

1. 英英释义:to deal successfully with a difficult situation or a problem 

例句:Over the past 20 years, Alibaba has weathered storms and scandals. 

2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇) 

我们很熟悉“weather”作为名词是“天气”的意思,它其实也常用作动词,表示“渡过(难关)” “从困难中挺过来”。在一些语境中,使用 weather 比 deal with 或者 experience 更准确。 

weather 表示这个意思的时候,后面常接有负向含义的名词,例如 crisis/recession/criticism/scandal。比如夫妻刚结婚的时候难免要熬过一段适应期: 

The couple had to weather some difficult times in the early years of their marriage.


Over the past 20 years, Alibaba has weathered storms and scandals.(weather the storm 是个习惯表达,表示“渡过难关”)

《经济学人》在报道石油巨头 ExxonMobil 时就用到了 weather 的这种用法: 

It has weathered lawsuits over everything from a leaky petrol station to abetting torture in Indonesia.

这里的 lawsuit 也是有负面意义的名词,说明它虽然官司不断,但是最终都能挺过来。 

3. 从认识到会用(作业) 


这家公司从经济危机中挺了过来,最终得以蓬勃发展。 (重点:多种说法:公司,经济危机,最终,蓬勃发展)

This company/firm / business has weathered the economic crisis and eventually prospered. 

The company has weathered the financial crisis and ultimately thrived.


例1:Film archives are required to develop a plan to weather emergencies and natural disasters. 电影档案馆应该制定方案,应对紧急事态和自然灾害。 

例2:He weathered many trials and tribulations as a vertically challenged man to become a spaceman. 作为侏儒,他克服种种考验,成为宇航员。

例3:It is said that the master has failed more times than the beginner has ever tried. In other words, the master has weathered more setbacks than the novice has ever met. 大师失败的次数比新手尝试的次数还多 


释义:to manage a difficult experience without being seriously harmed

Also foll. by out

搭配:weather the crisis/recession/criticism/scandal/ difficult times successfully/ well 

weather the storm: come through a time of great difficulty

under the weather: slightly unwell

The government has weathered its worst political crisis intact. 


weather, withstand, come through
