10 Career Essentials 10个职业必备思维-读书笔记01

“Personality type can help you understand your personal learning style and work preferences.”性格类型可以帮助我们了解我们的学习风格和工作倾向性。

“You can use personality type to figure out how you prefer to do your work. When you know how you prefer to work and what kind of work you prefer to do, you can choose the right career direction and focus your energy on career success.” 你可以使用性格类型了解你喜欢的工作方式,当你知道选择自己喜欢的工作,你会选择正确的生涯方向,并且把所有的能量投入到生涯的成功。


“Personality type describes your personal preferences for focusing your energy, taking in new information, making decisions, and managing yourself in the world.” 性格类型描述了个人如下因素的特征:能量来源、信息获取方式、决策和生活方式。

E: external, active orientation 外向的、主动的; I: internal, reflective orientation 内向的、反思的

S: specific facts & detials 具体的事实和细节; N: General possibilities, big-pictures 全局的、可能性

T: Trust logic & analysis逻辑和分析; F: Trust in values & personal consequences 价值观、情感

J: decisive, prefer structure & control 决断的、结构化、掌控感; P: keep open, flexible 开放、灵活

16 possible combinations and Mine: ESFJ 

Eight ways of working:

1. Responders: Act and Adapt Personality Types---ESFP & ESTP 反应型的人:行动与适应(感性反应型、理性反应型)

Characteristic strengths of Responders: Active; Practical; Adaptive; Engaging; Living in the moment

Work preferences of Responders: Having fun and being playful; Doing a variety of hands-on activities; Being practical and using common sense; Improvising and taking action; Working on the most immediate task at hand; Focusing on the here and now rather than the future

2. Explorers: Innovate and Initiate Personality Types: ENFP & ENTP 探索型的人: 创新与主动(感性探索型、理性探索型)

Characteristic strengths of Explorers: Enthusiastic; Inspired; Open to change; Multiple interest; Flexible

Work preferences of Explorers: Sharing and talking about ideas; Seeking changes and initiating new projects; Creating new ways of doing things; Improvising rather than preparing; Multitasking; Focusing on possibilities for the future

3. Expeditors: Direct and Decide Personality Types: ESTJ & ENTJ 果断型的人:直接与决断(务实果断型、洞察果断型)

Characteristic strengths of Expeditors: Decisive; Active; Responsible; Structured; Results-oriented

Work preferences of Expeditors: Analyzing and evaluating information; Using a logical, decisive approach; Working in a structured environment; Being in control; Organizing people and things; Managing time and tasks; Setting and achieving goals

4. Contributors: Communicate and Cooperate Types: ESFJ & ENFJ 贡献型的人:沟通与合作(务实贡献型、洞察贡献型)

Characteristic strengths of Contributors: Collaborative; Cooperative; Organized; Harmonious; Expressive

Work preferences of Contributors: Coordinating people to achieve results; Establishing and maintaining relationships; Collaborating with others to complete projects; Developing rapport and using empathy; Making sure everyone is included and accepted; Enjoying traditions and celebrating people's successes;

5. Assimilators: Specialize and Stabilize Personality Types: ISFJ & ISTJ 缜密型的人:专注与稳定(感性缜密型、理性缜密型)

Characteristic strengths of Assimilators: Detailed; Methodical; Practical; Task-focused; Building on experience;

Work preferences of Assimilators: Having structure, routine, and predictability in the workplace; Planning carefully before starting a task; Taking one thing at a time; Working systematically and carefully; Usinngn accuracy and precision; Mastering the facts and learning about a topic of interest in detail; Having quiet time to reflect on information and experiences

6. Visionaries: Interpret and Implement Personality Types: INFJ & INTJ 愿景型的人:解释与执行(感性愿景型、理性愿景型)

Characteristic strengths of Visionaries: Integration of information; Broad perspective; Focus on the future; Organization; Follow-through;

Work preferences of Visionaries: Reflecting on the meaning underlying facts and experiences; Learning about new ideas, models and theories; Looking at the information in many different ways; Thinking about and implementing complex, long-term solutions; Planning projects thoroughly before taking action; Using metaphors, symbols and other abstract figures of speech

