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◉ 背景


A fire early on Saturday morning at a hot springs hotel in the far northeastern Chinese city of Harbin killed 18 people, with 19 injured, authorities in the city said.

纽约时报(The New York Times):

A predawn hotel fire killed at least 19 people on Saturday in a northeastern Chinese city just a day before an international marathon that attracts tens of thousands of visitors.

美联社(The Associated Press):

At least 18 people were killed in a fire at a resort hotel in China's northeastern city of Harbin early Saturday, state media and an official said.

○ predawn: 黎明前(的)

dawn: (n.)黎明,破晓”,还可以表示“开始,开端”,例如the dawn of civilization 文明的开端

○ springs hotel 温泉酒店

resort hotel 度假酒店

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◉ 细节


Chinese state broadcaster CCTV said the fire in the four-storey building began at 4:36 a.m. (2036 GMT Friday), burning an area of about 400 square meters before being extinguished after about three hours.

纽约时报(The New York Times):

The blaze at the Beilong Hot Spring Hotel in Harbin, the capital of Heilongjiang Province, burned for more than three hours before it was extinguished at 7:50 a.m., the city government announced on Weibo, a Twitter-like platform. In addition to the 19 victims, another 18 people were injured and sent to hospital for treatment, it said.

美联社(The Associated Press):

The fire at the four-story, brick-and-concrete building started at 4:36 a.m. and was extinguished at 7:50 a.m. by a force of 105 firefighters with 30 fire trucks, state television reported. A video on its social media account showed firefighters spraying water on the smoke-blackened hotel while fire trucks and ambulances stood in the tree-lined street. It said 19 people were injured and a total of 70 evacuated.

○ -storey/-story: 表示“有...层楼的”,例如 a three-storey house 一栋三层高的房子


四层砖混结构建筑 a four-story, brick-and-concrete building

blaze 通常用于新闻报道表示“火灾,烈火,大火

灭火、控制火势:fight/tackle/control a blaze

化工厂的一场大火:a huge chemical factory blaze

○ extinguish = put out 扑灭,熄灭 〔火或光〕,英文解释为“to make a fire or light stop burning or shining”。

extinguish也可以表示“使〔想法或感情〕破灭;使消亡” ,举个 Nothing could extinguish his love for her. 什么都无法熄灭他对她的爱情之火。

注意不要和 distinguish (区分,区别) 混淆了。

○ spray: (v.) to force liquid out of a container so that it comes out in a stream of very small drops and covers an area 喷,喷洒举个 Someone had sprayed blue paint over his car. 有人在他的汽车上喷了蓝色油漆。

○ evacuate: (v.) to send people away from a dangerous place to a safe place 撤离,撤出举个 Several families were evacuated from their homes. 好几户人家从家里撤出。

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◉ 事故原因正在调查中


The cause of the blaze was under investigation, the Harbin propaganda department said on its Twitter-like Weibo account.

纽约时报(The New York Times):

The cause of the fire was under investigation.

美联社(The Associated Press):

The cause was under investigation, the Xinhua News Agency said.

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Beijing's municipal government launched a 40-day “special operation” targeting fire code and building safety violations after an apartment fire in the Chinese capital in November killed 19 people.

○ code: 这里表示法典,法规;行为准则,道德规范,英文解释为“a set of rules, laws, or principles that tell people how to behave”,这里的fire code可以解释为消防规范,消防法规

highway code: (英国)交通规则

美联社(The Associated Press):

The disaster added to a string of deadly blazes that have plagued China despite official efforts to improve public safety over the past two decades. In November, a fire blamed on faulty wiring at a Beijing apartment building killed 19 people.

○ plague: 这个词在报道中也经常出现,可作动词也可作名词,动词表示“不断困扰,折磨,使苦恼”,英文解释为“to cause pain, suffering, or trouble to someone, especially for a long period of time”,举个 She was plagued by weakness, fatigue, and dizziness. 她受虚弱、疲劳和眩晕所折磨。

plague作名词可表示“瘟疫,疫病举个 a fresh outbreak of plague 瘟疫的新一轮爆发

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