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下面这张图片是一本书的注释,里面提到有不少图书,利用Kimi chat就可以轻松完成提取其中图书书名的任务。

用Kimi chat识别并整理图片里面的文字_第1张图片

用Kimi chat识别并整理图片里面的文字_第2张图片



"Psychometrics by Keith Coaley, Sage Publications, 2nd edition, 2014"

"Designing and Reporting Experiments in Psychology" by Peter Harris, Open University Press, 3rd edition, 2008

"As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl" by John Colapinto, HarperCollins, paperback edition, 2001

"Basic Vision: An Introduction To Visual Perception" by Peter Thompson and Tom Troscianko, Oxford University Press, 2nd edition, 2012

"How to Develop a Brilliant Memory Week by Week: 50 Proven Ways to Enhance Your Memory" by Dominic O'Brien, Watkins Publishing, 2014



用Kimi chat识别并整理图片里面的文字_第3张图片


用Kimi chat识别并整理图片里面的文字_第4张图片



"Intelligence: All That Matters" by Stuart Ritchie, Hodder & Stoughton, 2015

《智力:所有重要的事》 作者:Stuart Ritchie,霍德和斯托顿出版社,2015年

"How Intelligent Are You? The Universal IQ Tests" by Victor Serebriakoff (Honorary President of MENSA), Robinson, reissue 2014

《你有多聪明?全球智商测试》 作者:Victor Serebriakoff(门萨荣誉主席),罗宾逊出版社,2014年重印版

"Dual Language Development and Disorders: A Handbook on Bilingualism & Second Language Learning" by J Paradis, F Genesee, and M Crago, Paul H Brookes Publishing, 2011 (originally published as "Intergroup Conflict and Group Relations")

《双语发展与障碍:关于双语主义和第二语言学习的手册》 作者:J Paradis, F Genesee, M Crago,保罗H布鲁克斯出版社,2011年(原版名为《群体冲突与群体关系》)

"Groupthink: Psychological Studies of Policy Decisions and Fiascoes" by Irving L Janis, Houghton Mifflin, 2nd hardback edition, 1983

《群体迷思:政策决策与灾难的心理研究》 作者:Irving L Janis,霍顿米夫林出版社,1983年第二硬皮版

"A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance" by Leon Festinger, Stanford University Press, 1957

《认知失调理论》 作者:Leon Festinger,斯坦福大学出版社,1957年

"Cognitive, Social, and Physiological Determinants of Emotional State" by S Schachter and J.Singer, 1962

《情绪状态的认知、社会和生理决定因素》 作者:S Schachter 和 J.Singer,1962年

"The Marshmallow Test: Understanding Self-control and How To Master It" by Walter Mischel, Corgi, paperback edition, 2015

《棉花糖测试:理解自我控制并掌握它》 作者:Walter Mischel,科吉出版社,2015年平装版

"An Introduction to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: Skills and Applications" by David Westbrook, Sage, 2nd edition, 2011

《认知行为疗法入门:技能与应用》 作者:David Westbrook,Sage出版社,2011年第二版

"Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World" by Mark Williams and Danny Penman, Piatkus, 2011

《正念:在疯狂世界中寻找平静的实用指南》 作者:Mark Williams 和 Danny Penman,Piatkus出版社,2011年

"Living with Schizophrenia" (no author mentioned)


"Gestalt Therapy: 100 Key Points and Techniques" by Dave Mann, Routledge, 2010

《格式塔疗法:100个关键点与技巧》 作者:Dave Mann,劳特利奇出版社,2010年

"Person-Centred Therapy: 100 Key Points" by Paul Wilkins, Routledge, 2nd edition, 2015

《以人为中心的治疗:100个关键点》 作者:Paul Wilkins,劳特利奇出版社,2015年第二版

"Existential Therapy: 100 Key Points and Techniques" by Susan Iacovou and Karen Weixel-Dixon, Routledge, 2015

《存在主义疗法:100个关键点与技巧》 作者:Susan Iacovou 和 Karen Weixel-Dixon,劳特利奇出版社,2015年

"Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships" by Eric Berne, Penguin, reissued 2010

《人们玩的游戏:人际关系的心理学》 作者:Eric Berne,企鹅出版社,2010年重印版

"Would I Lie to You?" by Paul Seager and Sandi Mann, Albert Bridge Books, 2013

《我会对你撒谎吗?》 作者:Paul Seager 和 Sandi Mann,阿尔伯特桥图书,2013年

"Surviving the Terrible Teens: How to Have a Teenager and Stay Sane" by Sandi Mann, Paul Seager, and Jonny Wineberg, Crimson Publishing, 2008

《如何生存于可怕的青少年时期:如何拥有一个青少年并保持理智》 作者:Sandi Mann, Paul Seager, Jonny Wineberg,Crimson Publishing出版社,2008年

"Paying it Forward: How One Cup of Coffee Could Change the World" by Sandi Mann, HarperCollins, 2014 (Kindle edition, 2015)

《向前传递:一杯咖啡如何改变世界》 作者:Sandi Mann,哈珀柯林斯出版社,2014年(Kindle版,2015年)

"A Normal Psychology of Chronic Pain" by Christopher Eccleston, The Psychologist, June 2011, vol.24,http://www.thepsychologist.bps.org.uk/

《慢性疼痛的正常心理学》 作者:Christopher Eccleston,《心理学家》,2011年6月,第24卷

"Lead from the Heart: Transformational Leadership for the 21st Century" by Mark C. Crowley, Balboa Press, 2011

《从心领导:21世纪的变革性领导》 作者:Mark C. Crowley,巴尔博亚出版社,2011年

"Manage Your Anger: Teach Yourself" by Sandi Mann, Hodder & Stoughton, 2012

《管理你的愤怒:自我教学》 作者:Sandi Mann,霍德和斯托顿出版社,2012年

"How to Develop a Brilliant Memory Week by Week: 50 Proven Ways to Enhance Your Memory" by Dominic O'Brien, Watkins Publishing, 2014

《如何每周开发出卓越的记忆力:50种提升记忆力的验证方法》 作者:Dominic O'Brien,沃特金斯出版社,2014年

"Seven Ways to Improve Your IQ" (no author mentioned, from Men's Health, November 2015)


