Which good habits should we stick to.

1.Take care of your living area regularly.

2.Drive the bus civilly and keep the record      of zero deduction.

3.Get up early everyday with  a glass of            water and don't water after 7 p. m.

4.Reading.Even if only ten minutes a                  day,can also benefit a lot over time.

5.Exercise.You can press you legs when            brushing you teeth and do the stretching      exercise at night.

6.Take a nap. even springs for ten minutes.

7.Go to bed before half past ten.

8.Soak your feet three or four times of              week during the winter.

9.Keep a good attitude. No matter what          problems  in works and life,  face it                bravely and positively ,and firmly believe      that everything will be better.

10.Be kind of  everyone around                            you,tolerant ,sunshine, self-                            confidence,neither humble and                        overbearing.

11.Record the monthly expenses of                    clothes 、 food 、housing and                      transpotation.

12.Eat fruit everyday,it's better around  two

        o'clock in the afternoon.

13.Eat less sweet and less spicy.

14.Can't  hold your face with your  hand.

15.Reading philosophy  books before going to  bed.

16.Keep you clean and tidy,especialy your nail.

17.Keep  listening  BBC and  CNN.


你可能感兴趣的:(Which good habits should we stick to.)