AWS (Amazon Web Services) 云计算


AWS 官网
AWS Management Console


AWS CLI (Lastest 2.13.20 Command Reference)



Python API 1.28.53:


Java API 2.20.153:

AWS Github
AWS Book 《Amazon Web Services in Action, Third Edition》By Michael Wittig and Andreas Wittig (中文版叫《AWS云计算实战》)
AWS Video

AWS Glossary


AWS Training

AWS Certification 认证
AWS Certification Practice Test




Management Console (管理控制台)

CLI (Command Line Interface)

SDK (Software Development Kit)

Please note that everything in AWS is 100% API driven.


阿里云(包含阿里云计算、存储、数据处理、Java 微服务等案例)

Infrastructure as Code - Terraform待整理)


IAM (Identity and Access Management)

IAM 身份和访问管理

Identity & Federation: MFA 多重身份认证

Account 账号

Key Concepts:

IAM Users 用户

IAM Roles 角色

IAM Permission 权限

IAM Groups 组 

IAM Policies: Service Control Policies (SCP)

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STS: Security Token Service

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IAM Access Analyzer
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AWS Organizations

(Organizational Units, OU; Management Account, Member Account)

AWS Directory Service
AWS Resource Access Manager
Amazon Cognito

Detection and Incident Response

  • Security Hub
  • GuardDuty

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  • Amazon Inspector

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  • AWS Cloudtrail
  • Amazon Detective
  • AWS Config
  • AWS IoT Device Defender
  • CloudEndure Disaster Recovery

Infrastructure Protection

  • WAF:Web Application Firewall

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  • AWS Shield

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  • AWS Firewall Manager

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Data Protection

  • KMS (Key Management Service)

        Create Customer Master Key (CMK) for S3 Encryption

  • ASM( Secrets Manager)

        Parameter Store

  • ACM (AWS Certificate Manager)

        Create TLS certificate

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  • Amazon Macie
  • CloudHSM (Hardware Security Module)


  • AWS Artifact
  • AWS Audit Manager



Amazon Virtual Private Cloud is a commercial cloud computing service that provides users a virtual private cloud, by "provision[ing] a logically isolated section of Amazon Web Services Cloud". Enterprise customers are able to access the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud over an IPsec based virtual private network.

You need to provide IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR range while creating the VPC.

AWS Direct Connect and Site to Site VPN are the services which provide the connectivity between AWS and on-premises networks. AWS Direct connect provides the private connectivity via the dedicated network while Site to Site VPN provides the secure (IPSec) connectivity over the internet.

AWS Direct Connect and VPN both provides the private connectivity between AWS and your corporate network. However VPN traffic flows over the internet and hence can not be considered as consistent whereas Direct Connect connection is over the dedicated physical connection and is more consistent and stable.

AWS Lambda requires NAT to connect to the Internet. Public IP addresses cannot be assigned to an AWS Lambda function.

Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network operated by Amazon Web Services. Content delivery networks provide a globally-distributed network of proxy servers that cache content, such as web videos or other bulky media, more locally to consumers, thus improving access speed for downloading the content.

AWS Shield is a managed Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection service that safeguards applications running on AWS. AWS Shield provides always-on detection and automatic inline mitigations that minimize application downtime and latency, so there is no need to engage AWS Support to benefit from DDoS protection.

VPC (Virtual  Private Cloud)


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  • Region, Availability Zone, VPC
  • CIDR (无类别域间路由)
  • 子网 Subnet:Public/Private/Hybrid
  • 路由表 Route Table
  • IP(Internet Protocol,网络协议)v4 / v6 (Private/Public/Elastic IP)
  • (Elastic) Network Interfaces 网络接口
  • Security Group 安全组
  • Network Access Control List (NACL),Network ACLs (Access Control Lists,访问控制列表)
  • NAT Gateway, NAT Instance (Setup up NAT on EC2)
  • Ingress/Inbound;Egress/Outbound
  • Firewall
  • Resource Group 资源组


