即IEEE机器人和自动化国际会议,由IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS,机器人和自动化学会)主办该领域规模(千人以上)和影响力最大的顶级国际会议。至今(2012年)已经成功举办了29届,只在中国举办过一次(2011年,中国上海)。ICRA每年都设立一个主题(Theme),例如"Better Robots, Better life"@2011,"Robots and Automation: Innovation for Tomorrow's Needs."@2012。另外,ICRA附带有一个精彩的展览,例如ICRA2012上露面的包括全球第一个宇航机器人Robonaut、当今最先进的医疗机器人Davinc...ICRA一般每年9月截止收稿,来年5月中上旬举行会议,全EI光盘版收录。近两年收稿情况:2011年,收稿约2000余,录用约980,录用率约49%;2012年,收稿2032篇,录用818篇,录用率40.25%,为历年最低。ICRA2013、2014将分别在Karlsruhe, Germany和中国香港举行
即IEEE\RSJ智能机器人与系统国际会议,主要由IEEE RAS,RSJ(the Robotics Society of Japan)等五个协会发起,规模(千人左右)和影响力仅次于ICRA的顶级国际会议。IROS始于1988年、日本,曾在中国举办过两次:2006年北京和2010年台湾,2012年10月将在葡萄牙举行第24届年会。与ICRA一样,IROS一般也有主题并附带一个机器人展览。一般每年3月截止收稿,同年10月中旬举行会议,全EI光盘版收录。近两年收稿情况不详,但录用率大概在30-50%之间,IROS2011貌似创造了历史新低。IROS2013、2014将分别在日本东京和美国芝加哥举行。
即IEEE机器人学和仿生学国际会议,同样是IEEE RAS门下的系列会议之一。规模(数百)与影响力次于前两者,截至2011年已成功举办了8届。特别要提一下的是:ROBIO目前实力比前两者是差些,但它是该领域华人区着力打造的品牌国际会议,希望大家共同出份力!也正因此,ROBIO经常光临中国,可能用“经常在中国混”更准确。一般每年7月中旬截止收稿,同年12月初举行会议,一般也是全EI光盘版收录。ROBIO2012将在中国广州举行,
中科院分区: (2021)
大类学科: 工程技术 2区: 小类学科: ROBOTICS 机器人学2区
大类学科: 计算机科学 3区: 小类学科: ROBOTICS 机器人学3区
Impact Factor:(2021)
IF: 6.887
The International Journal of Robotics Research | SAGE Publications Inc |
Aim and Scope
It is the policy of The International Journal of Robotics Research to encourage the application of theoretical advances to real problems and data. Results should represent a significant rather than incremental advance, and should be verified appropriately according to the topic. Experimental results are strongly encouraged. There should be an up to date literature review, and meaningful comparisons with previous work to demonstrate any proposed advance. All articles that pass initial editorial assessment are peer-reviewed by independent referees.
《国际机器人研究杂志》的政策是 鼓励将理论进步应用于实际问题和数据。结果应该代表一个显着的而不是增量的进步,并且应该根据主题进行适当的验证。强烈鼓励实验结果。应该有最新的文献回顾,并与以前的工作进行有意义的比较,以证明任何提议的进展。所有通过初步编辑评估的文章均由独立审稿人进行同行评审。
Industrial Robot-The International Journal of Robotics Research and Application
Industrial Robot publishes peer reviewed research articles, technology reviews and specially commissioned case studies. Each issue includes high quality content covering all aspects of robotic technology, and reflecting the most interesting and strategically important research and development activities from around the world.
The journal’s policy of not publishing work that has only been tested in simulation means that only the very best and most practical research articles are included. This ensures that the material that is published has real relevance and value for commercial manufacturing and research organizations. Industrial Robot's coverage includes, but is not restricted to:
Automatic assembly
Flexible manufacturing
Programming optimisation
Simulation and offline programming
Service robots
Autonomous robots
Swarm intelligence
Humanoid robots
Prosthetics and exoskeletons
Machine intelligence
Military robots
Underwater and aerial robots
Cooperative robots
Flexible grippers and tactile sensing
Robot vision
Mobile robots
Search and rescue robots
Robot welding
Collision avoidance
Robotic machining
Surgical robots
Call for Papers 2020
AI for Autonomous Unmanned Systems
Agricultural Robot
Brain-Computer Interfaces for Human-Robot Interaction
Cooperative Robots
Robots for Environmental Monitoring
Rehabilitation Robots
Wearable Robotics/Exoskeletons.
