality, spatial, and edge encoding when adopting functional connectivity (FC)
④In FC, every node has the same degree(不是...你不能砍一点吗...)and only considers the one-hop information
⑤The edge in formation in brain is the strength of connevtivity but in biology is probably whether they connect
⑥In molecule, the number of nodes < 50, the number of edges < 2500. In FC, the number of node < 400, the number of edges < 160000
⑦Thereupon, the authors put forward BRAIN NETWORK TRANSFORMER (BRAINNETTF), which uses the "effective initial node features of connection profiles"(我不知道这是啥,文中说它可以“自然地为基于变压器的模型提供了位置特征,避免了特征值或特征向量的昂贵计算”)
⑧In order to reduce the impact of inaccurate regional division, they design the ORTHONORMAL CLUSTERING READOUT, which is a global pooling operator.
⑨It is a big challenge that open access datasets are limited in brain analysis
unleash vt.使爆发;发泄;突然释放[VN] ~ sth (on/upon sb/sth)
①GroupINN: reduces model size and is based on grouping
②BrainGNN: utilizes GNN and special pooling operator
③IBGNN: analyzes disorder-specific ROIs and prominent connections
④FBNetGen: brings learnable generation of brain networks
⑤STAGIN: extracts dynamic brain network
①Graph Transformer: injects edge information and embeds eigenvectors as position
②SAN: enhances positional embedding
③Graphomer: designs a fine-grained attention mechanism
④HGT: adopts special sampling algorithm
⑤EGT: edge augmentation
⑥LSPE: utilizes learnable structural and positional encoding
⑦GRPE: improves relative position information encoding
①Setting a brain as , where denotes the number of ROIs
②The overall framework, which mainly contains -layer MHSA and OCREAD parts:
where , , is the number of clusters;
cross-entropy loss applied throughout.
②⭐Through previous works, it is known that edge weights generated in attention score will significantly reduce the effectiveness. We all know that there are a lot of edges, redundant edges...
③⭐So they use as the node feature(啊!!?emm)
④They apply vanilla pair-wise attention mechanism and remove edge weights or relative position information in attention score learning
⑤Thus, in Multi-Head Self-Attention (MHSA) part:
For each layer , the specific function is:
where , denotes concatenation, represents the number of heads, all the are learnable parameters and is the first dimension of , is the head.
可以见得,作者的, , ;
①GNN with Sum(·) readout has the same effectiveness as Weisfeiler-Lehman Test. Also, other researchers propose sort pooling and layer-wise readout
②⭐重要的部分还是又来中文了。作者觉得现在的读出没有体现同功能模块的共激活和共抑制性,他们想给ROI聚类。好了,那么我的问题是,你如果要给400个ROI聚类你为什么不直接用STDAGCN(Yang et al., 2023)里面那种22个或者39个ROI?
③They define cluster centers each with dimensions and give their clustering function (a Softmax projection):
where , <·,·> is inner product sign, is the final node output of MHSA, represents the probability of the node being assigned to cluster and
④The graph-level embedding
⑤⭐However, there is no answer/ground truth in clustering. Thus, they found it is important how initializes . They design a two-step process to initialize and called this progress Orthonormal Initialization. They firstly take Xavier uniform initialization to initialize random centers and secondly utilize Gram-Schmidt process to get orthonormal bases :
(1)Theoretical Justifications
①Theorem 3.1: 作者似乎是在表述希望之间有较大差异(即清楚地知道每个点更大概率应该在哪而不是处于一个很边缘的地带)。对于个簇来说,是显而易见的事情,然后可以通过和求出方差。作者希望方差是偏大的,越大的方差能给出越多的信息。因此它们设了一个
说这是个半径为的球,是什么fracture vectors(我不造这是啥也搜不到),是这个球的体积。
②Theorem 3.2: 作者觉得“对于没有已知解析形式的一般读出函数,使用正交簇中心初始化具有更大的概率获得更好的性能”(已知的解析形式是啥?max, sum, mean那些有吗?)。他们先建立了一个回归:
他们想找一个方差扩大/膨胀因子(variance inflation factor, VIF)(然后就没细说了)。他们提出的定理是通过显著性水平,可以看出在标准正态中心里抽样弃真的概率是小于在非标准正态中心的(附录应该也有证明)
circumvent v. 规避,回避;(为避免某物而)改道,绕过;克服(问题,困难)(尤指暗中智取);欺骗,智胜
①In other brain network modalities, they might adopt structural connectivities (SC) instead of FC. Compared with FC detecting the BOLD, SC measures the fiber tracts between brain regions.