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VPC secondary CIDR blocks
1. You can add secondary VPC CIDRs to existing VPC
2. CIDR block must not overlap with existing CIDR or peered VPC CIDR
3. If Primary CIDR is from RFC1918 then you can not add secondary CIDR
from other RFC1918 IP ranges (,,
4. CIDR block must not be same or larger than the CIDR range of routes in any of the VPC Route tables. For example, if VPC primary CIDR block is and you want to associate a secondary CIDR block in the range. You already have a route with a destination of to a virtual private gateway, therefore you cannot associate a CIDR block of the same range or larger. However, you can associate a CIDR block of or smaller.
5. You can have total 5 IPv4 and 1 IPv6 CIDR block for VPC

Subnet, Route Table, IP, IGW  (Internet Gateway,网关)

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Private, Public vs Elastic IP

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Elastic Network Interfaces (ENI)

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More about Elastic Network Interfaces (ENI)
1. You can not detach primary network interface from an instance
2. You associate security groups with network interfaces and not with individual IP addresses.
3. Second ENI allows instance to be multi-homed (subnets) in same AZ
4. ENIs can not be used for NIC teaming which means they can not be used together to increase instance network bandwidth
5. The number of ENIs that you can attach to instance and number of secondary IP addresses per ENI depends on EC2 instance type
Example: c4.xlarge instance may be attached 4 ENIs with each ENI supporting 15 IPv4 private
addresses and 15 IPv6 addresses
7. Cross-account Network Interface
You can create the ENI into another account
The cross-account network permission grants an AWS-authorized provider account
permission to attach a customer network interface to an instance in the provider
1. RDS instances reside in AWS managed VPC however the Network interface is
created in customer VPC where customer can control the traffic using Security
Groups. These are also called Requester managed network interfaces.
EKS (Control Plane) master nodes are launched in AWS managed VPC and it creates ENIs into
your VPC so that it can communicate with EKS worker nodes
For AWS Workspaces/Appstream the underlying EC2 instances are launched inside AWS
managed VPC and ENIs are created into your VPC so that those instances can communicate with
applications inside your VPC

Firewalls - Security group, Network ACLs

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how to use them to allow , inbound and outbound ports
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Internetwork traffic privacy in Amazon VPC - Amazon Virtual Private Cloud

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NAT Gateway

如果Web架构是单台EC2的话还算好处理,把EC2设定好固定IP即可;但如果是比较大型或是高流量的架构通常都会用 Auto Scaling,这时候EC2的数量跟IP变成不固定,随时都可能变动,因此我们需要把所有EC2内对外的请求连线,做出一些处理,让这些请求到达第三方服务的时候,IP永远是固定的。

NAT (Network Address Translation, 网络地址转换),字面上的意思就是它可以转换IP。

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由AWS官方提供的架构图可知,DB Server是设定在Private Subnet里面,并不能直接连到外网,但透过Route table的设定可以连到Public Subnet的NAT Gateway,再通过NAT Gateway转换IP,并通过Public Subnet的Internet Gateway连到Internet。

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Private NAT Gateway...
NAT Gateway Troubleshooting / Rules / Limitations

Amazon Route 53(DNS)

DNS: Domain Name System

Route 53 Scenairos: EC2 instance; EC2 DNS name; ALB; CloudFront distribution; API Gateway; RDS DB instance; S3 bucket; VPC interface endpoint

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• VPC has a default DNS server AWSProvidedDNS
VPC DNS settings can be changed using DHCP Options set
AWSProvidedDNS can resolve the DNS from Route53 Private Hosted Zone
• For hybrid DNS resolution between VPC and on-premises network, use Route53 Resolver endpoints.
• DHCP Option set can not be edited. Create new one and associate it with VPC and you can have only one DHCP option set associated at a time.
For hostname resolution, we should enable both enableDnsSupport and enableDnsHostname
• AWS Provided DNS server runs at VPC base + 2 IP address. You can also query DNS server at this IP or virtual IP within VPC
DHCP Option Sets
• The options field of a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol message contains the configuration parameters like domain name, domain name server, and the NetBIOS node type
• AWS automatically creates and associates a DHCP option set for your VPC upon creation and sets following parameters:
domain-name-servers : This defaults to AmazonProvidedDNS
domain-name: This defaults to the internal Amazon domain name for your region (e.g .ap-south-1.compute.internal)

