Spring @Value

@Value can be used for injecting values into fields in Spring-managed beans, and it can be applied at the field or constructor/method parameter level.

Setting Up the Application

We can use placeholder strings in @Value to wire values defined in external sources, for example, in .properties or .yaml files.

# .properties file
value.from.file=Value got from the file


@Value("string value")
private String stringValue;


private String valueFromFile;


private String systemValue;

# 系统变量和配置文件变量重名时,系统变量值优先
private String prioritySystemProperty;


private String[] valuesArray;


# String Defaults
private String stringWithDefaultValue;

# zero-length String as the default value
private String stringWithBlankDefaultValue;

# Primitives
private boolean booleanWithDefaultValue;

private int intWithDefaultValue;

# Arrays
private String[] stringArrayWithDefaults;

private int[] intArrayWithDefaults;

#  Using SpEL
@Value("#{systemProperties['some.key'] ?: 'my default system property value'}")
private String spelWithDefaultValue;

Using @Value With Constructor Injection

public class PriorityProvider {

    private String priority;

    public PriorityProvider(@Value("${priority:normal}") String priority) {
        this.priority = priority;

    // standard getter

Using @Value With Setter Injection

public class CollectionProvider {

    private List<String> values = new ArrayList<>();
    private int cylinderCount;

    public void setValues(@Value("#{'${listOfValues}'.split(',')}") List<String> values) {

    void setCylinderCount(@Value("8") int cylinderCount) {
        this.cylinderCount = cylinderCount;

    void setCylinderCount(int cylinderCount) {
        this.cylinderCount = cylinderCount;
    // standard getter

Using @Value With SpEL expressions

Spring Expression Language (SpEL)

#  If we have a system property named priority, then its value will be applied to the field
#  If we have not defined the system property, then the null value will be assigned.
private String spelValue;

# We get some default value for the field if the system property is not defined
@Value("#{systemProperties['unknown'] ?: 'some default'}")
private String spelSomeDefault;

# We can manipulate properties to get a List of values
private List<String> valuesList;

Using @Value With Maps

# First, we'll need to define the property in the {key: ‘value' } form in our properties file.
# Note that the values in the Map must be in single quotes.
valuesMap={key1: '1', key2: '2', key3: '3'}

private Map<String, Integer> valuesMap;

# get the value of a specific key in the Map
private Integer valuesMapKey1;

# If we're not sure whether the Map contains a certain key, 
# we should choose a safer expression that will not throw an exception but set the value to null when the key is not found:
private Integer unknownMapKey;

# We can also set default values for the properties or keys that might not exist:
@Value("#{${unknownMap : {key1: '1', key2: '2'}}}")
private Map<String, Integer> unknownMap;
@Value("#{${valuesMap}['unknownKey'] ?: 5}")
private Integer unknownMapKeyWithDefaultValue;

# 定制条件
private Map<String, Integer> valuesMapFiltered;

# inject all current system properties
private Map<String, String> systemPropertiesMap;

A Quick Guide to Spring @Value
Using Spring @Value With Defaults
