Cold,Symptoms,further,Experience,shortness of breath,fever ,Muscle ache,severe,headache,sore,dign...

hello,I have some cold symptoms and I'm not sure if I should come to the hospital for further check—ups 你好,我有一些感冒症状 我不确定我是否该去医院做进一步检查。 重点单词 symptoms,症状.further进一步。

are you experiencing shortness of breath? 你有呼吸急促的经历吗? shortness of breath 呼吸急促。

not only

are you have any fever? 你发烧嘛

a little bit.一点点。  any muscle ache?有肌肉痛嘛? I have severe headache.我有很严重的头疼。  I also  feel sore on my body. 我也感觉身体酸痛。 sore 酸痛 

Have you been in contact with anyone who has been dignosed with Covid-19?

  NO重点单词: Contact.,连接,联系。 Dignosed 诊断。 hydrate 补充水分,temperature.温度。

你可能感兴趣的:(Cold,Symptoms,further,Experience,shortness of breath,fever ,Muscle ache,severe,headache,sore,dign...)