VPC Flow Logs

Flow Log Syntax
Srcaddr, dstaddr help identify problematic IP
Srcport, dstport help identity problematic ports
Action : success or failure of the request due to Security Group / NACL
Can be used for analytics on usage patterns, or malicious behavior
Query VPC flow logs using Athena on S3 or CloudWatch Logs Insights

VPC Flow Logs Monitoring

Analyze VPC Flows logs with CloudWatch Insights
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Flow Logs limitation
Amazon VPC Flow Logs do not record traffic
To and from VPC-native DNS services
Amazon EC2 metadata service
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) services
Windows license activation server

Network monitoring

Packet Capture (for deep packet inspection)
        Wireshark (Windows/Linux) and tcpdump (Linux) which can be run on EC2 instance
nslookup - Used to resolve the hostnames into IP addresses
        Ping records network round trips using Internet Control Message Protocol
        ICMP traffic should be allowed through Security Groups, NACL
Network Performance - Basics
Bandwidth – Maximum rate of transfer over the network
Latency – Delay between two points in a network
Delays include propagation delays for signals to travel across medium
Also includes the processing delays by network devices
Jitter –Variation in inter-packet delays.
Throughput – Rate of successful data transfer (measured in bits per sec)
Bandwidth, Latency and Packet loss directly affects the throughput
Packet Per Second (PPS) – How many packets processed per seconds
• Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) – Largest packet that can be sent over the network © Stephane Maarek, Chetan Agraw

 VPC Endpoint (Gateway, Interface) & VPC Endpoint Service

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PrivateLink (VPC Interface Endpoint

What is PrivateLink?

Target Group & Application Load Balancer & Network Load Balancer & VPC Endpoint Service & VPC Endpoint:

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直接将ALB注册为NLB目标,无需主动管理不断变化的ALB IP地址。这是通过使用引入的应用程序负载均衡器类型的目标组来实现的。由此可以将NLB的优势(包括PrivateLink和区域静态IP地址)与ALB提供的高级路由结合起来,对应用程序的流量进行负载平衡。

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AWS Transit Gateway (TGW)

Transit Gateway Route Table


Transit Gateway Peering


AWS Direct Connect (DX)

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What is Direct Connect?

A dedicated network connection from on-premises to AWS
AWS <-> DirectConnect Location <-> On-premises Data Center
Low latency and consistent bandwidth
Lower data transfer cost
• Access AWS Private Network (VPC) and AWS public services endpoints (e.g S3, DynamoDB)

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Direct Connect uses private, public, and transit virtual interfaces (VIF).

Virtual Interfaces –VIF (Logical connectivity)
In order to use the DX connection you must provision the Virtual
A VIF is a configuration consisting primarily of an 802.1Q VLAN
There are 3 types of the VIFs
Public VIF - Enables the connectivity to all AWS public IP addresses
Private VIF - Enables the connectivity to VPC via Virtual Private Gateway or
Direct Connect Gateway
• Transit VIF – Enables the connectivity to Transit Gateways via Direct Connect gateway

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Direct Connect Gateway

  • Global network device – Accessible in all regions
  • Direct Connect integrates via a private VIF or a transit VIF
  • The Private VIF or Transit VIF and Direct Connect gateway must be owned by same AWS account however VPCs (VGWs) or Transit Gateways can be from same or different AWS accounts

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Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)

Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD)

Link Aggregation Group (LAG)

Direct Connect Monitoring

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Troubleshooting layer 1 (physical) issues
Troubleshooting layer 2 (data link) issues
Troubleshooting layer 3/4 (Network/Transport) issues
Troubleshooting routing issues

VPC Peering

Connect two VPC, privately using AWS’ network
Make them behave as if they were in the same network
Peered VPCs can be in same AWS region or across AWS regions
You can do VPC peering with another AWS account
VPC CIDRs should be non-overlapping
• You must update route tables in each VPC’s subnets to ensure instances can communicate across VPC
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  • Site-to-Sute VPN
  • AWS Cilent VPN
VPN Basics
• VPN allows hosts to communicate privately over an untrusted intermediary network like internet, in encrypted form
AWS supports Layer 3 VPN (not Layer 2)
VPN has 2 forms – Site to Site VPN and Client to Site VPN
Site to Site VPN connects 2 different networks.
Client to Site VPN connects the client device like laptop to the private network
VPN types
IPSec (IP Security) VPN which is supported by AWS managed VPN
Other VPNs like GRE and DMVPN are not supported by AWS managed VPN

