https://www.toastmasters.org/footer/faq/Club%20Officer%20Elections 头马俱乐部选举最新问答

Q 1:Should my club hold club officer elections, even though we are currently meeting online?

Yes! All club activities, including club officer elections, are permitted to be held online at this time. Clubs should plan to hold club officer elections at the club’s first meeting in May, if practicable.


是的! 目前允许所有俱乐部活动,包括俱乐部官员选举,都可以在线进行。 如果可行,俱乐部应计划在5月的第一次会议上举行俱乐部官员选举。

Q 2:My club has always held club officer elections in person, but now that we are meeting online, what is the correct procedure?

The club officer election process is outlined on Page 56 of the Club Leadership Handbook. The good news is, the only significant change is in ensuring ballots are cast and counted correctly.

Here are some examples your members can choose from in casting their ballots:

Use the chat feature available in most online meeting platform. Members will send their votes directly to the member serving as the ballot counter.

While the elections must be held live, email can be used as a form of submitting ballots.

Various forms and surveys can be created using free online tools, sent to members during the elections, and used to cast ballots.


俱乐部领导力手册第56页概述了俱乐部官员的选举程序。 好消息是,唯一的重大变化是要确保正确地投票和计算选票。


使用大多数在线会议平台中可用的聊天功能。 成员将把他们的票直接发送给作为计票员的成员。



Q 3:What are other key factors I should be aware of when conducting a club officer election, whether in-person or online?

The entire procedure must be held live, and voting by proxy is not allowed. Members must remain present during the entire meeting to count for quorum and to vote.

The club is required to have quorum present (more than 50% of the active members of the club in attendance) to vote per Article V, Section 1 of the Club Constitution for Clubs of Toastmasters International. If a quorum is not present, the election is postponed until the next club meeting where quorum is present.

The Club Leadership Committee must announce their findings at least two weeks prior to the election. If the committee fails to do so, all candidates will run from the floor. The Club Leadership Committee findings may be distributed to the club by email.

Once the new club officers are elected, be sure to update your club officers online in Club Central, before June 30, to ensure continued Club Central access for your club.

When updating the club’s officer listing, use the “Future Term” button at the top, so your current officers are not replaced before June 30.


整个过程必须实时进行,并且不允许通过代理投票。 俱乐部会员必须在整个会议期间保持出席,以达到法定人数并进行投票。

根据Toastmasters International俱乐部的俱乐部章程第V条第1款,俱乐部必须达到法定人数(出席会议的在册会员人数要达到俱乐部总在册会员人数的50%以上)才能投票。 如果未达到法定人数,选举将推迟到满足法定人数的下一次俱乐部会议。

俱乐部领导委员会必须在选举前至少两周宣布其调查和提名结果。 如果委员会不这样做,则所有候选人都现场提名。 俱乐部领导委员会的调查和提名结果可以通过电子邮件分发给俱乐部。

选出新的俱乐部干事后,请务必在6月30日之前在TI官网Club Central上在线更新您的俱乐部干事,以确保继续为您的俱乐部维护和使用Club Central。


Q 4:Is the Club Leadership Committee required in order to conduct elections?

Article VI, Section 5 of the Club Constitution states that nominations for club officers are made in two ways:

By the Club Leadership Committee’s report, which is presented at the business meeting immediately prior to the meeting at which elections take place.

By an active member nominating from the floor, which is done at the time of the election. If the Club Leadership Committee was not appointed, the club does not need to delay its elections; it may proceed with nominating from the floor and electing new officers.




由在册会员在选举中提名,这是在选举时完成的。 如果未任命俱乐部领导委员会,则俱乐部无需延迟其选举; 它可以从竞选会议上现场提名并选出新的官员。

Q 5:Can the club officers be a part of the Club Leadership Committee?

Any club officer can be a part of the Club Leadership Committee; however, Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised (p. 433, ll. 14–15) suggests that the president, specifically, should not be a part of this committee.


任何俱乐部官员均可成为俱乐部领导委员会的成员; 但是,《罗伯特议事规则》(新修订)(第433页,II ,14-15)建议,俱乐部主席尤其不应成为该委员会的成员。

Q 6:Can members of the Club Leadership Committee be nominated or run from the floor?

Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised states, “Members of the Club Leadership Committee are not barred from becoming nominees for office themselves.” (P. 433, ll. 29–30.) Any member, including those who served on the committee, can nominate themselves from the floor if they wish.


新修订的《罗伯特议事规则》指出:“俱乐部领导委员会的成员没有被禁止亲自担任俱乐部官员候选人。”  (第433页,ll,29-30)。任何成员,包括在委员会任职的成员,都可以根据需要提名席位。

Q 7:Do candidates have to be present to be elected?

Members do not have to be present to be elected. However, they should have made clear prior to the elections they would accept the office if elected—preferably in writing. If candidates were put on the ballot by the Club Leadership Committee, it is typical practice the Club Leadership Committee to have already reached out to those individuals for their consent prior to their report.


参加竞选的会员不一定要实时参加选举会。但是,他们应该在选举之前明确,最好有书面凭证,他们将接受担任俱乐部官员职位。 如果候选人由俱乐部领导委员会进行投票,则俱乐部领导委员会通常的做法是在公布之前已经征得这些人的同意。

Q8:What happens in the event of a tie?

Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised instructs to cast votes again until one candidate obtains a majority (p. 441, ll. 1–5). Some clubs choose to have a designated member settle the tie by casting their vote. This action is permitted, so long as this member has not already cast a vote for the open office.


《罗伯特议事规则》(新修订)指示,这样应再次投票,直到一名候选人获得多数票为止(第441页,II ,1-5)。 一些俱乐部选择让指定成员通过投票来解决平局。 只要此成员尚未对该官员投票,便可以执行此操作。

Q 9:My club is having issues calculating/meeting quorum, what can we do?

Please contact Club Quality and Service at [email protected].


请通过[email protected]与俱乐部质量和服务部联系。

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