Public Museum/AOD



1. The primary function of museums is to protect and preserve their treasures, 这是网络无法承担的。如果没有博物馆,很多的文物就会lost,或者被私人收藏家(private collector)收藏为己有,公众就很难看到(no access to these treasures)。

2.博物馆provide better learning environment than the Internet does. Visitors在大英博物馆亲眼看到一幅 van Gogh 作品的感受肯定要比在网络上看到一张图片好。在博物馆亲身的体验会激发学生对艺术和历史的兴趣(arouse interests and curiosity in art and history)。Now many museums set aside study days to allow more intensive exploration of the cultural background of an exhibition.


In conclusion, 我的观点是,网络是不能取代博物馆的,但是网络可以为博物馆提供很好的补充。


From a more materialistic perspective, museums contribute significantly to the country’s revenue, as they are a source of tourist attraction.

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