苹果“ Sherlocks”一个应用程序意味着什么?

苹果“ Sherlocks”一个应用程序意味着什么?_第1张图片

Perhaps you’ve read that F.lux, which reduces eye strain and helps you sleep, is being “Sherlocked” later this month. What does that mean?

也许您已经读到F.lux可以减轻眼疲劳并帮助您入睡,本月下旬将被“ Sherlocked”。 这意味着什么?

In short, “Sherlocked” means that macOS will soon offer features that make installing the popular third-party tool F.lux unnecessary. When macOS 10.11.4—the latest update for Sierra—comes out, the “Displays” panel in System Preferences will offer the Night Shift feature that debuted on iPhones last year. For lifelong Apple fans, this term barely needs explanation, but recent converts might feel confused. So, let’s take a look at where the term “Sherlocked” comes from.

简而言之,“ Sherlocked”意味着macOS即将提供一些功能,这些功能使安装流行的第三方工具F.lux变得不必要。 当macOS 10.11.4( Sierra的最新更新)问世时,“系统偏好设置”中的“显示”面板将提供去年在iPhone上首次亮相的Night Shift功能。 对于一生的Apple粉丝来说,这个词几乎不需要解释,但是最近的信徒可能会感到困惑。 因此,让我们看一下“ Sherlocked”一词的来源。

“ Sherlocked”一词从何而来? (Where Does the Term “Sherlocked” Come From?)

Before Spotlight—Apple’s built-in search feature—there was a different built-in search feature named Sherlock, after the fictional detective. Sherlock was part of Mac OS 8 and 9, and allowed users to search for files and contacts. When Mac OS X came around, Sherlock was extended to incorporate some basic web functionality—including translation.

在Spotlight( Apple的内置搜索功能)之前,在虚构的侦探之后,还有一个名为Sherlock的内置搜索功能。 Sherlock是Mac OS 8和9的一部分,允许用户搜索文件和联系人。 当Mac OS X出现时,Sherlock进行了扩展,以合并一些基本的Web功能,包括翻译。



The idea of offering information from the Internet in a native Mac search interface intrigued developer Dan Wood, who founded a company called Karelia and built a tool named Watson. This $30 application was intended to be a companion to Sherlock (get it?) and supported way more internet functionality than Sherlock. Users of Watson could browse Yahoo’s famous directory with expandable menus, look up movie schedules, calculate  exchange rates, and a lot more.

在本地Mac搜索界面中从Internet提供信息的想法引起了开发人员Dan Wood的兴趣,后者创建了一家名为Karelia的公司并构建了一个名为Watson的工具。 这款售价30美元的应用程序旨在成为Sherlock的伴侣(明白吗?),并且比Sherlock更加支持互联网功能。 Watson的用户可以使用可扩展的菜单浏览Yahoo著名的目录,查找电影时间表,计算汇率等等。

苹果“ Sherlocks”一个应用程序意味着什么?_第2张图片

Watson became very popular, and stayed that way right until Apple released Mac OS X 10.2 with Sherlock 3. In that release, Apple added just about everything Watson could do to Sherlock’s own interface.

Watson变得非常流行,并一直保持这种状态,直到Apple发行带有Sherlock 3的Mac OS X 10.2。在该版本中,Apple几乎将Watson可以做的所有事情添加到Sherlock自己的界面中。

After incorporating all these features, people no longer had much reason to buy Watson. Sherlock could do it all. A narrative took hold, and in the future “Sherlocked” became a word used any time Apple put out a new feature that made a third-party app no longer relevant.

合并了所有这些功能之后,人们不再有太多理由购买Watson。 Sherlock可以做到。 叙述占据了上风,在将来,只要苹果推出一项使第三方应用程序不再相关的新功能,“ Sherlocked”一词就成了惯用语。

In a blog post, Wood said Steve Jobs told him Apple can and will do this to developers on the platform. Here’s Wood paraphrasing a phone call from Jobs himself:

伍德在博客中说,史蒂夫·乔布斯告诉他苹果可以并且将对平台上的开发人员这样做。 这是伍德解释乔布斯本人的电话:

“You know those handcars, the little machines that people stand on and pump to move along on the train tracks? That’s Karelia. Apple is the steam train that owns the tracks.”

