

by Daragh Byrne

达拉·伯恩(Daragh Byrne)

陷入与代码的恋爱中:终生的爱情故事 (Falling in and out of love with code: a lifelong love story)

开端 (Beginnings)

I’ve fallen in and out of love with code a hundred times.


When I turned ten, I was impressed and mystified by the ZX Spectrum that my father left plugged into our family TV set on the morning of my birthday.

当我十岁时,ZX Spectrum给我留下了深刻的印象和神秘感,父亲生日那天早上父亲把它插入了我们的家庭电视机。

It was one of the earliest attempts at accessible mass-market computing, and was basic and powerful all at once. I remember the feel of the rubber keys with their printed pop and poke commands, holding the promises of a code I might one day break if I was curious enough.

它是可访问大众市场计算的最早尝试之一,并且一次又一次具有基础性和强大性。 我记得橡胶键带有印刷的pop和poke命令的感觉,它们持有一段代码的承诺,如果我足够好奇的话,有一天我可能会休息。

They’d stick to my fingers as I ran my hand across the machine, the yellow beeps from a cassette tape transformed by some voodoo magic into games on the screen.


My still unformed mind began to recognise the power of this small box as an agent of transformation, spinning a cassette (externally mounted) into yellow sounding beeps, then into games on the screen. My own nascent power to transmute a mental intention into a command into an action on the screen in turn.

我仍然不成熟的头脑开始意识到这个小盒子的力量是转化的动力,将一个盒子(外部安装)旋转成黄色的哔哔声,然后变成屏幕上的游戏。 我自己的新生力量,将精神意图转变为命令,然后转变为屏幕上的动作。

The seeds of a lifelong love affair were sown.


My teenage years saw a flourishing of accessible home computing, the battle between the Commodore Amiga and the Atari ST being won in my heart by a TV ad promising the ST could “paint pictures, and even make them move”. I never quite figured out how to make this happen, much to my frustration. My lifelong suspicion of the motives of advertisers began then!

在我的十几岁那年,可访问的家用计算技术蓬勃发展,Commodore Amiga和Atari ST之间的战斗在我心中赢得了电视广告,该电视广告承诺ST可以“绘制图片,甚至使其移动”。 我从来没有想过如何实现这一目标,这让我非常沮丧。 从那时起,我就终生怀疑广告主的动机!

A trip to my nearest city to buy a book on how to program left me swimming in a sea of assembly language, unprepared, confused and not yet ready for real code.


A BASIC interpreter discovered with my group of friends turned into show-and-tells for each of our latest carefully crafted choose-your-own-adventure games, text based adventures into the castles of the minds of our fifteen year old selves. The internet wasn’t even a dream and the copies of Sensible Soccer we played to death still came on 3.5 inch floppy disks.

与我的朋友们一起发现的一位BASIC口译员,对我们每款精心制作的自选冒险游戏进行了演说,这些文字游戏是我们十五岁自我头脑中的城堡。 互联网甚至不是梦,我们玩死的《明智足球》的副本仍然放在3.5英寸的软盘上。

加深 (Deepening)

At university in Dublin studying Physics, I began to realise that people would invite me do things with computers that involved work rather than just play, and that this, indeed, might be an advantage one day. They taught us the omniscient, singled-lettered grandfather language, C.

在都柏林大学学习物理的大学里,我开始意识到人们会邀请我使用涉及工作而不是仅仅玩耍的计算机来做事,而这的确有一天会成为一种优势。 他们教给我们无所不知的单字母祖父语言C。

There was a moment of almost-meditative insight where my understanding of pointers coalesced from a state of perplexity, their dangerous power revealed, my understanding of the potential of bare metal beginning to structure itself. And the head-banging frustration of many, many fails to apply them correctly.

有一瞬间,几乎是沉思的洞察力,使我对指针的理解从困惑的状态中融合在一起,它们的危险力量得以彰显,而我对裸机的潜力的理解开始形成。 而且很多人的挫败感无法正确地应用它们。

Grokking that a pointer could refer to a function clarified what I would later recognise as Von Neumann and Turing’s synthesis of a machine that held its data and its instructions in the same mechanism — this was a point of no return.


This discovery alone was worth the price of entry. However, still believing my future would be spent in a lab somewhere, I didn’t realise that the roots of my current career were growing deeper.

仅此发现就值得入门。 但是,尽管仍然相信我的未来会花在某个地方的实验室里,但我没有意识到我当前职业的根基越来越深。

It took a visit to a number of labs to understand that a PhD in physics wasn’t actually for me.


So I turned to code with more deliberation, taking a masters in High Performance Computing. A first job thereafter in a terribly managed small consultancy saw me rebuilding the website of a major Irish government department — and also saw my first taste of coding burnout.

因此,我转而考虑更多代码,并获得了高性能计算的硕士学位。 此后,在一家管理不善的小型咨询公司中的第一份工作使我重建了爱尔兰主要政府部门的网站,也看到了我对编码倦怠的初次体验。

Working 21 hours in a row is not good for anyone. I knew this type of work had the potential to do damage if not handled correctly. I fell out of love with code for the first time, my energy spent, my heart disappointed.

