
本文节选自《经济学人》2019.02.09期,Books & arts 版块中的一篇关于沙丘美术馆的报道。




Buried beneath a sand dune, in the beach town of Beidaihe, nestles one of China’s newest art galleriesAn offshoot of the Ullens Centre for Contemporary Art in Beijing, 300km away, the UCCA Dune is unlike any other cutting-edge art museum in China. Most are high-profilearchitectural statements, erected in the middle of bustling cities. The Dune is subtle and secluded, its galleries unfolding against the backdrop of the sands.

a sand dune一个沙丘

nestle坐落,位处。The little town nestles at the foot of the hill 这个小镇依偎在小山脚下。也可以如文中,a place nestles something:On the outskirts of a town in England nestles a nice cottage 在英国的一座小镇的郊外有一个别致的小木屋。【写作推荐】替换located in:a nice cottage is located in the outskirts of a town in England

art galleries美术馆 art museum也表示美术馆。前者展示内容更多的是画,后者展示的物品通常更多,不仅包含画。

An offshoot ofoffshoot 分支,是……的一个分支【写作推荐】词组

the Ullens Centre for Contemporary Art尤伦斯当代艺术中心

300km away从300公里开外看去



erected in建立,建造。The church was erected in 1982 此教堂建于1982年【写作推荐】词汇 互换build

bustling熙熙攘攘的,繁华的【写作推荐】词汇 bustling cities

subtle and secludedsubtle 是不明显的,不易察觉的;secluded 隐蔽的。因其建筑位于沙丘之下,主题也是与自然紧密联系,所以翻译意译为欲自然融为一体

against the backdrop of在……的背景下【写作推荐】词组 against the backdrop of growing economic globalization, trade liberalization has attracted increasing attention.在经济全球化不断发展的背景下,贸易自由化问题日益受到人们的关注。



Interdependence with the landscape and the local community is at the heart of the Dune’s purpose. It aims to be sustainable ecologically as well as financially, and to help protect the environment rather than destroying it. “Our work was not just to design a physical structure,” says Li Hu of OPEN Architecture, one of the overseers of the project, but to “dream up an entirely new type of institution.”

Interdependence with……与……相互依赖,其形容词是A is interdependent with B【写作推荐】词组

at the heart of是……的关键、核心 at the heart of one’s purpose 是某人的主要目的【写作推荐】词组

aims to旨在,目标是【写作推荐】词组


dream sth up构想出。或dream up sth




Mr Li wanted to create a gallery that was not “juxtaposed” to its environment but“merged into it”. Instead of placing the museum on top of the dunes as was originally planned, he decided to bury the building beneath them to preserve the coastal ecology. The structure is heated by geothermal energy; its walls and windows and the wooden tables in its café were handmade fromlocal materials, a tribute to the craftsmanship of the Hebei region. Because the museum is lit naturally by skylights, visitors’ experiences of the artwork will vary with the seasons and time of day.


preserve sth保护(某物的特色或质量完好);另在2.10《熊猫吃竹子是谁造成的?》文章中有这样的用法:be preserved in the tissues of animals 这里是保留的意思


were handmade from手工制作的

a tribute to向……致敬。It was a tribute to sth;He presented a doll as a tribute to sth【写作推荐】词组




The Dune’s interiors are meant to cultivate an intimacy between viewer, work and space. “Going to a museum in China often feels like going to a shopping centre,” says Mr Li—an experience of rushed consumerism, typically characterised by large crowds and smartphone selfies. By contrast, the Dune’s subterranean galleries invoke the caves in which the most primitive human art was first daubed. The design was inspired by Louis Kahn, a 20th-century American architect who envisaged museums as a “society of rooms”, which foster interactionand encourage people to slowdown. Given the isolated location, visitors will have to make a deliberate “pilgrimage to the art”, as Mr Li puts it, rather than just a hurried urban fly-by.


are meant tobe meant to, 是为了

cultivate an intimacy between培养、建立亲密关系【地道表达】

characterised by……的特点是

By contrast与此相反【写作推荐】词汇,互换,on the contrary



invoke使产生,唤起 the opening paragraph invokes a vision of England in the early Middle Ages 头一段的引言描绘出中世纪前期的英格兰景象

was inspired by受……的启发,灵感来自于


foster interaction促进、鼓励互动【写作推荐】固定搭配foster sth, encourage sb to do,两个词组都可以表示:鼓励人们做某事


pilgrimage to the artpilgrimage 朝圣之旅

puts it说,描述。As sb puts it,




nestle坐落,位处。The little town nestles at the foot of the hill 这个小镇依偎在小山脚下。也可以如文中,a place nestles something:On the outskirts of a town in England nestles a nice cottage 在英国的一座小镇的郊外有一个别致的小木屋。【写作推荐】替换located in:a nice cottage is located in the outskirts of a town in England

An offshoot ofoffshoot 分支,是……的一个分支【写作推荐】词组

erected in建立,建造。The church was erected in 1982 此教堂建于1982年【写作推荐】词汇 互换build

bustling熙熙攘攘的,繁华的【写作推荐】词汇 bustling cities

against the backdrop of在……的背景下【写作推荐】词组against the backdrop of growing economic globalization, trade liberalization has attracted increasing attention .在经济全球化不断发展的背景下,贸易自由化问题日益受到人们的关注。

Interdependence with……与……相互依赖,其形容词是A is interdependent with B【写作推荐】词组

at the heart of是……的关键、核心 at the heart of one’s purpose 是某人的主要目的【写作推荐】词组

aims to旨在,目标是【写作推荐】词组

a tribute to向……致敬。It was a tribute to sth;He presented a doll as a tribute to sth【写作推荐】词组

cultivate an intimacy between培养、建立亲密关系【地道表达】

By contrast与此相反【写作推荐】词汇,互换,on the contrary

foster interaction促进、鼓励互动【写作推荐】固定搭配foster sth, encourage sb to do,两个词组都可以表示:鼓励人们做某事
