Python学习笔记(二)- 你如何运行程序(How You Run Programs)

1.你如何启动交互式解释器会话(interactive intepreter session)?
答:你可以启动一个交互式会话在Windows7,更早些的时候,通过点击你的开始按钮,选择“所有程序”选项,点击Python一栏,然后选择“Python(命令行)”菜单选项。当然,你也可以通过在你的系统控制窗口(在Windows中是命令提示符窗口)中键入Python(作为一条系统指令行),在Windows和其他平台上取得相同效果。另一种选择是启动IDLE,因为它的主要Python Shell窗口是一个交互式会话。如果你还没有设置你的系统变量(system's PATH)来寻找Python(这取决于你的平台和Python),你可能需要用cd指令到你Python安装的地方,或者键入完整的目录路径取代仅有的Python指令(e.g.在WIndows使用C:\Python33\python,除非你正在使用3.3启动器)。

答:你可以在你的平台提供的任何系统控制台中键入系统命令行:在Windows是命令行提示符窗口;在Unix,Linux和Mac OS X上是终端仿真程序(xterm)或者终端窗口(termainal window);等等。您可以在系统的提示符下输入,而不是在Python交互式解释器的“>>>”提示符下输入——小心不要搞混这些提示符。





(3)import 和 reloads


(5)IDE的GUI选项如IDLE的RUN→RUN Module菜单选项。

        在Unix中,他们可以用“#!”技巧运行为可执行文件,而且有些平台支持更多专业的启动技巧(e.g.,拖拽和释放)。另外,有些文本编辑器有独一无二的方法来运行Python代码,有些Python程序是作为独立的“冻结二进制”可执行文件(“frozen binary”executables)提供的,而且,一些系统在内嵌模式下使用Python代码,Python代码可以在像C,C++,或者Java语言编写的封闭系统中自动地运行。后一种技术通常用于提供用户自定义层。






答:在要运行的文件的文本编辑窗口中,选择窗口的Run→Run Modules菜单选项。它将窗口里的源代码作为顶层运行

运行文件脚本,并将其输出显示在交互式python shell窗口。






标注:转载《Learning Python 5th Edition》[奥莱理]

1. How can you start an interactive interpreter session?
2. Where do you type a system command line to launch a script file?
3. Name four or more ways to run the code saved in a script file.
4. Name two pitfalls related to clicking file icons on Windows.
5. Why might you need to reload a module?
6. How do you run a script from within IDLE?
7. Name two pitfalls related to using IDLE.
8. What is a namespace, and how does it relate to module files?

1. You can start an interactive session on Windows 7 and earlier by clicking your Start button, picking the All Programs option, clicking the Python entry, and selecting the “Python (command line)” menu option. You can also achieve the same effect
on Windows and other platforms by typing python as a system command line in your system’s console window (a Command Prompt window on Windows). Another alternative is to launch IDLE, as its main Python shell window is an interactive session. Depending on your platform and Python, if you have not set your system’s PATH variable to find Python, you may need to cd to where Python is installed, or type its full directory path instead of just python (e.g., C:\Python33\python on Windows, unless you’re using the 3.3 launcher).

2. You type system command lines in whatever your platform provides as a system console: a Command Prompt window on Windows; an xterm or terminal window on Unix, Linux, and Mac OS X; and so on. You type this at the system’s prompt, not at the Python interactive interpreter’s “>>>” prompt—be careful not to confuse these prompts.

3. Code in a script (really, module) file can be run with system command lines, file icon clicks, imports and reloads, the exec built-in function, and IDE GUI selections such as IDLE’s Run→Run Module menu option. On Unix, they can also be run as
executables with the #! trick, and some platforms support more specialized launching techniques (e.g., drag and drop). In addition, some text editors have unique ways to run Python code, some Python programs are provided as standalone “frozen binary” executables, and some systems use Python code in embedded mode, where it is run automatically by an enclosing program written in a language like C, C++, or Java. The latter technique is usually done to provide a user customization layer.

4. Scripts that print and then exit cause the output file to disappear immediately, before you can view the output (which is why the input trick comes in handy); error messages generated by your script also appear in an output window that
closes before you can examine its contents (which is one reason that system command lines and IDEs such as IDLE are better for most development).

5. Python imports (loads) a module only once per process, by default, so if you’ve changed its source code and want to run the new version without stopping and restarting Python, you’ll have to reload it. You must import a module at least once before you can reload it. Running files of code from a system shell command line, via an icon click, or via an IDE such as IDLE generally makes this a nonissue, as those launch schemes usually run the current version of the source code file each time.

6. Within the text edit window of the file you wish to run, select the window’s Run→Run Module menu option. This runs the window’s source code as a top-level script file and displays its output back in the interactive Python shell window.

7. IDLE can still be hung by some types of programs—especially GUI programs that perform multithreading (an advanced technique beyond this book’s scope). Also, IDLE has some usability features that can burn you once you leave the IDLE GUI:
a script’s variables are automatically imported to the interactive scope in IDLE and working directories are changed when you run a file, for instance, but Python itself does not take such steps in general.

8. A namespace is just a package of variables (i.e., names). It takes the form of an object with attributes in Python. Each module file is automatically a namespace—that is, a package of variables reflecting the assignments made at the top level of
the file. Namespaces help avoid name collisions in Python programs: because each module file is a self-contained namespace, files must explicitly import other files in order to use their names.