Load Balancing

Elastic Load Balancers (ELB)

  • 1. Application Load Balancer (ALB)

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2. Network Load Balancer

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3. Gateway Load Balancer

Auto Scaling

Auto Scaling Groups(ASGs,自动扩展组/自动伸缩组)AZ: Availability Zone 可用区


EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud )

AMI (Amazon Machine Image, Amazon系统映像):操作系统和预安装软件的组合。不包括操作系统内核。操作系统内核从Amazon Kernel Image (AKI) 加载。

HVM (Hardware Virtual Machine):最新也是最快的虚拟化类型。

Container Service


Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)


Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS)

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Kubernetes Architecture

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Pod to Pod communication

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Security Groups in EKS

  • Cluster security groups
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  • Pod security groups
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Exposing services

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EKS Summary

• EKS control plane is launched in AWS managed VPC and EKS data plane (worker nodes) is launched in customer VPC.

• EKS provisions ENIs into customer VPC to enable communication between EKS control plane and data plane

• EKS cluster API endpoint is publicly accessible by default but can be configured as a private in which case it can be accessed from customer VPC via the EKS owned ENI

• EKS uses Amazon VPC Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin for Pod networking.

• CNI allocates IPs to each Pod from available Secondary IPs

• Maximum number of Pods per node depends on number of ENIs and number of IP addresses per ENI

• For supported Nitro based instance types, Pod per node limit can be increased using Prefix delegation (/28 for IPv4 and /80 for IPv6)

• Custom Networking enables associating secondary VPC CIDR ( and when combined with SNAT enables much larger IPv4 private IPs for Pods.

• CNI allows Nodes to enable/disable SNAT to allow outbound internet access to Pods through the Internet gateway or NAT gateway respectively.

• By default, ENI security group is assigned to all the Pods which have been allocated secondary IPs for that ENI

• Pods specific security group can be assigned using Trunk & Branch ENI feature for selected Nitro system based instances.

• Pod services can be configured using ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer and Ingress resources.

• ClusterIP allows accessing services from within the cluster only.• NodePort allows accessing services externally using Node IP and static port

• LoadBalancer service can be configured to use CLB or NLB in instance mode.

• Ingress service can be configured to use ALB in instance or IP mode.

• AWS Load Balancer Controller can be used for LoadBalancer (with NLB IP mode) and Ingress service (with ALB) configurations.

• externalTrafficPolicy=Local allows NLB in instance mode to preserve client IP address by disabling kube-proxy to send traffic to other nodes.


Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR)

AWS Fargate

ECS Fargate (Serverless Docker)

EKS Fargate (Serverless Kubernetes)

AWS Lambda

       No need to provison and manage server.

       Implement a function in Python, Java, JavaScript(Node.js), Go, C# or Ruby, etc.

        在调用AWS lambda函数时,输入可提供一个事件(event)和一个上下文(context)对象。event是函数获得输入参数的一种方法,通常采用JSON格式。

        Python的print和JavaScript的console.log都默认会被重定向到CloudWatch Logs。

        Python JSON dumps & load
            json.dumps(): from JSON object to string
            json.load(): from string to JSON object 
        JavaScript(Node.js) JSON stringify & parse
            JSON.stringify(): from JSON object to string
            JSON.parse(): parse string to JSON object

用code inline,zip或者contain image部署都可以。



def handler_name(event, context): 
    return some_value


import time

def lambda_handler(event, context):   
    print("Lambda function ARN:", context.invoked_function_arn)
    print("CloudWatch log stream name:", context.log_stream_name)
    print("CloudWatch log group name:",  context.log_group_name)
    print("Lambda Request ID:", context.aws_request_id)
    print("Lambda function memory limits in MB:", context.memory_limit_in_mb)
    # We have added a 1 second delay so you can see the time remaining in get_remaining_time_in_millis.
    print("Lambda time remaining in MS:", context.get_remaining_time_in_millis())




exports.handler = async function(event, context) {
  console.log('Remaining time: ', context.getRemainingTimeInMillis())
  console.log('Function name: ', context.functionName)
  return context.logStreamName

