java web 最小框架_什么是最小的Java Web MVC框架?

I'm looking for a Java web framework that requires the most minimal amount of configuration for a very small app. Spring & Struts are definitely overkill here. This is an app that could be written without any framework at all but I would prefer to use a minimal MVC framework if I can find one.

我正在尋找一個Java Web框架,它需要為非常小的應用程序提供最少量的配置。 Spring&Struts在這里肯定是矯枉過正。這是一個可以在沒有任何框架的情況下編寫的應用程序,但我更願意使用最小的MVC框架,如果我能找到一個。

9 个解决方案


Stripes and ZTemplates are supposed to be pretty light.



Checkout spark. Its as mimimalistic as it can get.



Take a look on Apache Wicket.

看看Apache Wicket。


I'd say that spring webmvc is pretty minimalistic and IMHO it's far from overkill. You don't have to include the whole spring Framework to do your things. To start a webmvc webapp you need ~3-4 jars IIRC. Don't underestimate the advantages of DI in regard of internal structure and testability.

我會說春天webmvc非常簡約,恕我直言,它遠非矯枉過正。您不必包含整個Spring框架來執行您的操作。要啟動webmvc webapp,您需要〜3-4罐IIRC。不要低估DI在內部結構和可測試性方面的優勢。

I'd go for Spring WebMVC + JSP maybe combined with sitemesh. Later when you realize that you have more complicated stuff to do you could add Spring-Webflow and so on.

我可以選擇Spring WebMVC + JSP與sitemesh結合使用。后來當你意識到你有更復雜的東西要做,你可以添加Spring-Webflow等等。


grails requires a minimal amount of config since most of it has sane defaults.



The most minimal way to do a Java web app would be to use JSPs to display your content and Just plain Java in the back end.

執行Java Web應用程序的最簡單方法是使用JSP來顯示內容,並使用后端的簡單Java。

This would require almost no configuration.


The only requirements for that is the J2SE and Tomcat for hosting.



The lightest Java framework would be servlet + JSP. Try to use the latest released standards - Servlet 2.5 and JSP 2.1. Tomcat provides all you need:

最輕的Java框架將是servlet + JSP。嘗試使用最新發布的標准 - Servlet 2.5和JSP 2.1。 Tomcat提供您所需要的一切:

servlet container;

JSPs (optional);

Java runtime;

web server to serve HTMLs.



try this gives you full functional mvc webapplication based on your preference(struts2, spring or JSF). and it has sample login system implemented so that you will learn the core features of technologies involved

試試。這為您提供了基於您的偏好(struts2,spring或JSF)的全功能mvc web應用程序。它實施了樣本登錄系統,以便您了解所涉及技術的核心功能


check out (µ)Micro and see if it is light enough :)


HTH - florin

HTH - 弗羅林