Advanced Robotics (AR) is the international journal of the Robotics Society of Japan and has a history of more than twenty years. It is an interdisciplinary journal which integrates publication of all aspects of research on robotics science and technology. Advanced Robotics publishes original research papers and survey papers from all over the world. Issues contain papers on analysis, theory, design, development, implementation and use of robots and robot technology. The journal covers both fundamental robotics and robotics related to applied fields such as service robotics, field robotics, medical robotics, rescue robotics, space robotics, underwater robotics, agriculture robotics, industrial robotics, and robots in emerging fields. It also covers aspects of social and managerial analysis and policy regarding robots.
Advanced Robotics (AR) is an international, ranked, peer-reviewed journal which publishes original research contributions to scientific knowledge.
All manuscript submissions are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees.
Autonomous Robots reports on the theory and applications of robotic systems capable of some degree of self-sufficiency. It features papers that include performance data on actual robots in the real world. Coverage includes: control of autonomous robots · real-time vision · autonomous wheeled and tracked vehicles · legged vehicles · computational architectures for autonomous systems · distributed architectures for learning, control and adaptation · studies of autonomous robot systems · sensor fusion · theory of autonomous systems · terrain mapping and recognition · self-calibration and self-repair for robots · self-reproducing intelligent structures · genetic algorithms as models for robot development.
The focus is on the ability to move and be self-sufficient, not on whether the system is an imitation of biology. Of course, biological models for robotic systems are of major interest to the journal since living systems are prototypes for autonomous behavior.
和TRO一样,是IEEE RAS(机器人与自动化协会)办的期刊杂志。本期刊更注重技术创新以解决实际问题。
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine is a unique technology publication which is peer-reviewed, readable and substantive. The Magazine is a forum for articles which fall between the academic and theoretical orientation of scholarly journals and vendor sponsored trade publications. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering publish advances in theory and experiment that underpin the science of robotics and automation. The Magazine complements these publications and seeks to present new scientific results to the practicing engineer through a focus on working systems and emphasizing creative solutions to real-world problems and highlighting implementation details. The Magazine publishes regular technical articles that undergo a peer review process overseen by the Magazine's associate editors; special issues on important and emerging topics in which all articles are fully reviewed but managed by guest editors; tutorial articles written by leading experts in their field; and regular columns on topics including education, industry news, IEEE RAS news, technical and regional activity and a calendar of events. |
TRO 是IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 在2004年停刊后分出来,也非常注重交叉学科研究的基础研究和理论创新,目前侧重未知的非结构化环境中智能设备系统的研究。
Journal of Field Robotics(JFR)
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems
Robotics and Autonomous Systems(RAS)
Soft Robotics
软体和柔性机器人的研究近年来越来越热,Soft Robotics 在2015年JCR公布的机器人领域排名第一,缔造了机器人领域期刊后起之秀的一个‘传奇’。
International Journal of Humanoid Robotics;
International Journal of Social Robotics;
Robotics and Computer-integrated Manufacturing;
Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics;
Industrial Robot: An International Journal;
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics
Swarm Intelligence
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems
International Journal of Robotics and Automation
NIPS:Advances in Neural Information Processing
ICML:International Conference on Machine Learning (135)
ICCV:International Conference on Computer Vision (129)
SIGKDD:ACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining(86)
ACL:Association of Computational Linguistics(106)
AAAI:Association for the Advance of Artificial Intelligence(95)
IJCAI:International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence(67)
ACM MM:ACM Multimedia Conference(58)
ECCV:European Conference on Computer Vision (137)
ICRA : International Conference on Robotics and Automation(82)
EMNLP:Conference on Empirical Methods on Natural Language Processing (88)
ICDM: International Conference on Data Mining(44)
UAI:Conference in Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (33)
COLT: Conference on Learning Theory (48)
COLING:International Conference on Computational Linguistics (41)
ICMR: ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval(32)
ECAI:European Conference on Artificial Intelligence(26)
INTERSPEECH: Conference of the International Speech Communication Association(65)
NAACL: Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics(61)
BMVC:British Machine Vision Conference(46)
ACCV:Asian Conference on Image Processing(38)
ICIP:International Conference on Image Processing(45)
ICPR:International Conference on Pattern Recognition(38)
IJCNN: International Joint Conference on Neural Networks(36)
ACML:Asian Conference on Machine Learning