[转] http://geekswithblogs.net/venkatx5/archive/2010/12/14/how-to-create-multilingual-webpart-in-sharepoint-2010.aspx
What is Localization/Multilingual and Globalization? The term "Localization" defined as "Process of translating resources for a specific culture/languages", where "Globalization" defined "Process of designing applications that can adapt to different cultures/languages". When we publish a site for different regions then it'll be great if the site content is displayed in that regional language. SharePoint provides Language Packs which can be downloaded and installed from Microsoft Site. but the limitation in this is only the SharePoint site labels/text will be displayed in selected language and the user defined contents won't be translated by SharePoint.
How to enable Localization in SharePoint 2010? Assume we develop a webpart that has a registration form. A user from German wish to register and he needs the form in German/Dutch language. Even though Dutch language pack installed and enabled in SharePoint, the webpart text won't be translated/displayed in German. So how to make webpart that can adapt different languages. For those working in .Net platform knows it can be done with Resource files (.resx). Resource files are nothing but Key/Value Pair defined XML format files.
Here the steps to create a Webpart that detects the selected language in SharePoint and display contents that fetched from Resource Files.
Reference List - Locale ID (LCID) and Language
Language |
1033 |
Default |
af |
1078 |
Afrikaans |
sq |
1052 |
Albanian |
ar-sa |
1025 |
Arabic(Saudi Arabia) |
ar-iq |
2049 |
Arabic(Iraq) |
ar-eg |
3073 |
Arabic(Egypt) |
ar-ly |
4097 |
Arabic(Libya) |
ar-dz |
5121 |
Arabic(Algeria) |
ar-ma |
6145 |
Arabic(Morocco) |
ar-tn |
7169 |
Arabic(Tunisia) |
ar-om |
8193 |
Arabic(Oman) |
ar-ye |
9217 |
Arabic(Yemen) |
ar-sy |
10241 |
Arabic(Syria) |
ar-jo |
11265 |
Arabic(Jordan) |
ar-lb |
12289 |
Arabic(Lebanon) |
ar-kw |
13313 |
Arabic(Kuwait) |
ar-ae |
14337 |
Arabic(U.A.E.) |
ar-bh |
15361 |
Arabic(Bahrain) |
ar-qa |
16385 |
Arabic(Qatar) |
eu |
1069 |
Basque |
bg |
1026 |
Bulgarian |
be |
1059 |
Belarusian |
ca |
1027 |
Catalan |
zh-tw |
1028 |
Chinese(Taiwan) |
zh-cn |
2052 |
Chinese(PRC) |
zh-hk |
3076 |
Chinese(Hong Kong) |
zh-sg |
4100 |
Chinese(Singapore) |
hr |
1050 |
Croatian |
cs |
1029 |
Czech |
da |
1030 |
Danish |
n |
1043 |
Dutch(Standard) |
nl-be |
2067 |
Dutch(Belgian) |
en |
9 |
English |
en-us |
1033 |
English(United States) |
en-gb |
2057 |
English(British) |
en-au |
3081 |
English(Australian) |
en-ca |
4105 |
English(Canadian) |
en-nz |
5129 |
English(New Zealand) |
en-ie |
6153 |
English(Ireland) |
en-za |
7177 |
English(South Africa) |
en-jm |
8201 |
English(Jamaica) |
en |
9225 |
English(Caribbean) |
en-bz |
10249 |
English(Belize) |
en-tt |
11273 |
English(Trinidad) |
et |
1061 |
Estonian |
fo |
1080 |
Faeroese |
fa |
1065 |
Farsi |
fi |
1035 |
Finnish |
fr |
1036 |
French(Standard) |
fr-be |
2060 |
French(Belgian) |
fr-ca |
3084 |
French(Canadian) |
fr-ch |
4108 |
French(Swiss) |
fr-lu |
5132 |
French(Luxembourg) |
mk |
1071 |
FYRO Macedonian |
gd |
1084 |
Gaelic(Scots) |
gd-ie |
2108 |
Gaelic(Irish) |
de |
1031 |
German(Standard) |
de-ch |
2055 |
German(Swiss) |
de-at |
3079 |
German(Austrian) |
de-lu |
4103 |
German(Luxembourg) |
de-li |
5127 |
German(Liechtenstein) |
e |
1032 |
Greek |
he |
1037 |
Hebrew |
hi |
1081 |
Hindi |
hu |
1038 |
Hungarian |
is |
1039 |
Icelandic |
in |
1057 |
Indonesian |
it |
1040 |
Italian(Standard) |
it-ch |
2064 |
Italian(Swiss) |
ja |
1041 |
Japanese |
ko |
1042 |
Korean |
ko |
2066 |
Korean(Johab) |
lv |
1062 |
Latvian |
lt |
1063 |
Lithuanian |
ms |
1086 |
Malaysian |
mt |
1082 |
Maltese |
no |
1044 |
Norwegian(Bokmal) |
no |
2068 |
Norwegian(Nynorsk) |
p |
1045 |
Polish |
pt-br |
1046 |
Portuguese(Brazil) |
pt |
2070 |
Portuguese(Portugal) |
rm |
1047 |
Rhaeto-Romanic |
ro |
1048 |
Romanian |
ro-mo |
2072 |
Romanian(Moldavia) |
ru |
1049 |
Russian |
ru-mo |
2073 |
Russian(Moldavia) |
sz |
1083 |
Sami(Lappish) |
sr |
3098 |
Serbian(Cyrillic) |
sr |
2074 |
Serbian(Latin) |
sk |
1051 |
Slovak |
s |
1060 |
Slovenian |
sb |
1070 |
Sorbian |
es |
1034 |
Spanish(Spain - Traditional Sort) |
es-mx |
2058 |
Spanish(Mexican) |
es |
3082 |
Spanish(Spain - Modern Sort) |
es-gt |
4106 |
Spanish(Guatemala) |
es-cr |
5130 |
Spanish(Costa Rica) |
es-pa |
6154 |
Spanish(Panama) |
es-do |
7178 |
Spanish(Dominican Republic) |
es-ve |
8202 |
Spanish(Venezuela) |
es-co |
9226 |
Spanish(Colombia) |
es-pe |
10250 |
Spanish(Peru) |
es-ar |
11274 |
Spanish(Argentina) |
es-ec |
12298 |
Spanish(Ecuador) |
es-c |
13322 |
Spanish(Chile) |
es-uy |
14346 |
Spanish(Uruguay) |
es-py |
15370 |
Spanish(Paraguay) |
es-bo |
16394 |
Spanish(Bolivia) |
es-sv |
17418 |
Spanish(El Salvador) |
es-hn |
18442 |
Spanish(Honduras) |
es-ni |
19466 |
Spanish(Nicaragua) |
es-pr |
20490 |
Spanish(Puerto Rico) |
sx |
1072 |
Sutu |
sv |
1053 |
Swedish |
sv-fi |
2077 |
Swedish(Finland) |
th |
1054 |
Thai |
ts |
1073 |
Tsonga |
tn |
1074 |
Tswana |
tr |
1055 |
Turkish |
uk |
1058 |
Ukrainian |
ur |
1056 |
Urdu |
ve |
1075 |
Venda |
vi |
1066 |
Vietnamese |
xh |
1076 |
Xhosa |
ji |
1085 |
Yiddish |
zu |
1077 |
Zulu |