
Use one word to describe the kind of person you'll fall in love.


maybe if you'd asked for directions when we got off the highway.


we're going in circles 我们毫无进展

busted /ˈbʌstɪd/ 


v.打破; 摔碎; 突击搜查(或搜捕); (使) 降级,降低军阶;

They were busted for possession of cannabis.


possession /pəˈzeʃn/

n.具有; 拥有; 个人财产; 私人物品; 控球状态;

Those documents are now in the possession of the Guardian


solicit /səˈlɪsɪt/

v 索求,请求…给予(援助、钱或信息); 征求; 筹集; 招徕(嫖客); 拉(客);

you're busted for soliciting 你因为援交被捕了

How dare you 你胆子真大

I don't need to know your specialty   我不需要知道你的专长

illicit /ɪˈlɪsɪt/

adj.非法的; 违法的; 违背社会常规的; 不正当的;

Dante clearly condemns illicit love.


we are having an illicit affair 我们这是婚外情

I got to give you points for creativity.       give you points 加分,点赞


can you walk my dog for me 你能帮我遛狗吗

the people at your firm know that we were attacked. I mean, they wouldn't blink if you opted out. 


opted out  决定退出,不再参与

blink 是眨眼的意思,在这样是指你公司人知道你不去都不会眨眼,就是说他们根本不会在意你去不去的。they wouldn't blink  用作不在意,不理睬某事

break the news 公布,告诉消息(通常是消息)

He can't handle the work any more so I'm going to have to break the news to him that it's time for him to retire.


shoot them a text = text someone 给某人发信息

throw anymore gas on that fire 火上浇油

turn on the gas 开始吹牛

talked up 夸大赞扬         

pissed off 生气; 滚开;你们很让我烦;

I really pissed off at Harry. 


Mary: She is just pissed off by the donor. 


You shouldn't get so pissed off about trivial shit. 


I just make a few final tweaks /twiːks/ 我在做最后的细微改动(这里指写文章)

Let there be light 要有光

kick sb/sth to the curb 抛弃某人/某事(“不再理睬某人”,因为在美国人们常常把垃圾放在路边等垃圾车来收,所以这个短语是说把某个人像垃圾一样丢了。)

I can't believe the boy would kick me to the curb after we getting laid.

I think it's time to kick my old books to the curb 

You should be ashamed of yourself


eavesdropping /[ˈiːvzdrɒpɪŋ/ 偷听                busboy 餐厅勤杂工

Don't you know I could have you arrested for eavesdropping?


regardless 不管怎么样                    drop the subject 换个话题

I don't owe you any explanations               don't be daft 别傻了=don't be silly 


break a sweat over sth  对某事得心应手   break a sweat 做某事汗流浃背

give sb regards  给某人问好   will you give him my regards 能不能替我问候他

the irony /ˈaɪrəni/ is just delicious 这讽刺真是太美味了

dig all you like  随便你怎么挖/八卦,随便你怎么说

sb has fallen in with the wrong crowd 误入歧途

fall in with 偶然遇到    the wrong crowd 错误的人群(交友不慎)

home care 入户照料

sb is trustworthy 某人很值得信赖

she is just not used to you being so wonderful 她只是不习惯你突然这么好

be used to 习惯于

give us a second, we're not through with the mopping /ˈmɒpɪŋ/(拖地)

be through with 完成,结束

that would take a while 那要一整子了

mustard /ˈmʌstəd/  美式芥末   wasabi   日式芥末

each just worst than the last 越来越糟糕了

the only one and my hit 我唯一受欢迎的作品 

hit /hɪt/ n.打; 击中; 命中; 很受欢迎的人(或事物);)

praying for some sort of inspiration  祈祷有灵感来

(pray /preɪ/ v.祈祷; 祷告; 企盼; 祈望)

It was a fluke 那只是昙花一现

fluke /fluːk/

n.侥幸; 偶然; 意外;

The discovery was something of a fluke


brilliant director, stellar cast  出色的导演,一流的演员 

(stellar /ˈstelə(r)/ 星的; 恒星的; 优秀的; 精彩的; 杰出的;)

turning my crap dialogue into gold 把我的废话变成金子

sb/sth in decent shape 状态良好

Nasty as ever, mean as the day is long  依旧讨厌,还是那么刻薄

as ever  一直,依旧    as the day is long 一贯地

we work our fingers to the bone for that woman


spite /spaɪt/

n.恶意; 怨恨;

v.故意使烦恼; 存心使苦恼;

He did it to spite me. 


He wrote that review out of pure spite. 