AWS Step Functions

Elastic Beanstalk

AWS Batch

AWS LightSail

AWS Outposts

AWS App Runner

存储 Storage

S3 (Simple Storage Service)

对象存储服务 Amazon S3 

存储桶 bucket:可提供访问控制,不同存储桶可以有不同的可访问性

数据对象 data object:由内容和元数据组成。元数据:最后修改日期、内容类型、用户自定义。每个对象由键来确定。存储桶位于一个区域内。上传静态文件后得到的是一个URL (



EBS (Elastic Block Store)

Amazon Glacier


NAS (Network Attached Storage,网络附加存储)

NFS (Network File System, 解决多个EC2实例之间共享块存储的问题)

Amazon EBS

Amazon EFS

Elastic File System, 基于NFSv4协议


AWS Transfer Family



PostgreSQL/MySQL/Oracle/Microsoft Server SQL/MariaDB

Amazon Aurora

Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL

Amazon Aurora MySQL DB

Amazon Aurora Serverless

DynamoDB (Key-value DB)

Amazon DocumentDB (MongoDB)

Amazon OpenSearch Service

Amazon Redshift

AWS Neptune

缓存 Caching

CloudFront (CDN)

ElasticCache and MemoryDB

Analytics Services / Data Engineering

Amazon Kinesis

  • Data Streams
  • Data Firehose
  • Data Analytics

Amazon Athena

EMR (Elastic MapReduce)

AWS Glue

Data Pipeline

Amazon MSK

Amazon MQ

Managed ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ

Amazon Timestream

Amazon QuickSight



Amazon Bedrock

Amazon Rekognition

Amazon Translate

Detect and translate text

Amazon Transcribe 

Amazon Polly

Perform speech-to-text and vice versa

Amazon Comprehend

Extract information from text

Amazon Lex

build voice and text chatbox

Amazon Forecast

AWS DeepRacer

TensorFlow on AWS

PyTorch on AWS

Monitoring and Automation Services

Foundations of Monitoring

What's Monitoring & 360 Degree View:

1. Monitoring End-to-End

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2. External Monitoring (End User Experience)

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External monitoring is anything that happens out HERE, from the USER perspective. Not from AWS centric perspective, like EC2, ALB, CloudFront, etc.

Passive Response

  • Alert with Emails, eg: SNS to Email (Individuals and group/distribution list)
  • Create help desk tickets, eg: SNS to HTTPS
  • Highlight a metric on a dashboard,eg: CloudWatch Dashboard (Turn yellow or red)

Active Response

  • Reboot the instance, or stop/start, eg: EC2 Rescue
  • Scale horizontally, eg: Auto Scaling
  • Custom actions requiring code, eg: Lambda Function

Concept Overview

  • Metric & Log collection, aggregation, persistence
  • Dashboards
  • Alarms
  • Actions
  • Rules and filters
  • Cross-service permissions

Differenct type of Monitoring

  • Performance Monitoring
  • Availability Monitoring
  • Log Monitoring
  • Compliance Monitoring

AWS Services

  • CloudWatch (Performance metrics, Dashboards, Alarms)
  • AWS Trusted Advisor (Canned reports, Recommendations, Limits)
  • CloudTrail
  • Amazon Macie
  • Amazon GuardDuty
  • AWS Config
  • Amazon Systems Manager

Monitoring Permissions

  • Identity-based permissions

        IAM Role allowing CloudTrail to write to CloudWatch

        Logs (when services access other service APIs)

  • Resource-based permissions

        Bucket Policy to allow ELB to write access logs to S3


  • Access Control Lists

        Primarily used for S3 bucket access

        Primitive - Pre-dates IAM

Permission Combination with Multiple Policy

Amazon CloudWatch 监控

CloudWatch Agent






Performance Monitoring

Logging Monitoring

  • Access logs
  • Execution logs
  • Event
  • Flow logs

        VPC Flow Logs

Record is great for monitoring, troubleshooting and root cause analysis. 