③They think their works can be extended to the biomedical field...
(1)Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange (ABIDE) dataset
①Samples: 1009, with 516 (51.14%) ASD and 493 HC (48.86%)
②Atlas: Craddock 200
③Proper use of stratified sampling can reduce inter group differences
④Task: diagnose patients (classification)
(2)Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study (ABCD) dataset
①Samples: 7901 with 3961 (50.1%) female and 3940 (49.9%) male
②Atlas: HCP 360
③Task: predict sex
(3)Mertics (choose the mean value on 5 random runs)
①AUROC (the highest only)
③Sensitivity: true positive rate
④Specificity: true negative rate
(4)Implementation details
①Two-layer Multi-Head Self-Attention Module applied
②Number of heads for each layer
③Data split: randomly, 70% for training, 10% for validation, 20% for testing
④Optimizer: Adam
⑤Learning rate:
⑥Weight decay:
⑦Batch size: 64
⑧Epochs: 200
(5)Computation complexity
①Time complexity of MHSA: , where is the number of layers, is the number of heads, is the number of nodes
②Time complexity of OCREAD: , where is the number of clusters
③Overall computation complexity: , the same as BrainGNN and BrainGB. (I guess they regard and as constants)
Comparison of different models:
(1)OCREAD with varying readout functions
Comparison when changes readout function:
(2)OCREAD with varying cluster initializations
①Different initialization procedures: a) randomly cluser with Xavier uniform, b) learn to cluster by gradient descent, c) their orthonormal
③The hyper-parameter influence figures:
①The first layer of MHSA heatmap on ABCD:
② value in orthonormal and random initializations when the number of cluster :
preemption n. 优先购买;强制收购;抢先占有;取代
Training curves with and without stratified sampling based on different sites:
it can be seen that stratified sampling brings more stable performance and lower difference of performances
The AUROC with different node features:
where connection profile is the row of one node in FC;
identity feature is the unique one-hot vector for each node;
eigen feature is the eigendecomposition of FC, it generates k dimension eigenvector for each node from k eigenvectors(这句话我paraphrase得和狗屎一样啊,离谱,上翻译“从k个特征向量中为每个节点生成一个k维特征向量”).
(1)Proof of Theorem 3.1
(2)Proof of Theorem 3.2
Comparison of running time:
this is mainly because SAN and Graphormer are more suitable for sparse graph
①They achieve BrainGB, BrainGNN and FBNetGen with open source codes; SAN and graphormer (“我们收集了它们的存储库,并针对大脑网络数据集进行了修改”?啥玩意儿); BrainNetCNN and VanillaTF by themselves
②They list the hyper-parameters they have tried and I won't go into too much detail here.
①They defined a formula to prove orthonormal initialization can bring higher difference:
②Through t-test, the margins between orthonormal and random are significant
参考学习:Transformer中的位置嵌入究竟应该如何看待? - 知乎 (zhihu.com)
参考学习:度中心性、特征向量中心性、中介中心性、连接中心性 - 知乎 (zhihu.com)
学了无数百次了学一次忘一次那就再学一次。不过确实,它不就是那个one-hop GCN吗
参考学习:什么是Weisfeiler-Lehman(WL)算法和WL Test? - 知乎 (zhihu.com)
参考学习1:深度学习中,Xavier初始化 是什么?_xavier初始化和randn-CSDN博客
参考学习2:深度学习:零散知识——xavier初始化 - 知乎 (zhihu.com)
参考学习:正交矩阵和 Gram-Schmidt 正交化[MIT线代第十七课] - 知乎 (zhihu.com)
参考学习1:如何理解方差膨胀因子(Variance Inflation Factor,VIF)? - 知乎 (zhihu.com)
参考学习2:方差扩大因子_百度百科 (baidu.com)
参考学习1:【矩阵论】特征分解 - 知乎 (zhihu.com)
参考学习2:特征分解_百度百科 (baidu.com)
Kan X. et al. (2022) 'Brain Network Transformer', NeurIPS. doi: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2210.06681
Yang R. et al. (2023) 'Spatial-Temporal DAG Convolutional Networks for End-to-End Joint Effective Connectivity Learning and Resting-State fMRI Classification', NeurIPS 2023. doi: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2312.10317