DAY11--learning english



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3. grant

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4. hostage

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5. estimate

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6. critical

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7. shrink

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8. substance

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9. tamper

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10. capture

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11. designate

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12. absent

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13. detect

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14. disguise

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15. dental

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17. resignation

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18. cemetery

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20. breed

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1.spelling these words.

1.[ˈsɒl.ɪ.tər.i] 孤独的                                                                                 solitary

2.[ˈmeɪn.tən.əns] 维持                                                                              maintenance

3.[ɡrænt] 授予                                                                                            grant

4.[ˈhɒs.tɪdʒ] 人质                                                                                 hostage

5.[ˈɛs.tɪ.meɪt] 估计                                                                                 estimate

6.[ˈkrɪt.ɪ.kəl] 批判性的                                                                            critical

7.[ʃrɪŋk] 缩小                                                                                         shrink

8.[ˈsʌb.stəns] 物质                                                                                 substance

9.[ˈtæm.pər] 做手脚                                                                                 tamper

10.[ˈkæp.tʃər] 捕获                                                                                 capture

11.[ˈdezɪɡneɪt] 给....命名                                                                         designate

12.[ˈæb.sənt] 缺席的                                                                                 absent

13.[dɪˈtɛkt] 察觉                                                                                         detect

14.[dɪsˈɡaɪz] 假扮                                                                                 disguise

15.[ˈdɛn.təl] 牙齿的                                                                                 dental

16.[ˈhɒs.taɪl] 敌对的                                                                                 hostile

17.[ˌrɛz.ɪɡˈneɪ.ʃən] 辞职                                                                         resignation

18.[ˈsɛ.mɪ.tər.i] 墓地                                                                                 cemetery

19.[ˈfɪk.ʃən] 谣言                                                                                         fiction

20.[briːd] 饲养                                                                                         breed

2.translate these sentense.

(En - Cn)

1. I enjoy spending time in solitary contemplation.
2. Regular maintenance is essential for keeping the machine running smoothly.
3. The scholarship will grant her the opportunity to pursue her studies abroad.
4. The terrorists held the hostages captive for several days.
5. It is difficult to estimate the cost of the project without further information.
6. The teacher encouraged critical thinking among the students.
7. The sweater shrank after being washed in hot water.
8. The substance found at the crime scene is still being analyzed.
9. The investigation revealed that someone had tampered with the evidence.
10. The police were able to capture the suspect after a long chase.
11. The committee will designate a name for the new park.
12. He was absent from work due to illness.
13. The detective was able to detect a faint trace of the suspect's presence.
14. The spy disguised himself as a waiter to gather information unnoticed.
15. Regular dental check-ups are important for maintaining oral health.
16. The two countries have been engaged in a hostile conflict for years.
17. After a long period of stress, she decided to submit her resignation.
18. The cemetery is a peaceful resting place for the deceased.
19. The novel is a work of fiction, but it explores real-life issues.
20. They breed horses for racing purposes.

1. 我喜欢独自静思。
2. 定期维护对机器的顺畅运行至关重要。
3. 这个奖学金将给予她出国深造的机会。
4. 恐怖分子将人质囚禁了几天。
5. 没有更多信息很难估计这个项目的成本。
6. 老师鼓励学生进行批判性思考。
7. 这件毛衣在热水中洗后缩水了。
8. 在犯罪现场发现的物质仍在进行分析。
9. 调查揭示出有人篡改了证据。
10. 经过长时间追逐,警方终于逮捕了嫌疑人。
11. 委员会将为新公园指定一个名称。
12. 他因病缺勤工作。
13. 侦探成功地察觉到了嫌疑人曾经出现的微弱痕迹。
14. 间谍假扮成一名服务员,悄无声息地搜集情报。
15. 定期牙科检查对保持口腔健康很重要。
16. 这两个国家多年来一直处于敌对状态。
17. 经过长时间的压力,她决定递交辞职信。
18. 墓地是逝者的安息之地。
19. 这本小说是虚构的作品,但探讨了现实生活中的问题。
20. 他们饲养马匹用于赛马。

(Cn - En)

1. 孤独的人往往喜欢独自思考。
Solitary people often enjoy contemplation alone.