连续工作21个小时对任何人都不利。 我知道,如果处理不当,此类工作可能会造成损坏。 我第一次爱上了代码,我的精力花了,我的心失望了。

成熟 (Maturing)

I spent nearly five years working at the School of Physics at Edinburgh, helping UK scientists build applications, sprinkling magic (Java) beans around. I was educated in ways of going about Projects, working with Teams and applying Best Practices. I was also introduced to the idea that your code might not actually have any relevance in the real world — that a lot of what you write is speculative, or might be thrown out.

我在爱丁堡物理学院工作了近五年,帮助英国科学家构建应用程序,并在周围撒了魔术(Java)豆。 我受过有关开展项目,与团队合作以及应用最佳实践的教育。 还向我介绍了这样的想法,即您的代码在现实世界中可能实际上没有任何关联性-您编写的许多内容都是推测性的,或者可能被扔掉了。

The lesson I learned was to enjoy the process without attaching to the outcome too much. I still try to apply it today. I’d say 80% of what I’ve written has ended up on the scrap heap eventually. This realisation can bruise the ego and you can lose the love for a while, but this switch in mindset makes the difference.

我吸取的教训是在享受过程的同时又不会过多地关注结果。 我今天仍然尝试应用它。 我想说我写的内容的80%最终都落在了废纸heap上。 这种认识会挫伤自我,您可能会失去一会儿的爱,但是这种思维方式上的改变会有所作为。

It was around then I really started to become a Professional Software Developer. My code was my livelihood, so I felt the pressure to get it right. I had my first major episodes of Impostor Syndrome — the little “not good enough” voice that told me I was a fraud began to chatter away.

大约那时,我才真正开始成为一名专业软件开发人员。 我的代码是我的生计,所以我感到压力很大。 我的第一个主要情节是“ 冒名顶替综合症 ”( Impostor Syndrome ),那个“不够好”的声音告诉我我是个骗局,开始began不休。

A few years working in financial services around the time of the GFC taught me that code can be deployed for good or for evil. There’s an ethical dimension to code, which makes the relationship tricky sometimes. I want to do good, but not everybody who wants me to write code has the best interests of humanity involved. So I try to work with the ones who do.

在全球金融危机期间,在金融服务业工作了几年,这告诉我可以部署代码,无论是善是恶。 有一个道德方面的代码,有时会使关系变得棘手。 我想做好事,但并不是每个想要我写代码的人都对人类抱有最大的兴趣。 所以我尝试与那些做的人一起工作。

I spent much of this time doubling down on Java, lost in a world of often purposeless abstractions, wondering why attempts at elegance and clarity often broke down in thirty letter, multi-level class hierarchies. The unfulfilled promise of write once, run anywhere choked a lot of us back then.

我把大部分时间花在Java上,却迷失在一个经常没有目的的抽象世界中,想知道为什么对优雅和清晰的尝试常常会在三十个字母的多级类层次结构中分解。 一次写完的未兑现的诺言,让我们很多人感到窒息。

多元化 (Diversifying)

The last ten years of my career have seen the technology landscape completely upended. Ubiquitous mobile computing. Servers for pennies on the cloud. Unlimited storage and processing capacity. Free libraries, installed in a few keystrokes, that will do literally anything you need. Global issues with bandwidth seem like a complete failure in the face of all of this.

我职业生涯的最后十年见证了技术领域的彻底颠覆。 无所不在的移动计算。 一分钱的服务器在云上。 无限的存储和处理能力。 只需几次按键安装的免费库,实际上可以满足您的任何需求。 面对所有这些问题,带宽的全局问题似乎是一个彻底的失败。

In that time, I’ve been enraptured with C# (a beautifully designed language for a Java refugee), mystified by Wordpress and slightly warped by PHP. Not to mention watching JavaScript — JavaScript! — rule the world. All of them have their lovable quirks. All of them their rough edges. I’ve loved and hated them each a little.

在那个时候,我被C#(一种为Java难民设计的精美语言)所迷住了,它被Wordpress迷住了,而被PHP扭曲了。 更不用说观看JavaScript了-JavaScript! - 统治世界。 他们都有可爱的怪癖。 他们所有的人都有其粗糙的边缘。 我有点爱又恨他们。

I’ve been stunned by the growth of startups I’ve worked for. I’ve moved from full time worker, to being so burned out I needed to work as little as possible with technology, to contractor, to full time once more, to starting my own thing.

我为曾经工作过的初创公司的成长而震惊。 我已经从全职工作人员转变为精疲力尽,我需要尽可能少地使用技术,再到承包商,再到全职工作,开始自己的事。

爱心 (Loving)

Some years I’ve loved that code has been my life for this long — other than breathing, walking, reading and eating, there has nothing I’ve been doing longer.


Other years, I’ve wanted to run, to escape, to cut all ties and start again. But I keep coming back. The power to take an idea, write some lines in an editor and just run it, watching it take life as you type, remains enduringly addictive. So every time I fall out of love with code, I know it’s just a matter of time before I fall back in love again.

其他年份,我想逃避一切关系,重新开始。 但是我一直回来。 发挥创意,在编辑器中写几行并运行它,看着它随着您打字而生机勃勃的能力仍然持久地令人上瘾。 因此,每次我不喜欢代码时,我就知道再次回到爱中只是时间问题。

It’ll likely be the same for you.


If you visit my site, and sign up for my list, I’ll send you three things completely free:


  1. The Ultimate Guide to Meditation for Programmers


  2. The Coding Burnout Checklist


  3. Three guided audio meditations


This article first appeared on

这篇文章首先出现在www.codingmindfully.com上 。