He took my best toy just out of spite! 


He wrote that article from pure spite. 


He was there on the stroke in spite of the rain. 


In spite of all your talk, you never seem to come to the point. 


anyway   而且;加之;反正;尽管;即使这样;(转换话题、结束谈话或回到原话题时说)无论如何

proactive 积极主动一点

I hear you 我知道你的意见了

There's more to Eva than meets the eye   Eva并不像表面上看上去那样

meet the eye 呈现在眼前

Not even close 才不是呢

 covet /ˈkʌvət/ 渴望;贪求(尤指别人的东西);觊觎

When I was 12, I used to covet things like this


Never covet wealth and power.  切勿贪图财富和权力。

used to do 过去常常做某事

satin sheets  绸缎的床单

iron /ˈaɪən/ v.(用熨斗)熨,烫平

I managed to get all the ironing done this morning.


adj. 坚强的;强硬坚定的

a man of icy nerve and iron will...


She was known as the ‘Iron Lady’. 大家都称她为“铁娘子”。


a steam iron  蒸汽熨斗

It's unconventional, and you probably don't approve. But....It's working

- Well, as long as you're happy. That's what matters

I knew she hadn't thought it through. 我就知道她还没有想过这个

Hadn't even crossed her mind 根本没有想过

man never change, they just get better at keeping secrets. 


I should go and open some windows in the bedroom. To air it out.


trapped /træpt/



I trapped upstairs  我被困在楼上了

The trapped animal is vulnerable and could get injured inside the trap.


He trapped them into telling him all their secrets. 


This wasn't the first time we had been trapped into a situation like this.


Now is not the time 现在不是说这个的时候

what a nasty tone 你的语气好恶劣啊

please come over here and create a distraction so I can get out  


distraction  n.注意力分散

.....for all (one) cares

One does not care (if something were to happen). The phrase always precedes or follows some hypothetical situation.

一个人不在乎(如果有事情发生)。 该短语始终在某些假设情况之前或之后。

knock them dead 让他们印象深刻

Good luck on the audition! Knock 'em dead, kid!


where does that leave someone  对某人来说意味着什么;某人处于什么境地

put someone through:使某人经历……(通常是不好的事)

go through:经历(艰难时期)

It's fine. It's not a big deal. Like, college kids take them all the time to cram for midterms and shit.

cram /kræm/ for:临时抱佛脚

Do not cram for that exam at the last 3 days.

- Well, I'll see you at home, Karl. I have to finish my jog.

- Do you, darling? 'Cause I'm pretty sure the jog is up.

the jig /dʒɪɡ/ is up:快步舞结束了,意思是:糟了,完了,事情败露,诡计被拆穿了

注:Karl故意用jog替换掉习语the jig is up的jig,所以表面上是说“你已经跑完步了”,实际上是暗示她一直掩藏的约会对象已经被他知道了。

Your career is finally taking off. You should be enjoying this time, not mooning over some other woman's husband.

take off:成功         moon over ……:为……出神,(出于仰慕或迷恋)总是想着……

He spends all his time mooning over a girl at school.

sober /ˈsəʊbə(r)/ up:醒酒

We have stumbled into the perfect arrangement. You will have your lovers and I will have mine, and then we will come home to sparkling conversation.

stumble into sth/doing sth:无意中卷入……,无意中开始做某事

So, how does one stumble into your line of work?   当年你是怎么入这行的?

what are husband for 丈夫是用来做什么的,这里结合语境翻译成:这是丈夫该做的

同样,有朋友请你帮忙,你可以说 what are friends for ,表示这是做为朋友应该帮你的

there is no gas leave in the tank 我的油箱已经一滴汽油也没有了 ,这里形容Eil的没有写作灵感了,也可以表示:精疲力竭,江郎才尽

ADHD 注意力不集中症 (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder))

they give you a lift and help you focus

give you a lift 载你一程,让某人开心,振奋

 Will you please give me a lift to the office?


He said he would give you lift home. 


Have a drink. It'll give you a lift


lift这个词还有个意思就是“happier feeling”更加快乐的心情哟。

I was feeling sad until I talked to Alex. He really gave me a lift.


hand-delivering 亲手上交

somebody just rammed into my car/ crashed into my car 有人撞上我的车子了

Tonight is triumph /[ˈtraɪʌmf/ 今晚很成功

deliciously complex 五味杂陈

Thank you.    -oh, look, I'll take it    谢谢你。-我接受你的感谢*(一般比较熟的人可以这样说)

I have a hunch /hʌntʃ/ 我有一种预感

bugger off 你走开,你滚