2. 定期维护汽车可以延长其使用寿命。
Regular maintenance of the car can extend its lifespan.

3. 这项计划获得了政府的资金支持。
The project received financial support from the government.

4. 人质在恐怖分子手中度过了漫长的囚禁生活。
The hostages spent a long time in captivity under the terrorists.

5. 我们需要更多的数据来估计项目的成本。
We need more data to estimate the cost of the project.

6. 批判性思考是培养创新思维的必要途径。
Critical thinking is a necessary way to cultivate innovative thinking.

7. 衣服洗后缩水了,现在太小了。
The clothes shrank after washing and are now too small.

8. 这种物质的成分还需要进一步分析。
Further analysis is needed for the composition of this substance.

9. 嫌疑人曾经篡改了证据以掩盖罪行。
The suspect tampered with evidence to cover up the crime.

10. 警方成功捕获了逃跑的罪犯。
The police successfully captured the escaping criminal.

11. 委员会将为新产品命名。
The committee will designate a name for the new product.

12. 他因病请假了一周。
He was absent for a week due to illness.

13. 侦探通过调查发现了嫌疑人的身份。
The detective discovered the suspect's identity through investigation.

14. 间谍假扮成游客潜入敌方领土。
The spy disguised himself as a tourist to infiltrate enemy territory.

15. 定期看牙医是保持口腔健康的关键。
Regular dental checkups are key to maintaining oral health.

16. 双方一直处于敌对状态,难以达成协议。
Both sides have been in a hostile state, making it difficult to reach an agreement.

17. 她不堪忍受工作压力,于是提出了辞职。
She couldn't bear the work pressure and decided to resign.

18. 墓地是逝者安息之所。
Cemeteries are resting places for the deceased.

19. 这个故事虽然是虚构的,但仍反映了现实社会中的问题。
Although this story is fictional, it still reflects real-life issues.

20. 这个农场饲养着各种肉类动物。
This farm breeds various types of meat animals.

3. read and copy article


Title: The Solitary Writer

In a small cabin nestled deep in the woods, a solitary writer found solace and inspiration. With minimal distractions, they dedicated themselves to their craft, spending hours typing away on an old typewriter. The maintenance of this serene environment was critical for their creative process.

One day, the writer received news that they had been granted a prestigious literary award. They felt a mix of excitement and apprehension as they prepared their acceptance speech. Little did they know that their success would come at a cost.

As the evening approached, a masked intruder broke into the cabin, holding the writer hostage. With a demand for a substantial ransom, the intruder tampered with the phone lines to prevent any contact with the outside world. The writer's heart raced as they tried to estimate the chances of escaping this dire situation.

Days turned into weeks, and the writer's captivity wore on. However, their creative mind never ceased to capture ideas and stories. Under the disguise of submitting fictional work, they secretly sent distress signals to their trusted friends and family.

Finally, their clever plan worked, and the authorities detected the hidden messages in their stories. A rescue mission was launched, and the writer was saved from their captor's clutches. Their freedom returned, but the experience left a lasting impact on their psyche.









Title: The Mysterious Cemetery

In the heart of a quaint town, there stood an ancient cemetery, designated as a historical site. Its tombstones and statues told tales of generations long gone. The townspeople took pride in its upkeep and maintenance, ensuring that the cemetery remained a place of reverence.

Rumors began to circulate about a mysterious substance that supposedly had the power to shrink objects. Some believed it was merely a work of fiction, while others were curious enough to investigate further. One brave individual decided to explore the cemetery in search of answers.

As dusk settled, this curious explorer ventured through the rows of graves, carefully examining each tombstone. Suddenly, they stumbled upon an old mausoleum hidden in the shadows. Its entrance was covered in a thick layer of dust, indicating years of neglect.

Without hesitation, the explorer pushed open the heavy doors and stepped inside. The air felt heavy with anticipation as they detected a faint glow emanating from a hidden chamber. As they cautiously approached, they noticed a dental extraction tool lying on a nearby table.