“您知道那些手推车,人们站立并抽动在火车轨道上行驶的微型机器吗? 那是卡累利阿。 苹果是拥有铁轨的蒸汽火车。”

You could argue that the popular narrative here isn’t completely accurate. Apple blogger John Gruber stated that Sherlock’s web integrations were planned at Apple before Watson debuted, and that Apple offered Wood a job working on Sherlock two different times. But these facts couldn’t stand in the way of a good story, and the term “Sherlocked” stuck.

您可能会争辩说,此处的流行叙述并不完全准确。 苹果博客作者约翰·格鲁伯( John Gruber)表示,沃森首次亮相之前,夏洛克的网络集成是在苹果计划的,苹果曾两次向伍德提供一份在夏洛克工作的工作。 但是这些事实并不能阻止一个好故事,“ Sherlocked”一词陷于困境。

“ Sherlocking”会发生很多吗? (Does “Sherlocking” Happen a Lot?)

The term “Sherlocked” stuck around because it’s useful: there isn’t really another word to describe an app being replaced by an OS feature. And every few years Apple really does add features replacing projects put out by third parties, including such favorites as:

术语“ Sherlocked”之所以存在是因为它很有用:实际上并没有另一个词来描述被OS功能所取代的应用程序。 而且每隔几年,Apple确实会增加一些功能来替代第三方提出的项目,其中包括:

  • Konfabulator. An app that offered interactive desktop widgets, Konfabulator was made irrelevant by Apple’s Dashboard.

    Konfabulator 。 Konfabulator是一款提供交互式桌面小部件的应用,与Apple的Dashboard无关。

  • iPodderX. An early podcast manager for Mac OS X, iPodderX was made irrelevant by podcast support in iTunes.

    iPodderX 。 iPodderX是Mac OS X的早期播客管理器,它与iTunes中的播客支持无关。

  • Sandvox. An application for building websites in a native Mac environment, Sandvox lost a lot of momentum when Apple released iWeb. Coincidentally, Sandvox is from Karelia—the developers behind Watson—so they’ve been Sherlocked twice.

    Sandvox 。 当苹果发布iWeb时,Sandvox是用于在本地Mac环境中构建网站的应用程序,失去了很多动力。 碰巧的是,Sandvox来自卡累利阿州(屈臣氏背后的开发人员),因此他们两次被夏洛克禁闭。

  • Growl. An open source notification system for Mac OS X used by hundreds of Mac apps, Growl was made irrelevant by Apple’s native notification system.

    低吼。 Growl是用于数百种Mac应用程序的Mac OS X的开源通知系统,它与Apple的本机通知系统无关。

We’re sure readers can think of other examples. F.lux is just the latest victim. And Mac users will continue seeing the term “Sherlocked” thrown around whenever Apple adds new features to the operating system previously offered by third party applications.

我们相信读者可以想到其他例子。 F.lux只是最新的受害者。 每当Apple向第三方应用程序先前提供的操作系统添加新功能时,Mac用户将继续看到“ Sherlocked”一词。

You could also argue that Microsoft was Sherlocking before Apple made it cool, killing off Netscape Navigator with a little app called Internet Explorer. At this point, the word “Sherlocked” hasn’t really crossed over into Windows-land. But who knows what the future holds?

您还可以说,在苹果让它变得酷炫之前,微软就已经大发雷霆了,他用一个名为Internet Explorer的小应用杀死了Netscape Navigator。 在这一点上,“ Sherlocked”一词还没有真正进入Windows领域。 但是谁知道未来会怎样呢?

Photo credit: Christian Reimer


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/297651/what-does-it-mean-when-a-company-sherlocks-an-app/