重要字段有:srcaddr, dstport, bytes, action等。

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        VPC Traffic Mirroring

Amazon CloudTrail 日志

Amazon EventBridge

AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry

Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus (AMP)

Amazon Managed Grafana (AMG)

ELK with Amazon OpenSearch


       Create stack from 蓝图 (blueprint),配置管理服务 AWS CloudFormation 使用的蓝图被称为模版 (template)。

AWS Config

Management Tools

Organization and SSO

AWS Systems Manager (SSM)

Parameter Store

Run Command

Session Manager

Change Manager


Billing and Cost Management

Cost Explorer

Cost Allocation Tags

Billing Alarms

AWS Budgets


AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) 

Schema Tool Service


AWS Marketplace

Amazon SNS

Amazon Simple Notification Service

Amazon SQS

Amazon Simple Queue Service 

Amazon MQ

Amazon SES

Simple Email Service

AWS Cloud Map


distribute tracing

AWS OpsWorks

Automate operations with Chef and Puppet

Amazon DevOps Guru

AWS DataSync

AWS App Mesh

Amazon FSx

  • for NetApp ONTAP
  • for Windows File Server


Fault Injection Simulator


JSON基础架构标记语言(JSON Infrastructure Markup Language,JIML)。

JMESPath (JSON Matching Expression paths)

ICMP ( Internet Control Message Protocol, 因特网控制报文协议)

RTO (Recovery Time Objective 恢复时间目标)

RPO (Recovery Point Objective 恢复点目标)

TTL (Time to Live 生存时间)

DSL (Domain-Specific Language)




CodeCommit / Github / Bitbucket

CodeBuild / Jenkins


CodeDeploy / Jenkins

Elastic Beanstalk
AWS (Amazon Web Services) 云计算_第81张图片

AWS (Amazon Web Services) 云计算_第82张图片


AWS Credentials 一个小时自动过期!

Cost Saving

Using S3 Lifecycle Policies to Reduce Storage Costs

  • Create an S3 Lifecycle rule to transition objects to the S3 IA storage class after a time period of 30 days
  • Apply the lifecycle policy to your S3 bucket
$ ls
book_cover.png  lifecycle-rule.json

$ RANDOM_STRING=$(aws secretsmanager get-random-password \
> --exclude-punctuation --exclude-uppercase \
> --password-length 6 --require-each-included-type \
> --output text \
> --query RandomPassword)
$ aws s3api create-bucket --bucket awscookbook301-$RANDOM_STRING
    "Location": "/awscookbook301-4e5oom"
$ cat lifecycle-rule.json
    "Rules": [
            "ID": "Move all objects to Standard Infrequently Access",
            "Prefix": "",
            "Status": "Enabled",
            "Transitions": [
                    "Days": 30,                   
                    "StorageClass": "STANDARD_IA"
$ aws s3api put-bucket-lifecycle-configuration \
> --bucket awscookbook301-$RANDOM_STRING \
> --lifecycle-configuration file://lifecycle-rule.json
$ aws s3api get-bucket-lifecycle-configuration \
> --bucket awscookbook301-$RANDOM_STRING
    "Rules": [
            "ID": "Move all objects to Standard Infrequently Access",
            "Prefix": "",
            "Status": "Enabled",
            "Transitions": [
                    "Days": 30,
                    "StorageClass": "STANDARD_IA"
$ aws s3 cp book_cover.png s3://awscookbook301-$RANDOM_STRING
upload: ./book_cover.png to s3://awscookbook301-4e5oom/book_cover.png
$ aws s3api list-objects-v2 --bucket awscookbook301-$RANDOM_STRING
    "Contents": [
            "Key": "book_cover.png",
            "LastModified": "2023-11-18T07:37:43+00:00",
            "ETag": "\"d38461283ddc63b80044e2af6a7afd0d\"",
            "Size": 255549,
            "StorageClass": "STANDARD"
    "RequestCharged": null

AWS (Amazon Web Services) 云计算_第83张图片