7. Analyzers: Examine and Evaluate Personality Types: ISTP & INTP 分析型的人:审视与评估(务实分析、洞察分析)

Characteristic strengths of Analyzers: Adaptable; Flexible; Analytical; Self-reliant; Independent

Work preferences of Analyzers: Internally questioning and analyzing why and how things are done; Finding out why and how things work; Solving problems and improvising; Seeking logical connections to new information

8. Enhancers: Care and Connect Personality Types: ISFP & INFP 关顾型的人:关心与联系(务实关顾、洞察关顾)

Characteristic strengths of Enhancers: Authentic; Appreciation; Nurturing; Flexible; Harmonious

Work preferences of Enhancers: Quietly expressing one's self and values through work; Appreciating and working to improve the world; Staying in the background to support others; Working in harmonious, collaborative, supportive environments; Controlling work pace and structure; Having flexibility, variety and time for reflection

Here are some questions to help you think about what career success means to you.

Skill, interests, and personality preference: What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing? What is really hard for you to do? What do you dislike doing? What skills do you enjoy using and developing? Do you want to learn something new? What would you like to learn? What activities do you enjoy that can generate income? 你擅长什么?你喜欢做什么?对你来做什么很困难?你不喜欢做什么?什么技能是你喜欢并且乐意发展的?你想要学习新东西吗? 你想学习什么新东西?你做什么活动可以产生收入?

2021-03-03: 我擅长信息的收集和整理、擅长积极的想法和落地行动;我喜欢看书、喜欢与人交流、讨论学习和成长;对我来,内化的知识进行语言表达很难;我不喜欢做饭;我喜欢学习英语、整理英语学习方法;我非常喜欢学习新东西;最近我希望坚持练习钢琴和写作;可以产生收入的活动是生涯咨询和行动督导。

Values and lifestyle: What do you value? When, where, and how much do you want to work? Where do you want to live? What do you want to do in the time you spend outside work? Do you have physical or psychological limitations? How do these limitations affect your choices? Do you want to make lifestyle changes? What changes? 价值观和生活方式:你看中什么?你想什么时候、在哪里、如何工作?你想在哪里生活?工作之余你还想做什么?你有身体或者心理的极限/障碍吗?这些障碍是否影响了你做选择?你想做哪些生活方式的改变吗?

2021-03-03: 我看中的是个人的成长和利他;在杭州、每天工作8小时、可以60%独自工作、30%合作、10%学习;工作之余:跑步、游泳、羽毛球、钢琴、旅游;心理的障碍:遇到问题容易焦虑,容易担心他人的眼光;后果是常常花时间懊悔;现在改变了很多,如果一个事情我完成的不好,我不太倾向说自己是个loser,而是想办法,如果做这个事情曾经或者坚信未来会带来快乐给我,我就一定要做,不否定自己无能,而是说现在的模式可能不是我适合的,更多的是找出路,让自己重新链接到能量场。

Financial needs and wants: How much money do you need to make? How much money do you want to make? If you change your lifestyle, how will this affect the amount of money you need or want? 财务必须和想要:你需要挣多少钱?你想挣多少钱?如果改变你的生活方式那你需要或者想要多少钱?


Life roles: What life roles are important to you? What time commitments do you want to make to these roles? What are the needs of the significant people in your life who influence your career? 生命角色:生活中哪些角色对你来说很重要?对于这些角色你付出多少时间的承诺? 对你生命有重要影响的人,他们的需求是什么?

2021-03-03: 现阶段的角色:咨询师、妻子、女儿、姐姐、朋友;对于咨询师,现阶段是每天2小时的学习和自我总结;妻子:日常的关心和周末的两人时光;女儿和姐姐:每周的电话问候和未来有机会的家庭旅行;朋友:朋友需要时,我在;他们的需求:首先是我好好关爱自己,其次多关心他们的情绪、身体和心愿。

Tips for setting career and life goals: Post and write your goals where you can review them; Make a plan to work toward your goals of SMART principles; Persist in pursuing your goals but be open to changing them if your priorities and situation shift.  Don't give up your goals but redefine them. 

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