《致命女人》英语学习笔记 6 中下/下

第6集 中下

  1. Welcome to our little shindig. 欢迎来到我们的宴会
  • shindig /ˈʃɪndɪɡ/ n. 盛大而喧闹的聚会; 盛大舞会;
    This is a great shindig! I haven't had this much fun in quite some.
  1. Honey, Miles is bagging about his salary. Can I tell him how much I make?
  • bag about 吹牛
  1. I didn't want to come empty-handed, so.......
    -You shouldn't have.
  • empty-handed 两手空空,一无所获
    (这个在前面的剧集里,Ann 的女邻居也说过同样的话,拿了一瓶酒来拜访Ann。这个词在投资某事失败的时候也可以用)
    The robbers fled empty-handed.
    She visited every Sunday and never arrived empty-handed.
  • You shouldn't have 你不必如此麻烦(之前Simone以为Tommy要给他买珠宝,也说过这个话,就是表达接受别人好处时的感谢)
  1. What happened with me and Eli has obviously triggered some hurt feelings.
  • trigger /ˈtrɪɡə(r)/ 触发,引发
    Stress may act as a trigger for these illnesses.
  1. His muse? What kind of over-the-top undeserved bullshit is that?
    -Okay, he was just trying to be nice.
    -You didn't save him.
    -You toss out a couple ideas and poured him coffee while he pulled an all-nighter.
  • over-the-top:形容词。(言行)夸张的,过分的,荒唐的
    All these over-the-top demands involved midsize to large companies.
    She typically hosts an "over-the-top meal" for friends and family.
  • toss /tɒs/ v. (轻轻或漫不经心地)抛;甩(头,以表示恼怒或不耐烦);(使)摇摆,颠簸;
    toss some idea 抛出一些观点
    We'll toss for the first ride on the new bicycle.
    'I'm sure I don't know.' Cook tossed her head.
    Vow! The kid has such a great toss!
  • pull an all-nighter:(非正式)熬夜,通宵 = stay up all night
    If you try to pull an all-nighter the day before your exam, you'll be too tired to get a good mark.
    Sorry if I look tired, I had to pull an all-nighter to get my assignment finished before the deadline.

    Why are you being so weird?
  1. Man, that's just shining a light on the cracks in our relationship.
  • shine a/some light on ……:让……显露;让……更清楚
    You don’t have to invent anything. You’re just shining a light on it.
    The region should shine a light on its amazing food and agriculture and share it with the rest of the country.
  • crack n. 裂缝 v.裂开
  1. You're a killer. 你真是太棒了
    -Well, she is.
    (someone is) killing it:(非正式)某人做得很棒

  2. Aw, come on. Don't make me dance alone.
    -Seriously, I have two left feet.
    -Well, add them to mine and we'll have four.
    -Okay, just for a minute.
    -Yeah, now you're talking.
    -Look at you go.

  • have two left feet:(跳舞时)很笨拙
    When we danced together, I discovered he had two left feet.
  • now you're talking:这就对了
  • look at you go:真棒啊
  1. Look, I am so sorry if we are being too loud. We'll be out of here in two shakes of a lamb's tail, okay?
  • in two shakes of a lamb's tail:立刻,马上
  1. Leave the bottle.
    -My darling, don't you, um, think you've had enough?
    -Of you? Yes. Of Chardonnay? Never.
  1. Speaking of marriage, I'm just curious, how many times have you been married?
    -Just three. Why?
    -It's just an innocent question, my love.
    -Why are you so cross with him?
    -I wasn't cross. Was I cross?
    -You were definitely cross.
  • speaking of 说起某事
  • innocent adj. 无辜的,无罪的,无知的
    innocent question 无关痛痒的问题
  • be cross with someone:被某人惹生= be angry with someone.
  1. Still have crush on him?
  • crush /krʌʃ/ on sb 迷恋某人
  1. 名场面开始了
    Not really the headline, oh, you poor tragic woman.
    -I have suffered. It's true.
    -I'm sorry, do not shed tears to Simone.
    -She is receiving ample comfort in the arms of her lover.
    -Who, for the newcomers, is all of 18 years of age.
    -Oh, sweet suffering Jesus.
    -British homos? teen lovers?
  • Not really the headline 这不是重点
  • tragic 悲惨的
  • shed tears to sb 为某人流泪
  • ample /ˈæmpl/ 丰富的
    There'll be ample opportunity to relax, swim and soak up some sun.
  • for the newcomers 对新人来说,这里翻译成:你们可能不知道
  • is all of ... years of age/ years old. 才刚刚满...岁
    (years old 较口语化、通俗一些,而years of age 表达较书面语、更文雅一些。但是意思都一样。)
  • sweet suffering Jesus 我的老天爷啊!

第6集 下

  1. I'm done with the pills. Okay? 我吃了药了,好吧?
  • be done with sth 完全结束
    He wanted to be done with it as soon as possible.
    It was done with the best of intentions.
  1. I'm legit again, they will trust me again and the money that will follow with, Jade...... I can take care of you. Please, I need them.
  • legit /lɪˈdʒɪt/
    n. 合法婚姻所生的子女
    He left no children一anyway, no legits.他没有孩子——反正就是说,没有婚生子女。
    n. 话剧演员,舞台剧演员
    He’s just a legit, not a film star.他只是一位舞台剧演员,不是电影明星。
    adj. 正规的,合乎情理的,正统的
    If she’s not legit,I won’t work with her.她要是不讲情理,我就不想同她一起工作。
    a few legit playwrights几位正统剧作家。
    在剧里Eli说I'm legit again 是想表达,我又变得正统了,我又重回巅峰了。

  1. Oh, you're not staying here tonight.
    -Is that so?
    -I want you to pack your things and leave, now.
    -Oh, knock it off, Simone. I'm angry enough as it is.
    -And whose fault is that?
    -If you'd just kept your mouth shut instead of humiliating me.
    -I was provoked!
    -Oh, so there was no possible way you could suppress the impulse to blow up the entire evening?
  • Is that so? 是吗
  • knock it off 停下;住口
  • ...enough as it is. 足够.....了
    It is good enough as it is. 照现在的样子够不错了。
  • whose fault is that 这是谁的错
  • kept your mouth shut 闭嘴
  • provoke 激怒
  • suppress the impulse 压制冲动
  1. I wasn't gonna cause a scene.
    cause a scene:当众吵闹

  2. This is not the first time he's gotten rough with her.
    -How do you know that?
    -She has several bruises on her arm.

  • get rough /rʌf/ with sb 粗暴对待某人
  • bruise /bruːz/ 淤青
  1. And what if Ralph comes banging on our door in the middle of the night to try to drag her back? Would you have the balls to stand up to him then?
    -Don't use that kind of language.
    -Of course you wouldn't. You'd just slink away like the coward you are.
    -I'm just saying, leave it alone.
  • bang the door 敲门,撞门
  • have the balls to do sth 有勇气做某事
  • stand up to 经得起,抵抗得住
  • slink away 溜走
  • coward /ˈkaʊəd/ 懦夫
    She accused her husband of being a coward.
  • leave it alone 别管它

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