

Getting Started with VAPOR and WRF

VAPOR/WRF Data and Image Preparation Guide: Instructions for converting WRF data to VAPOR format, obtaining georeferenced images to use in the VAPOR scene, and performing analysis on WRF data.

Georgia Weather Case Study: A quick-start tutorial showing how to use VAPOR to explore a WRF data set.

Using NCL with VAPOR to visualize WRF-ARW data:A tutorial showing how to use NCL to make plots of NCL data that can be embedded in a VAPOR 3D scene.

VAPOR User’s Guide for WRF Typhoon Research: A guide to using VAPOR to visualize typhoon Jangmi, including instructions for preparing satellite images and NCL plots to visualize in VAPOR.

Using Python with VAPOR: A guide to defining derived variables using VAPOR’s embedded Python interpreter.

VAPOR GUI General Guide

Basic Operations in VAPOR GUI

Use of VAPOR Data Collections (VDC's)

Advanced features in VAPOR GUI

Data Visualization

Global tabs (Viewpoint, Region, Animation) in VAPOR GUI

Scene extents and Boxes

Vapor Rendering

Image rendering

2D Data

Probe Tab: Data Probe or Contour Plane

Volume Rendering (DVR)

Isosurfaces (Iso-3D)

Model Tab: 3D Geometry Display

Flow Rendering


Contour Lines (Isolines)


Video walkthroughs covering three of VAPOR's renderers

A series of three YouTube videos that walk the user through the process of visualizing WRF Hurricane data. The user will learn how to use the Volume Renderer, Isosurface, and Flow Line tools using publicly available example data.

Visualize Hurricane Katrina

An in-depth written tutorial, visualizing a WRF-ARW simulation of Hurricane Katrina making landfall during August 29-31, 2005.  The data follows Katrina, illustrating the initial impact and the subsequent dissipation after the system moves northward.


Using NCL/WRF with VAPOR

A tutorial on how to incorporate the NCAR Command Language (NCL) with VAPOR to construct plots from WRF data, and apply them within a 3D domain.

A basic familiarity with NCL and VAPOR may be helpful to the reader, but not required for this tutorial.

XSEDE Training Webinar (2016)

Visualizing an F5 Tornado with Vapor - Xsede Tutorial 2016

Korean Supercomputing Conference (2014)

An Introduction to VAPOR

Interactive 3D visualization of geosciences data with VAPOR

Korean Supercomputing Conference (2012)

Intro to VAPOR and geosciences data

Data preparation

Obsolete Tutorials (pre VAPOR 2.4.0)

VAPOR Quick Start Guide (2008)

Georgia Weather Case Study (2009)

Typhoon Research Guide (2009)

Usage guides


Getting Started with VAPOR and WRF

Data Conversion with VDCWizard

VAPOR/WRF Data and Image Preparation Guide

VAPOR Data Collections (VDC'S)

Using Python with VAPOR

Spherical Data Instructions



条目04-通过WRF-CHEM LES模式模拟的电厂羽流分散的可视化

使用VAPOR可视化由WRF-CHEM LES模式模拟的发电厂羽流分散。显示的模拟CO2浓度与模拟浓度成比例。同时绘制低水平(300m agl)的风向量(倒钩),其具有与风速成比例的长度尺度。使用VAPOR包装的内置工具计算发射点处的气团的前向轨迹(垂直每200米处的种子),并使用与气团高度(流量)成比例的色标来显示。为了显示湍流结构


使用WRF-Chem模型模拟了东亚上空发生的颗粒物质(PM2.5)5天(2010年4月24日〜4月29日),并使用VAPOR程序显示了远程运输过程。用于绘制图的模型变量是PM2.5,U,V和W. PM2.5的大气浓度显示为3维渲染技术(DVR),其红色标度与其浓度成比例。风向量由海拔1500米(红色),3000米(绿色),5000米(黄色)的倒钩给出。

第17项 - 行星边界层演化的模拟


Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0x40805) with this library (version 0x40807)

Aborted (core dumped)

yum  update qt


