【linux-interconnect】What NVIDIA MLNX_OFED is?

NVIDIA MLNX_OFED Documentation v23.07 - NVIDIA Docs


    • What NVIDIA MLNX_OFED is?
      • Overview
      • [Software Download](https://docs.nvidia.com/networking/display/mlnxofedv23070512#src-2396583107_NVIDIAMLNX_OFEDDocumentationv23.07-SoftwareDownload)



NVIDIA® OpenFabrics Enterprise Distribution for Linux (MLNX_OFED) is a single Virtual Protocol Interconnect (VPI) software stack that operates across all NVIDIA network adapter solutions.

NVIDIA OFED (MLNX_OFED) is an NVIDIA-tested and packaged version of OFED and supports two interconnect types using the same RDMA (remote DMA) and kernel bypass APIs called OFED verbs—InfiniBand and Ethernet. Up to 400Gb/s InfiniBand and RoCE (based on the RDMA over Converged Ethernet standard) over 10/25/40/50/100/200/400Gb/s are supported with OFED to enable OEMs and System Integrators to meet the needs of end users in the said markets.

Further information on this product can be found in the following MLNX_OFED documents:

  • Release Notes
  • User Manual

Software Download

Please visit nvidia.com/en-us/networking → Products → Software → InfiniBand Drivers → NVIDIA MLNX_OFED

Document Revision History

For the list of changes made to the User Manual, refer to User Manual Revision History.

For the list of changes made to the Release Notes, refer to Release Notes History.

NetworkingNetworkingDocumentation Center
