关于ADO.Net连接池(Connection Pool)的一些个人见解

建立池连接可以显著提高应用程序的性能和可缩放性。SQL Server .NET Framework 数据提供程序自动为 ADO.NET 客户端应用程序提供连接池(MSDN)。

Opening a database connection is a resource intensive and time consuming operation. Connection pooling increases the performance of Web/windows applications by reusing active database connections instead of creating a new connection with every request. Connection pool manager maintains a pool of open database connections. When a new connection requests come in, the pool manager checks if the pool contains any unused connections and returns one if available. If all connections currently in the pool are busy and the maximum pool size has not been reached, the new connection is created and added to the pool. When the pool reaches its maximum size all new connection requests are being queued up until a connection in the pool becomes available or the connection attempt times out.

Connection pooling behavior is controlled by the connection string parameters. Please look into MSDN documents in the reference link if you want to know further information.




1Client端的windows form application通过ADO.Net直接访问后台Database
关于ADO.Net连接池(Connection Pool)的一些个人见解

我认为在这种情况下,每一个Client端和Database之间都存在一个连接池。通过设置ConnectiongStringMax Pool SizeMin Pool Size属性来验证。

Max Pool Size = 5, Min Pool Size = 3, 通过SQL ServerSP_WHO2可以检测导如下结果:

启动1Client端的Windows form applicationapplicationSQL Server之间存在3connection

启动2Client端的Windows form applicationapplicationSQL Server之间存在6connection

启动3Client端的Windows form applicationapplicationSQL Server之间存在9connection


由此可见,每一个Client端和SQL Server之间都存在一个连接池,否则9connection已经超出了Max Pool Size的设定。


2Client端的application不直接通过ADO.Net来访问后台Database,而是通过IIS Server来同后台Database Server打交道。


1Client通过IE访问部署在IIS中的web applicationweb application中的Data Access Class进一步访问后台Database Server.

2Client端的windows form application访问部署在IIS中的Remote ObjectRemote Object进一步访问后台Database Server.

关于ADO.Net连接池(Connection Pool)的一些个人见解

下面进行同样的测试:通过设置ConnectiongStringMax Pool SizeMin Pool Size属性来验证。

Max Pool Size = 5, Min Pool Size = 3, 通过SQL ServerSP_WHO2可以检测导如下结果:

启动1Client端的Web form applicationapplicationSQL Server之间存在3connection

启动2Client端的Web form applicationapplicationSQL Server之间存在3connection

启动3Client端的Web form applicationapplicationSQL Server之间存在3connection


调用由IIS承载的Remote Object,结果类似。只是在未启动Client端之前,发现在Remote ObjectDatabase Server之间已经存在一个connection


由此可见,对同一个application而言,IIS ServerDatabase Server之间只有存在一个连接池,与Client端的多少没有关系。



根据上面的测试结果,显然第二种情况更有利于减少无用的连接数量,提高Database Server的性能。关于.Net Remoting技术及其性能问题,可以参考如下的Reference连接,这里就不讨论了。



Reference Links:

(1) MSDN, ms-help://MS.VSCC.2003/MS.MSDNQTR.2003FEB.2052/cpguide/html/cpconconnectionpoolingforsqlservernetdataprovider.htm

(2) Microsoft .NET Remoting:技术概述, http://www.microsoft.com/china/MSDN/library/NetFramework/default.mspx

(3) 性能比较:.NET Remoting ASP.NET Web 服务, http://www.microsoft.com/china/msdn/archives/library/dnbda/html/bdadotnetarch14.asp