As the explorer picked up the tool, a hostile figure emerged from the darkness, revealing the true nature of the mysterious substance. It was not fiction but a powerful elixir that granted the ability to shrink anything it touched. The hostile figure, craving power and control, had used the substance for their own sinister purposes.

A tense battle ensued, with the explorer using their wit and courage to resist the hostile figure's attempts to capture them. Eventually, they managed to overpower their opponent and escape the mausoleum, leaving the shrinking substance behind.

The explorer returned to the town, sharing their harrowing tale. The cemetery took on an even greater significance as the townspeople realized the dangers that lurked within its ancient grounds. Together, they resolved to protect the cemetery from any further tampering and preserve its history for generations to come.











Title: The Breeder's Dilemma

In a small village known for its breeding expertise, a dedicated group of animal enthusiasts worked tirelessly to raise various breeds of dogs. Their meticulous care and maintenance ensured that the dogs were healthy and well-adjusted.

One day, a grant was awarded to the village, recognizing their exceptional breeding practices. The breeders rejoiced, but with this recognition came a critical decision. They had to choose between expanding their operations and risking overcrowding or maintaining their current size and compromising on the number of breeds they could work with.

After much deliberation, they decided to focus on a few specific breeds that were closest to their hearts. It was a difficult resignation for them to let go of some breeds they had grown fond of, but they knew it was necessary to ensure the well-being of the dogs under their care.

As time passed, the breeders faced an unexpected challenge. A new disease began to affect canines in the region, and they had to quickly detect and manage its spread. With their expertise, they worked tirelessly to develop treatments and prevent further infections.

The breeders also recognized the importance of responsible breeding practices and educating potential owners about the specific needs of each breed. They hosted workshops and seminars, providing valuable information to those considering adopting a dog.

Their dedication and passion for breeding dogs proved fruitful as the village became renowned for producing healthy and well-socialized canines. The breeders found solace in knowing that their hard work was making a positive impact on both the dogs and the community.









other key words:

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 In your eyes, there's a heavy blue


  One to love, and one to lose


  Sweet divine, a heavy truth


  Water or wine, don't make me choose


  I wanna feel the way that we did that summer night, night


  Drunk on a feeling, alone with the stars in the sky


  I've been running through the jungle


  I've been running with the wolves


  To get to you, to get to you

  只为追寻你 前往你身旁

  I've been down the darkest alleys


  Saw the dark side of the moon


  To get to you, to get to you

  只为追寻你 前往你身旁

  I've looked for love in every stranger


  Took too much to ease the anger


  All for you, yeah, all for you

  都是为了你 都是因为你

  I've been running through the jungle


  I've been crying with the wolves


  To get to you, to get to you, to get to you

  只为追寻你 前往你身旁 将你找寻

  To get to you


  To get to you


  Your fingertips trace my skin


  To places I have never been


  Blindly, I am following


  Break down these walls and come on in

  越过这垒垒高墙 一窥其中奥妙

  I wanna feel the way that we did that summer night, night


  Drunk on a feeling, alone with the stars in the sky


  I've been running through the jungle


  I've been running with the wolves


  To get to you, to get to you

  只为追寻你 前往你身旁

  I've been down the darkest alleys


  Saw the dark side of the moon


  To get to you, to get to you

  只为追寻你 前往你身旁

  I've looked for love in every stranger


  Took too much to ease the anger


  All for you, yeah, all for you

  都是为了你 都是因为你

  I've been running through the jungle


  I've been crying with the wolves


  To get to you, to get to you, to get to you

  只为追寻你 前往你身旁 将你找寻

  To get to you


  To get to you


  I've been running through the jungle


  I've been running with the wolves


  To get to you, to get to you

  只为追寻你 前往你身旁

  I've been down the darkest alleys


  Saw the dark side of the moon


  To get to you, to get to you

  只为追寻你 前往你身旁

  I've looked for love in every stranger


  Took too much to ease the anger


  All for you, yeah, all for you

  都是为了你 都是因为你

  I've been running through the jungle


  I've been crying with the wolves


  To get to you, to get to you, to get to you

  只为追寻你 前往你身旁 将你找寻
