Robert Chiltern (高茵)

Robert Chiltern was a great politician  and a respected gentleman, moreover, an ideal husband of his gorgeous wife.  It seems everything is so perfect that  he owns a successful career, a happy  family and respect by others. However, when Mrs. Laura Cheveley, a lady who married in Vienna appears in front of  him, everything is suddenly disrupted.  She threatens to make known to the  public about his dirty little secret, which makes Robert be thrown into confusion and don’t know what to choose.  Consequently, the story begins and ends up with an unrespectable ending. In  the comprehension of my own, I fully  want to point out that Mr. Robert  Chiltern is a person who is loyalty to  love, hypocritical, conceit and  superficial.

He is a good husband who loves his soul mate more than anything else in the world. For example, at the party, when  the people there say that his wife give  him much help which lead to his  political career. He chooses to praise  his wife to say that without her, he is  nothing at all. Some of people may  object by the word that in that occasion, he must say something to show they  have a harmony life and the love  between them is pure and wonderful.  But I believe he says the words from his deepest heart because his eyes  straightly stare at his wife, moreover, a beautiful smile in his face. As we all  known, words may deceive lover, but  eyes won’t. Another example may also contribute to the idea; Mrs. Cheveley  uses the secret of Mr. Robert when she trying to force him to join her group to  supported the development of  Argentine canal's motion publicly. But  he is clearly known that if he does as  she says, he will lose his wife. When his wife knows the entire thing that he had done, he finally makes a correct  decision and gets her wife back. So his wife is the apple in his eyes, which  makes him to be a better man.




The most evident feature of his is  hypocritical. Oh the one hand, he loves his wife by saying sweet words, but  about his past, he tell the truth only if  his wife know by others. On the other  hand, seemingly he has the power and use it correctly, but he abuse the power and hold the secret for many years.  What’s more, ideal use here is an irony word; obviously he is not an ideal  husband and ideal political leaders.  And more important, he is a trustable  person when we don’t know what he  does, in his heart, he is easily tempted by the upper world and money to do something harmful. Wilde once said we all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at stars. Of course he has a contraction on his own self, he doesn’t show his  true feeling, but he can face the trouble and get to be a more perfect person by correct his mistakes, which give us the  information that bravely face and deal with it whatever occurs to you. What’s more, I fully respect him because he  can do that, which may others could  not do.




From his appearance and his suit, we  know that he is an English gentleman. However, actually he is a person who  loyal to himself and absolutely conceit. As we move on the stage of the short  talk between he and Mrs. Cheveley, something appears that when she said he does not have a perfect past with a  delightful smile. He draws back with  the words like that how dare you say to an English gentleman with an especially serious tone and expression. From this we could know what does he thinks of  himself, maybe is gentle, graceful and  royal. Obviously it is not true because  our point of view is different with him.  Just like many others always see  himself better than all the others, which exist all around the world.




Another important feature is that he is a superficial man. He believes what he  sees, even though it is may not the real truth. When his wife doesn’t listen to his words, he goes to Lord Goring’s house  to talk about his trouble and suddenly meet Mrs. Cheveley. And then he draws a conclusion that she is called by Lord Goring. And refuse to talk with his old  friend Mr. Lord Goring. He should not  only trust what he sees because it may deceive him. Moreover, he should  through the surface of the things to find the truth, which is more sensible. But sometimes he could make the right  decision, for example, in the congress he says a perfect speech and people  there support him and applause for his powerful speech. 









Obviously, he is the main character in  the play with his own charming personality, even if he is not a perfect person. First, he loves his wife but don’t tell her  the truth about his past. Second, wherever he goes, the people around him  would flatter him, which may not show  the true feeling of the people. Third, he has strength in politic life though he  abuses the power. However, he is a  true man live in not only the play, but in the world and in our life. What’s more,  he corrects his mistakes and knows  how to make up for himself and others. It is just like everyone in the world is not perfect in every way, which contributes to build many distinct individuals. We  are different but have something in  common. We are perfect but  sometimes we do wrong things. We  have a heightened awareness but also could not see the truth from the surface. But it is what makes us distinct and  unique. Finally, the world changes all  the time, we also need to get ready to  face what happens by chance,  whatever is beautiful or not. It is a  adventure for you to go through that.



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